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Location Based Marketing: A new channel of marketing

Nowadays organizations are adapting mobile as a marketing channel to meet the needs of consumer behavior. To increase customer loyalty, organizations are making mobile specific sites, device optimized applications, innovative user experiences. But, due to fragmented landscape, multiple operating systems, consumer identification, privacy and security features marketers cannot reach their target customers. These challenges will always be there for marketers but time has come to explore different avenues. So, location based marketing has become important to marketers. To know more about location based marketing, follow  Pravin Kumar Shanmugam (Digital Consultant at Mindtree)’s article link: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/articles/add-location-in-to-your-existing-marketing-strategy/1200



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Mobile Push Messages: Best-Practices

Mobile plays an important role in today’s marketing world. So, we need to answer some questions like timings to push mobile messages, how long the notifications be and what should be the messages. In a recent survey it was found that the average click rate—defined as the percentage of users who actually clicked a push notification upon receiving it from an app—was 5.5% across all messages and the click rate for individual notifications varied widely based on the content of the messages and when they were sent. Read more at: http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2014/26511/best-practices-for-sending-mobile-push-messages


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Marketing Strategy In The Digital Age

Earlier it was easy for marketers to advertise as there were few TV channels, newspapers and magazines. In this digital age, marketers need to identify and communicate benefits to consumers. Greg Satell writes in his article about some principles that will guide the marketers in today’s world. Read more at: : http://www.forbes.com/sites/gregsatell/2013/04/16/4-principles-of-marketing-strategy-in-the-digital-age/



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Tips for Effective Emotional Branding

Organizations must sell their products in such a way that it improves the lives of people and to do that you have to make a person feel – not think. Emotional branding is all about feeling and that feeling doesn't even need to be directly connected to the brand. Jeannette de Beauvoir (principal at Harbor Marketing Associates), writes in her article about some tips on how to launch an emotional branding campaign for your company or product. Read more at: http://www.marketingprofs.com/articles/2014/26405/five-tips-for-effective-emotional-branding



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Ways to add intelligence to phone calls

In Voice over IP (VOIP) one can link data, record, transcribe, search-enable, translate, authenticate, analyze, and act on conversations, treating each call as a source of information. It has the ability to add and extract value from a phone call. There are some ways to add intelligence to phone calls and increase the speed of transactions to use the untapped data flowing into business through private exchange and contact center. To know more, follow: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/7-ways-to-add-intelligence-to-your-phone-calls-64634



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5Ws in Contact Center

It is generally said that “happy agents=happy customers”. But it is found that organizations generally make little effort to drive happiness and also less effort is taken to allow the agents who are happy to properly transfer that satisfaction to the customers. So, ultimately the result is that the interaction between agents and customers are inefficient and ineffective and instead customers impose their own frustration on the agents. Organizations must make an effort to attract more customers and this must begin with an investigation of the 5 Ws. To know more about 5Ws, follow article link of Brian Cantor (Contributor) at: http://www.callcenter-iq.com/agent-engagement/articles/5-ws-of-contact-center-agent-engagement/



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Mobile Marketing Strategy

In a recent survey it was found that 64% of respondents believe mobile is a critical channel for engaging customers and 39% of respondents say they have either not tried to integrate their mobile strategy or do not have a mobile strategy to begin with. To know more, follow: http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2014/26504/the-state-of-mobile-marketing-strategy




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New Features For Cloud-based Call Center Technology

Provider of cloud-based call center technology for enterprises, TCN Inc., has announced the release of new features for Platform 3.0 (a cloud-based call center technology that eliminates the need for complicated hardware and improves connectivity between agents and customers, thereby increasing efficiency without the need for additional staff). The new features are Extended Conditional Dialing and Aggregate Reporting. These are designed to enhance the usability of Platform 3.0. Read more at:http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/2340989



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Tips to drive online sales

Online sales is a common phenomenon nowadays. Companies need to focus on some strategies to boost online sales. One of the most important strategies is to make sure your online store design is appealing. To get more tips about online sales, follow Veronica Maria Jarski (senior writer at MarketingProfs)’s article link: http://www.marketingprofs.com/chirp/2014/26526/14-marketing-tactics-to-drive-online-sales-and-apps-to-execute-them-infographic



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Mobile Shopping Behavior Among Consumers

A recent report from Burst Media, found that 53% of US consumers will use a mobile device to research or purchase products this holiday season. Among these active mobile shoppers, 59% say they will use their devices to assist in making holiday online purchases, and 46% say they will do so to help with offline purchases. It was also found that consumers with smartphones/tablets also plan to use their mobile devices during the holiday season to compare product prices (62%) and read product reviews (54%). Read more at: http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2014/26468/mobile-shopping-behavior-during-the-holiday-season




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Social Amplification: Useful Marketing Strategy

Social amplification is a very useful tool for marketing strategy. But what is social amplification? Social amplification helps brands to amplify the reach of organic content and grow a community of loyal customers. It also helps brands reach the right audience through social networks. Jennifer Landry (freelance writer) in her article writes about paid social amplification. Read more at: http://www.marketingprofs.com/chirp/2014/26513/how-to-use-paid-social-amplification-for-your-brand-infographic


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Email marketing: An Insight

In a recent report from FOLIO and Lyris, it was found that 54% of companies in the publishing industry say list growth is a major email marketing pain point. Other top email pain points include dynamic content (42% cite as an issue), list maintenance (41%), mobile optimization (33%), analytics (33%), content automation (29%), and segmentation (30%). Read more at: http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2014/26493/publishers-top-email-marketing-pain-points




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Loyalty through Mobile Apps

Definition of customer loyalty is changing as the digital revolution is helping consumers to be more media literate. Nowadays a mobile app can make a real difference. Apps allow us to create a shopping and loyalty experience where a brand demonstrates their promise. Apps can also learn about customers by phone and usage data, and can communicate through a personalized message. To know more, follow: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-apps/growing-loyalty-through-apps/1179



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Which provides a better ROI: On-Premises or Cloud based infrastructure

Organizations are in a dilemma whether to invest in an on-premises or cloud based infrastructure solution, which solution will return a greater ROI. We have to remember that what works in one location might not work in another location. But if any organization wants to get the best value, a cloud provider can offer as much security, control, visibility and network as you would find in an on-premises solution. To know more, follow Geoff Mina (CEO, Connect First)’s article link: http://www.callcentertimes.com/Home/tabid/37/ctl/NewsArticle/mid/395/CategoryID/1/NewsID/887/Default.aspx



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CRM Metrics: An Insight

To measure CRM one must choose the right metrics. It is the most important decision you will have to make when you launch a CRM program. Metrics should be meaningful i.e. they should relate directly to the outcome desired. It should also be achievable. To know more, follow: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/making-crm-metrics-work-64584




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Flexible Customer Relationship Management

Consumers provide their opinion about their experience to various sources based on a single transaction. Business organizations can take steps to ensure their customer relationships accommodate consumer preferences, opinions, and requests without any hesitation. So, Flexible customer relationship management is a must for increasing business revenue, preserving brand awareness, and managing business reputations.  It must involve automated marketing and advertising campaigns, premium customer service practices, and comprehensive accountability for all customer interactions. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/customize-your-crm-system-for-flexible-customer-relationships-64581



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Consumer Fulfillment: An important area in digital marketing

In a recent survey by Econsultancy Multichannel Retail it was found that online shoppers want more flexibility in delivery options. It was further found that a fixed date for delivery was the most popular choice (31%), followed by next day delivery and the ability to collect from stores (both 24%). The most important process in any digital marketing is customer fulfillment. Consumers want smarter delivery options. To make timely delivery, flexibility is needed on behalf of eCommerce firms and delivery fleets, as well as innovative technology that can accept deliveries on the behalf of consumers even if they are out. Read more at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/e-commerce-digital-marketing/fulfilment-the-final-frontier-for-digital-marketers/1180



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Next generation social media analysis: An Insight

Nowadays an organization can track conversations across social media, analyze sentiment and opinions, and segment customers. An organization thinks that with the help of these tools they can get a complete picture of their customers. But this is not the case. Tracking and analyzing sentiment is an added advantage to an organization. But, in order to reach the next level marketers need to know who is talking about them and why. This is possible with the help of next generation social media analysis. Social media strategist should consider psycho graphics and interests of consumers in addition to the demographic grouping, conversation tracking and sentiment & opinion analysis. Read more at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/social-media-marketing/social-media-it-s-not-just-about-the-what-it-s-about-the-who/1162



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Ensure data quality in an organization: A report

According to a report by Gartner, analysts estimate that poor data quality is costing organizations on average £9 million annually. Another report by CIO tells us that organizations should be not only protect data but also ensure its quality. Organizations should be aware of bad data. So, to know about how to trust data quality, follow the article written by Peter Walker (Country Manager UKI, Information Builders) at: : http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-data/is-your-data-quality-suspect/1132



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Brand Language: Things to keep in mind

Focus groups and social media monitoring tools make it easy for organizations to collect data and consumer responses. There are a few drawbacks connected to brands that marketers need to keep in mind when measuring the success of campaigns. They are- sentiment, dilution and differentiation. To know more, follow the article by Ben Hookway (CEO of Relative Insight) at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/articles/three-critical-things-to-keep-in-mind-with-brand-language



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