
SigmaWay Blog

SigmaWay Blog tries to aggregate original and third party content for the site users. It caters to articles on Process Improvement, Lean Six Sigma, Analytics, Market Intelligence, Training ,IT Services and industries which SigmaWay caters to

Content Important For Business Website

If a business website does not convince the audience, business might lose a client and it was proved that 7 percent of visitors leave a web page within the first 20 seconds if it isn't interesting. Rob Keating (Owner of Lead Generating Websites), writes in his article link about some tips to help business website content to be successful: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-content/five-content-musts-for-your-business-website/1425




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Social Commerce

Brands are investing more in social media. As per Forrester research, marketers will spend €4.3bn on social media by 2019, up from €2.6bn, and a compound annual growth rate of 10.5%. Further, it was found that 82% of the spending will be on social mobile advertising from 2014 to 2019. The study also says that Facebook dominates European consumers’ social habits, with 60% online people are in the top seven European countries visiting Facebook monthly and 14% visiting Twitter. Read more at:  http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/social-media-marketing/from-social-media-to-social-commerce/1427



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Partner Relationship Management: An Insight

Partner relationship management or PRM platform is related to CRM. PRM refers to cloud platform for managing your channel partner relationship and strategies. A PRM platform needs integration with sales and marketing systems and can be integrated with enterprise resource planning, CRM and project management. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/future-trends-in-prm-65329



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Personalization: A Research

This era is the era of personalization. But, consumers have become impatient nowadays.  Recent research from Janrain revealed that 58% of consumers unsubscribe after three mistargeted emails and 17% unsubscribe after one mistargeted email. 95% of consumers react negatively to mistargeting – with 55% deleting emails and 53% unsubscribing; while 40% categorize the emails as junk/spam. Brands now need to win consumer trust. Personalization should be a standard component of the marketing toolset. To know more, follow: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-lead-generation/personalisation-welcome-to-the-last-chance-saloon/1420



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Effective Marketing Strategies

According to a recent report from Infusionsoft, it was found that 62% of small businesses surveyed cite word-of-mouth/customer referrals as a top 3 tactic in marketing strategy, 34% of people considered email as a top 3 tactic, 25% considered networking, 23% considered social media, 14% considered search engine and 13% considered content marketing. Read more at: : http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2015/26859/the-most-effective-marketing-strategies-for-small-businesses


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Why Video Advertising Is Important

 According to eMarketer, programmatic video ad sales in EU-5 reached €226m in 2014 and is expected to rise 63.5% this year to reach €369m by the end of 2015.  Tod Sacerdoti (CEO and founder of BrightRoll) writes in his article link about some important signs that indicate why 2015 is set to be an important year for video advertising: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-advertising/three-major-signs-that-2015-will-be-a-breakthrough-year-for-video-advertising/1434



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Trends in E-Commerce Industry

The latest trend in e-commerce industry is the use of usage-based billing. Digital service businesses should be looking to integrate at least one method of usage-based billing in their business model in order to tap into new revenue streams and maintain customer satisfaction in this competitive environment. James Gagliardi (Vice President of Product and Innovation at Digital River) writes in his article link about two models businesses should consider – subscription and freemium:  http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/e-commerce-digital-marketing/the-recurring-revenue-revolution/1413



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Marketing: New Strategies

Nowadays marketing is data-driven marketing and the more data you have, it is better for the company. Big Data helps companies ranging from small companies to huge multi-national enterprises. Every organization should take advantage of big data and the value it brings. It helps in analyzing campaign revenue, survey responses, tracking social mentions and assessing buying behavior and is also essential to unlock insight into emerging trends to design future campaigns. Tracking conversations via social media enable businesses to find out when a topic is starting to trend and what their customers are talking about. Social analytics will therefore open the door to responsive product optimization. Read more at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-data/don-t-be-afraid-of-data-marketing-use-data-analytics-to-measure-progress-and-inform-strategy/1433



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Mobile Marketing in 2015

In 2015, mobile device will be the key driver for commercial and marketing activity. According to a recent study it was found that only 13% of the world population will be connected with a smartphone or tablet and mobile messaging will play a vital role. Ramsey Masri (CEO of OtherLevels), writes in his article link about tactics and strategies that mobile marketers should consider in 2015: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/mobile-digital-marketing/moving-the-mobile-marketing-needle-in-2015/1421




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How To Interact With Customers?

Customers are choosing when and how to interact, turning customer relationship management (CRM) and data analysis as the most important thing. So, retailers now need to know about how to engage customers.  Customers have short attention spans and to overcome this, retailers have to offer a more personalized experience. CRM has been used to build a profile of a customer and thus can identify their likes and dislikes, past purchases and interests which in turn will help them to interact with customers in a better way. Personalizing the online experience and product offering is the key to make customers feel valued and listened to by the brand, thereby ensuring that they are likely to revisit in future. Read more about this in the following article link: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/customer-experience/how-can-retailers-get-more-personal-with-their-customers/1411


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Empowered B2B Buyer: A New Concept

Nowadays there are a new class of Business-to-Business (B2B) buyers- empowered business end-user. In a recent research conducted by Forrester Consulting, it was found that over the next three years they’re set to increase the volume and amount of purchasing they undertake by online research and purchase the goods and services they want. These ‘user buyers’ prefer to use digital channels to seek out which suppliers can provide the services and products they need. Matthew Diss from Intershop, writes in his article link about some recommendations B2B sellers should keep in mind when looking for this growing market opportunity: : http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/articles/going-rogue-is-in-vogue-the-rise-of-the-empowered-b2b-buyer/1409



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The Future of Retail

Last year, i.e. in 2014, everyone saw developments in the world of retail and in-store technology - both online and offline and thus it leads to the launch of the omni - channel era of retail in which connectivity and mobile devices are transforming shopping experience. Retailers are now focusing on omni-channel as the norm when it comes to offering to customers. Read more at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-features/the-future-of-retail-is-omni-channel-what-to-expect-in-2015/1406



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Investments in Mobile Marketing

In a recent research it was revealed that more than half of senior decision makers feel that their investment in digital marketing is not sufficient, with 87% of respondents planning to increase their investments in mobile marketing. Marketers are also looking to adopt new technologies in order to fight for market space. Read more at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-news/greater-investment-in-mobile-marketing-a-top-priority-for-retailers-and-brands-in-2015/1426]



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Trends in Tech Ad And Programmatic Ad in 2015

2015 will see shifts in the ad tech landscape as brands, publishers and agencies realize the full potential of real-time advertising. It is predicted that programmatic ad spend is set to top $33 billion globally by 2017. In the US, it is worth more than $10bn and is expected to more than double to $20.41bn in 2016. Graham Wylie (Senior Director, EMEA & APAC Marketing at Appnexus) writes in his article link writes about the key trends that will dominate the ad-tech space in 2015: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-advertising/the-5-trends-set-to-shape-ad-tech-and-programmatic-in-2015/1399




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Choosing The Right CRM System

Choosing the right CRM System is very important, especially for small businesses. When one selects a CRM system, it is important to decide what features are needed, which ones would be nice to have and which ones are not needed. CRM systems need to be realistic and easy to use. Vendor stability is important while choosing a CRM system of any size. CRM systems should help a company to grow, get you closer to your customers and increase the bottom line. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/rightsize-your-crm-65250



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Important Tech Tools for Workers

According to a recent report from the Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project, it was found that 61% of workers who have online access say email is very important for doing their job, and 54% say the Internet is very important. 35% of the workers describe land line or cell phones as important 4% say social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn are very important. Know more at:  : http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2015/26796/the-most-important-tech-tools-for-workers




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Brand Protection Strategies for 2015

Simon Whitehouse (senior director, EMEA Sales at MarkMonitor), writes in his article about the importance of brand protection to safeguard brand health and marketing performance in digital channels. Read more at: : http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/articles/the-top-5-brand-protection-strategies-for-2015/1395



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Marketing Automation: A Research

Email marketing is one of the elements of today’s marketing mix.  Consumer brands are accepting email marketing as a means of engaging with customers and re-targeting them. Email marketing has become an important part of the online purchasing experience. In a recent research it was found that the travel & leisure industry is recognizing the value of email marketing and regular, useful and personalized email communications has a positive impact on the recipient. So, companies who have a strong online customer experience and mobile optimization will encourage a customer to make a purchase. Read more at:  : http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/articles/marketing-automation-for-the-digital-nation/1388



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Mobile Advertising: A Look into the Future

Mobile has dominated web traffic in 2014. It was found that 59.8% of UK web traffic was on mobile devices during Black Friday, followed by 55% on Cyber Monday. Customers are becoming more accustomed to purchasing at the click of the button. Maximizing the potential of the mobile device has also become very important. So, brands should capitalize this opportunity by providing more content, better audio streaming and second screen advertising. Read more at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/digital-marketing-advertising/how-mobile-advertising-can-help-brands-to-steal-christmas-2015/1390



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Customer Interaction Analytics: An Insight

Customer interaction analytics is gaining popularity nowadays. It provides information about contact center’s customers, workforce, effectiveness of current system and also strengths and weaknesses. Read more about how customer interaction analytics can benefit your contact center at: http://www.contactcenterworld.com/view/contact-center-article/4-reasons-you-need-customer-interaction-analytics.aspx?md=74f65882-a162-41dd-b17a-b0d20f0af75e&iz=3




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