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An insight to Social Media

Social media defines an array of internet sites that enable people from all over the world to interact. Social media affects our mental health and well-being. Facebook might cause anxiety and make life miserable. Facebook followed by My Space, Twitter, LinkedIn are leading social networking sites. Majorly below 30 aged men women use internet and 42 percent of them use multiple sites. The ability to connect to the people around the world attracts people to these sites. Social media has become a way of self-distraction and boredom relief. This leads to addiction. Scoring four of six criteria indicates addiction. People who are more anxious and socially insecure tend to use Facebook more. They tend to gain attention and boost self-esteem through Facebook. 

Again these sites can feel less confident comparing their popularity with their friends which leads to negative emotion. It also creates worry and discomfort for people hampering face to face interactions. Moreover there are cases of cyber bullying by adolescents.

In spite of these facts social media could be helpful to identify mental health issues. For example people with less pictures and friends might have the inability to enjoy from activities which normal people enjoy. Moreover a happy status may sometimes inspire others to post happy updates too. They might cause their friends’ emotional expression to change. Positive expressions spread more than negative expressions. In a magnified version this might cause an ‘epidemic of well-being’. But in conclusion whatever might be the affects, positive or negative, the usage of internet and social media is unlikely to fade any time soon. read more at : http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/275361.php

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