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Advanced Marketing Analytics for CEOs: Cheat sheet

As businesses are becoming tougher and becoming more competitive, usage of advanced analytics is on rise. With the help of it, companies have increased their marketing effectiveness and they are able to generate more revenue out of the cost spent.

But, one thing has to be accepted. Deploying analytics tools in an organization is not an easy task. One of the main concerns is scalability ā€“ whether analytics will be utilized on a large scale or a small scale, because, depending on that, cost will vary; and if you choose the wrong one, it will eat your revenue. Change in organizational culture is also noteworthy ā€“ those who are not yet oriented to analytics, may face difficulty in adopting the technology.  In spite of all these, analytics have proved to be tremendous successful for marketers. Given in the present dynamic situation, CEOs must learn to adopt analytics and should motivate his or her marketing organization to use. Click on http://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesinsights/2014/05/19/an-advanced-marketing-analytics-cheat-sheet-for-ceos/?ss=business  to know the tips for CEOs.

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