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Artificial Intelligence in Video Marketing

Artificial Intelligence has played a major role in video marketing since always, and it always will. Producing numerous new algorithms to find the related videos for the customer is one of the key features of AI in video marketing. Increasing the reach of video, making more people engage to it, and many more advantages of AI makes it one of the key components in video marketing. Read more at: 



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Comparison between Facebook and YouTube

According to a comparative study, Facebook shows a lead of 110% over the last few months. Dominance of Facebook videos over social media continues to grow. 167000 profiles were examined by the social media analytics and it was found that 47% of those profiles used videos of some sort in their campaigns. The study also said that the 90% of them used Facebook’s native video tool, YouTube was preferred by 30% and 9% used other sources. Some videos on Facebook are shared 4.5 more times than YouTube. Read more at: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/magazines/panache/facebook-videos-dominate-social-media/articleshow/57686077.cms?from=mdr




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This is How You Use Video Livestreaming to Boost Your Business!

An image speaks a thousand words but a video speaks thousand sentences. May be this is the reason one should pounce on the opportunities like Periscope, Blab and Facebook Live Video that allows you to reach out to your customers using video livestreaming. You can use Facebook Livestreaming to Livestream either with the entire audience or just the selected followers. It also allows you to save the video for later use. Using the mobile app Periscope you can broadcast to your twitter account (it’s a must) followers. However, you need to ensure that you save the Periscope’s stream or the autosave broadcast setting is enabled. Whereas, Blab.im saves you from any such obligation to integrate with any social media sites. These apps can be used to launch a product, give live training, build customer support and to boost the live events in your business. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/279538


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