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Recommenders : The Future of E-commerce

Recommender systems have become the backbone of the ecommerce sector. They have helped companies like Amazon and Netflix to increase their revenue to as much as 10% to 25%.
And hence the need of the hour is to optimize their performance.
So, what are recommenders? Recommenders are the applications which personalize your customer’s shopping experience by recommending next best options in light of their recent buying or browsing activity. Recent developments in analytics and machine learning have let to many state of the art recommender systems.
Types of Recommenders: There are broadly five types of recommender systems, which are as follow:
1. Most Popular Item
2. Association and Market Basket Models
3. Content Filtering
4. Collaborative Filtering
5. Hybrid Models

In coming years, recommender system will be used by almost every organisation, whether it's big or small, and will become an inseparable part of the ecommerce world.

To know more read the article by William Vorhies at: http://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/understanding-and-selecting-recommenders-1



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