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Hi , I am Namanfinal year MBA student at Ambedkar University Delhi , with interest in Waste Management , Supply Chain Management  , Operations & Human Resource Management 

A Snapshot of Free Analytics Resources

Today data has become an important part of decision making of any organization regardless of its size. In small & medium enterprises it’s a big challenge to incorporate data driven growth to optimize growth & revenue, the main reason behind that is resource constraint usually in this situation an organization uses free resources to meet the objective. In this article we talk about varied free resources related to consulting, analytic s tools, data sets & training, to give you a snapshot related to every aspect discussed in the article Free Consulting – free analytical consulting to solve time & bound business problem, Free tools related to business intelligence & analysis, sources from where we can get free data sets & training.  Read full article at :- http://www.forbes.com/sites/piyankajain/2015/06/16/ultimate-guide-to-free-analytics-resource-consulting-tools-training/#4531c82343ac


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Transforming Market Strategy

The article talks about viral campaign or in marketing terms -  “Fire-Starting”, a new trend that has brought a paradigm shift from the tightly controlled brand stewardship to a entire new model that not only takes care of the dynamic environment but also follows a creative approach to capture opportunities that can stir demand. The article gives us new approach regarding  a perspective Chief Marketing officer has to adopt to start these Fire Starting campaigns across the key markets around the world. The approach discusses  four points in the form of: quicker reaction time to launch marketing campaign (Systematize Spontaneity), Second marketing is a creative industry if we are too risk averse it will be difficult to create a creative environment & campaigns , Budgeting accordingly and finally, choosing the right market at a right time for the right product . Read the article at :-  http://www.forbes.com/sites/onmarketing/2016/04/07/igniting-transformational-growth-four-lessons-in-fire-starting-for-cmos/#4690e0ba3656


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Risk Reduction In Modern Organizations

In a dynamic business environment every organization is seeking profit maximization & risk mitigation approach, the article talks about the latter, in uncertain business environment business leaders at time of complex & critical decision making take decision on the basis of intuition (gut feeling) rather than holistic analysis of situation. Even with data backed decisions there is a narrower approach attached in form of point estimates & averages. In this article a new approach Prescriptive Analysis is used where business are simulating probabilities to reduce risk that helps in robust analysis. This approach gives us broader perspectives showing us a range of possibilities & helps in better decision making.Read Full article at :- Target=_blankhttp://www.forbes.com/sites/gartnergroup/2016/03/24/use-prescriptive-analytics-to-reduce-the-risk-of-decisions/#465f9994785b


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The New face of Analytics

If in 1 line I have to summarize the importance of article it will be, the solution is not limited to just analyzing a data, but also making sure it’s understandable & is communicated wisely to the end user for decision making. In the digital world huge amount of data is recorded every second, organization massive amount of time of monetary resources to analyse the data to churn out valuable information for decision making purpose, but unless & until these analysis are communicated in a right manner that could be understandable to the, otherwise its will be a sheer waste of valuable resources of organization. In this regard the article talks about “Info graphics” & the latest innovation in this field that can amalgamate business intelligence with narrative sciences.Read Full article :- http://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2016/01/21/why-management-dashboards-and-analytics-will-never-be-the-same-again/#4cce3b7c3963


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Key Ingredients of a High Growth Organization 

Every organization, today, is looking forward to a sustainable competitive advantage. In this process talent management and creating a learning oriented culture has become very important to achieve this objective. The main reason, we are talking about intangible forces like creating learning oriented culture & talent as the primary source of competitive advantages for high performance organization is due to factors like hard to incorporate & replicate them in an organization. In nutshell, creating a learning culture, talent development & leadership skills among employees are very important.

Read more at: https://www.trainingjournal.com/articles/news/building-culture-learning-encourages-business-growth



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Role of Analytics in inclusive CRM

In this digital world at every touch point huge amount of data is being created in seconds that tells us about the needs & wants of consumer. The capability to extract valuable insights from the huge data poses a critical challenge for any modern organization. It has become an more & more important to efficiently & effectively ( both in terms time & labor) to  conduct data mining and extract valuable information out of big data to meet the strategic objective of an organization. In this paper MAS (multiple agent system) concept is being introduced to extract value data from CRM aspect. It also gives us a 3 point model to extract out potential valuable data to manage CRM optimally.Read full article at =_blankhttp://www.csroc.org.tw/journal/JOC26_4/JOC26-4-7.pdf


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Big Data Analytic & Supply Chain Management 

This paper gives us a holistic understanding of two main topics – big data analytic & supply chain management. In this highly competitive world, every organization is looking forward to a competitive advantage in the form either cost effectiveness or better utilization of resources. To achieve this goal organizations are using a data driven supply chain to integrate the entire processes. This enables organization to stream line supply chain while mitigating the risk in an uncertain business environment. Big data analytic also helps an organization to extract important trends & information that can be used to make the systems more efficient & robust.

To read the full article click:- http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2755828


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Green Logistics: - A Triple Helix Approach

Today the whole world is talking about Sustainable Development. As a supply chain industry we cannot look into silos the industry activities & the environment impact associated with it. The companies both at public & private sectors have understood the importance taking environmental initiative through supply chain initiatives in this process one theory that has provide pivotal perspective -Triple Helix Theory, an important integration of 3 main stakeholders namely government, industry & academia this approach helps us to identify the need of every stakeholder & aligning these efforts for the environmental initiatives in form of Environment Management Auditing System & Environment Management Systems in the supply chain management.To read the full article

click :- http://eprints.uwe.ac.uk/28572/7/4-AbdRazak%20et%20al%2043-52.pdf



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