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Artificial intelligence to automate E-mail answering system.

Artificial intelligence to automate E-mail answering system.

Artificial intelligence opened a new horizon to give reply to E-mail instantly. Reading long emails in a busy life is a tough. So an automated answering system can reply a mail by analyzing the tone of a particular mail. A particular word based sentiment analysis can be a useful tool to facilitate this process. Google has already started to offer 'robot email' AI in its Google Inbox online extension for Gmail. The new service is called the Smart Reply and it will help answer some of your emails for you. There are still some constraints. This automated system has some issues regarding long multi sentimental messages. These messages has to be replied manually. 

To read, follow: http://www.forbes.com/sites/adrianbridgwater/2016/02/18/can-artificial-intelligence-answer-our-email/#4e1fd3197bc2

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