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Big data: Big responsibility to shape the Future

The desire to be mobile and make a mark is not new to us. Today we use GPS for wherever we go and communicate on a variety of devices. Big data is the phenomenon which has helped in generating and sharing information. The difference between data in ancient times and now is that before, only humans created and collected data whereas now with the rise of sensors and other technology that creates and collects data. However, the big thing about big data is the self-organization i.e. without human intervention and awareness, data is organizing itself.  But, this leads to a big question that-Are we playing with fire? With big data revolutionizing, there comes a new responsibility, because the purpose of managing data is not to predict the future but to shape it which is a huge responsibility. However, revolution hasn't stopped. Changes took place slowly in the evolutionary manner. Using technology that provides insight into data, today's business leaders have a unique opportunity to make thoughtful decisions that will have long-lasting impacts. But along with all this, disruptive changes are happening in every industry around the world which increasingly making us concern about whether today's leaders rise to the challenge of shaping the future in a responsible way or not. Read more at:http://analytics.theiegroup.com/article/53c3f6413723a87216000156/Shaping-The-Future-With-Big-Data-Are-We-Playing-With-Fire

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