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People Analytics: An Insight

As people are the most important asset for any organization, hence talent management is a crucial part for a successful organization. It is critical for an organization to control its people by talent acquisition, employee engagement, performance management and leadership and development for better performance.
The 5 Step paths to People Analytics:
v Identify the Stakeholders – Whichever be the area that might have been chosen, it is essential to identify everyone involved in that function.
v Establish Goals and Objectives – Quantifiable targets should be determined so that it can be assessed whether the target is achieved or not or for tracking the progress.
v Do a “reality check” – A realistic goal for improvement is to be determined.
v Bridge the gap – This step makes sure that everything that is needed for the process is present like people, processes and technology.
v Prove success with Data – Analytics in this step highlights the successes or the areas of improvement in the function.
Read more at: https://icrunchdatanews.com/5-step-path-people-analytics/

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Performance Management: A Need for Change

According to a research by Society of Human Resource Management, “More than 75 percent of managers, employees and heads of HR feel that PM results are ineffective and/or inaccurate.

Performance management is considered as one of the most difficult tasks by HR managers. As, there may be different ways of performance evaluation available, but still something still looks left out. This leads to a need for disruptive innovation in this process. This is mainly because of two reasons:

  • Employee expectations
  • Disruptive market forces expectations

To understand them in detail and know why there’s a need to put performance back in performance management, please read the following article by Sameer Patel, SVP for Enterprise Social and Collaborative Software in SAP's Cloud Business Unit, at enterpriseirregulars.com:


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How can the companies overcome the barriers to generate Continuous Improvement?

Continuous Improvement includes different methodologies and disciplines  including Business Process Management, Performance Management,  Compliance, Quality Management, Lean, Six Sigma and more. In spite of all the different terms,  methods and techniques  available, there are commonalities between these different approaches -all of them seek to continuously improve business processes to improve business results. But often companies are their own worst enemies when it comes to process improvement. Here are the main barriers to continuous improvement:

• Difficult to foster collaboration among multiple stakeholders

• Difficult to recognise which processes to prioritize improvement efforts on

• tooling of ill-suited Process Management

        Process Management tooling is inadequate

        Process Management tooling is too complicated

• Governing change to meet compliance obligations

• Lack of employee engagement

Read more at: 


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Unified communications: driven by customers

Customer contact centers fulfil different functions according to the organization they serve and the industry that they function in. Regardless of their objectives, the focus should be on the customer - meeting expectations, enhancing service levels and improving satisfaction. Contact centers are finding it necessary to add more communication channels to their platforms in order to get in touch as easily as possible. Customer satisfaction and performance levels remain among the most important tenets of any call center and the market is changing to address customer communication needs. Technologies like unified communications will be playing a greater role in going forward.



 To know more about this aspect, read the article by Mike England, content director of Imago Techmedia, follow http://www.callcentrehelper.com/customers-driving-unified-communications-55759.htm

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Think improvement! Think about focusing on Lean Six Sigma!

As most manufacturing firms know, Lean Six Sigma is a proven way to improve operations. It works best when initiatives are aligned with the broader strategic goals of the company.  However, Six Sigma initiatives must be aligned directly to a company's business goals. Senior leaders face a lot of challenges as they try to connect day-to-day activities with strategy. Lean Six Sigma initiatives address these strategic gaps and issues, generating breakthrough performance. Leading companies, that have adopted the Six Sigma methodology, have seen major improvements in their processes. Initiatives are originally sought by adopting what we call a Focused Lean Six Sigma approach. This approach takes a different perspective to create long-lasting change.

For call centres too, to make your task easy, there are different performance management solutions that you can put to use to know various aspects – out of which you can make out areas of improvements. But for this, you have to know how to use your performance management solution. Read more at:  


GoSigmaWay Consulting Services [www.gosigmaway.com] offers various training programs on “Lean six sigma”, apart from their arsenal of cutting edge consultancy solutions to enable your organization achieve its performance goals.

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Prescriptive Analytics in Healthcare Provider Industry

A blog by Carlos Centurion, President, River Logic Solutions, talks about the third phase of analytics i.e. prescriptive analytics. Prescriptive analytics helps not only to anticipate what will happen and when will it happen, but also why will it happen.

Healthcare providers are using various tools of prescriptive analytics to enhance their performance and efficiency.  It also helps the provider to take better decisions. To know more about Prescriptive Analytics in Healthcare Provider Industry, please follow this link:


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Recent Comments
Nitin Sinha
Excellent work bro..!!!
Monday, 10 March 2014 10:13
Nitin Sinha
Nice choice of topic and nice summary too.
Monday, 10 March 2014 12:54
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