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Voices of your Data - Listen and learn from it

We often struggle to extract real benefits from the large pool of data we have and volume of information is only going to swell in the future. What we need is to "learn to listen to the data".

1. Focus should not be on goal setting but on learning.

2. Many new voices- big data allows us to hear the voices of the silent. Like the customer voice and Workers voice. We can understand our team’s habits in real world by seeing their working behaviors. We can get the employees to tell us how to make the business model smarter and we can use this knowledge to design systems and incentives that make your business better.

3. Addition of sensor data enriches our understanding even further.

4. Wearables will open up whole new sources of data on human behavior and we will also hear from machines, buildings, even animals and oceans.

To read more - http://www.webanalyticsworld.net/2015/06/listen-to-the-voices-of-your-data-for-great-analytics.html

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Fuzzy logic, Wearable and Big Data
Training The Voice of Your Organization

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