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A market research across what UK customers opt- iOS or android?

According to research iOS users constitute the majority of the mobile commerce market across iOS, Android, Windows and Blackberry devices in UK. Apple's domination is even greater in case of tablet users, with iPad owners representing a higher proportion of the user base and also being more likely to shop. Apple's dominance is also for purchases made via apps. Windows users are also more regular shoppers than those on Android for both Surface tablet and Windows Phone users. The variety of purchase choices in the top five suggests that it is convenience rather than price that drives mobile purchases, as users are opting for high-value items such as hotels, train tickets and clothing alongside less expensive items. When it comes to location, mobile does not necessarily mean 'out and about' as 64% of mobile device owners say 'at home' is the primary place where their mobile website browsing takes place, and 80% for tablet browsing. The overriding lesson from the study is that commerce must be increasingly Omni channel in order to meet customer demand. Read more at:



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