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Machine Learning : A New Insight

Yes, a $10 supercomputer swept Wall Street away. Braxton McKee, math and computer whiz, is tapping into the cloud to fetch all that market data inexpensively and built a software that employs Machine Learning algorithms to understand this data. Thanks to Cloud Computing and Big Data analytics getting cheaper, many startups and businesses can now employ their functionalities to provide services that are efficient, fast and scalable. The large amounts of data is mostly unstructured data, such as corporate documents, transcripts and social media and with the rise of Cloud Computing, the process is finally cost effective. Entities have begun leveraging cloud power to help hedge funds and other financial players run complex, big-data computer models. Maybe Cloud based Big Data analytics is the future. Read more at: http://www.smh.com.au/business/markets/10-hedge-fund-supercomputer-sweeps-wall-street-with-power-from-the-cloud-20150521-gh68hx.html

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