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Artificial Intelligence: Threat to Employment

In today's world most of the jobs which were performed by humans have been replaced by robots and computers leading to increase in unemployment. For example: robot waiters, robot doctors and self-driving cars. A company in China is installing 30,000 robots every year that has snatched the work that was earlier done by human beings. Today robots are becoming cheaper so there is possibility that they might take over the jobs of human beings even in low cost companies. The main cause of this threat is the invention of smart machines. There is inverse relation between smarter computers and employment. Every year computers are becoming smarter, doubling their processing power and memories.  Machines that have Artificial Intelligent (AI) and smart computers that can act own their own have adversely affected humans, leaving them unemployed. Also high skills are required to operate these smart computers and not all humans got the same. According to some economists, AI should be controlled otherwise the results could be disastrous. Read more at:http://www.smartdatacollective.com/bernardmarr/330436/ai-biggest-threats-your-job

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