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A Snapshot of Free Analytics Resources

Today data has become an important part of decision making of any organization regardless of its size. In small & medium enterprises it’s a big challenge to incorporate data driven growth to optimize growth & revenue, the main reason behind that is resource constraint usually in this situation an organization uses free resources to meet the objective. In this article we talk about varied free resources related to consulting, analytic s tools, data sets & training, to give you a snapshot related to every aspect discussed in the article Free Consulting – free analytical consulting to solve time & bound business problem, Free tools related to business intelligence & analysis, sources from where we can get free data sets & training.  Read full article at :- http://www.forbes.com/sites/piyankajain/2015/06/16/ultimate-guide-to-free-analytics-resource-consulting-tools-training/#4531c82343ac


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Organizational attitude as a predictor of Training Performance

Employee's attitude is obvious and can be judged, the moment you enter the workplace. They tend to carry this attitude with them when they attend a training course. Trainers can benefit a lot if they have an indication of those employees' attitude. According to a recent Korean study there are two kinds of employee attitudes - Organizational commitment and Organizational identification. The thorough study done by Korean helped them in Trainee Selection and Training Design. Read the complete article here: https://www.td.org/Publications/Blogs/Science-of-Learning-Blog/2016/03/How-Organizational-Attitudes-Can-Predict-Training-Performance

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Support Software Replacement : A Study

Support software is mostly used to follow support issues. However, certain firms use it externally so that their employees can submit reports and also it helps to manage extrinsic requests from users. When it is used intrinsically, support software becomes a process instead of software. Toby Osbourn in his article on innovationenterprise.com presented the benefits of using it internally and they are as follows:

  1. Queuing and Logging.
  2. The value for spotting training requirements.
  3. The value for upgrading systems and equipment.
  4. The value in reducing support time.

Read more at: https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/7932-support-software-as-an-agent-for-change



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Ways to Achieve Success

No one can guarantee success but obviously can influence success. Selling a product or a service or an idea is an art which rarely people possess. But not like people would be successful in selling every time. So rather than feeling de-motivated, they should learn from it. Practice makes people behave perfect in real-life situations. So rather than avoiding, we should get involved in uncomfortable discussions to be prepared for the future. But not everything can be done alone always. Hence, hiring and training more people makes it easier to grow a business quickly and effectively. Finally to achieve the goal, we must get started today, in fact right now to avoid the risk of tomorrow. Read more about this article at:  https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/5-important-ingredients-for-success

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Why project managers should coach

There is always an opportunity for a project manager to coach team members, as the project is a full-time work. For a project management, planning is very essential for effective coaching sessions. It is important to decide whether the session will be directive or non-directive, and also in which area the team members are to be coached. Coaching can deliver a very successful project when, newly formed team or inexperienced team were properly coached and guided by the manager. It is not a replacement of formal training; it is a re-enforcement approach which will be very affective after formal training. Please go through the link for more details: http://www.projectsmart.co.uk/why-project-managers-should-coach-2.php

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Training Big Data Talent is a Necessity, Not an Option

Delivering efficient data modelling & analytics solutions depends a lot on having manpower with relevant skills. Training an existing workforce is a necessity today in the field of big data as data scientists are an elusive catch and there certainly aren’t enough of them to go around just yet. With competitors catching up in this regard and university campuses are yet to address the huge demand of data scientists, organizations got no option other than training the manpower resources they already have! Bill Laberis, Social Media Manager, Custom Solutions Group at IDG said “Think of Big Data like a tsunami. Most of it is still out sea, a veritable wall of data born in large measure from the social media boom. As it approaches land and the shallows, suddenly it looms. Then crashes to shore. On top of your business”.

To read more on this aspect, visit the following link:


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Think improvement! Think about focusing on Lean Six Sigma!

As most manufacturing firms know, Lean Six Sigma is a proven way to improve operations. It works best when initiatives are aligned with the broader strategic goals of the company.  However, Six Sigma initiatives must be aligned directly to a company's business goals. Senior leaders face a lot of challenges as they try to connect day-to-day activities with strategy. Lean Six Sigma initiatives address these strategic gaps and issues, generating breakthrough performance. Leading companies, that have adopted the Six Sigma methodology, have seen major improvements in their processes. Initiatives are originally sought by adopting what we call a Focused Lean Six Sigma approach. This approach takes a different perspective to create long-lasting change.

For call centres too, to make your task easy, there are different performance management solutions that you can put to use to know various aspects – out of which you can make out areas of improvements. But for this, you have to know how to use your performance management solution. Read more at:  


GoSigmaWay Consulting Services [www.gosigmaway.com] offers various training programs on “Lean six sigma”, apart from their arsenal of cutting edge consultancy solutions to enable your organization achieve its performance goals.

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