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Big Data in human relationships: A qualitative approach

With the development of data-related technology in recent years, objective data analysis has not been able to overcome the hurdle of managing human relationships. It is indispensable to focus on qualitative human characteristics to opine about an employee in addition to performance numbers. In recent times there has been a sheer rise in demand for this kind of an analysis, even from the business perspective which would assist managers to coordinate and understand employees better. The major challenge facing data is to tackle an issue that has historically been impossible to be reduced to numbers. With a large volume of data, collected across multiple dimensions, even a rudimentary algorithm can point out parameters that could predict human behaviour. At the intersection of multiple data related disciplines including data mining, statistics, machine learning etc, a sophisticated system could be produced to make sweeping predictions about a group’s future behaviour. In a nutshell, predicting human behaviour needs complete understanding of the complex personality traits and emotional states. Moreover we aren’t naturally acclimatised to study subjective factors  that is easy for predictive analytics algorithms to parse. The transition from quantitative to qualitative data analysis calls for a more intensive method of data collection. By analysing the human behaviour, analytics businesses can become better managers, negotiators etc.

Read more at: https://www.smartdatacollective.com/how-big-data-could-soon-help-manage-human-relationships/

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