
SigmaWay Blog

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Shradha Tibrewal here..Am doing masters in Economics from University of Calcutta. Besides that am also pursuing Actuarial science from IAI.

Give An Extra Edge To Marketing Using Buzz Analysis.

An extra push in today’s world is a must to withstand your product from the rest of the products available in the market. Marketing is the only sector in a firm that earn revenues for the firm, so any tricks that can provide that extra edge to your marketing is always an add on. Especially, today in a generation of social media, something as relevant as Buzz Analytics can be used to take your business to another level. Buzz Analytics make the use of free and abundant data available on websites to give you the positive or negative sentiments of customers which can always be incorporated while developing a product. Apart from this, Buzz Analytics helps you to keep a note of your competitor’s strength and weakness by analyzing your competitor’s offering. To know more, follow: http://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/operations/our-insights/using-buzz-analytics-to-gain-a-product-and-marketing-edge


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Google Knows More About You Than You Thought!

Google it! Maybe this is the most famous expression used nowadays in the generation of internet. So when you count on Google so much, here are some facts that you must be aware of. Google keeps track of everything you search, record or watch. You can view all of your information related to search history and activity in maps by visiting "My Activity" tool. So you want your Google to stop tracking all your information? To know more about this, follow:  http://www.businessinsider.in/How-to-see-everything-Google-knows-about-you/articleshow/52981983.cms


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Tools That A Startup Needs To Keep Handy!

Technological progress comes like a magical tool for all those who once dreamt of building a business of their own. Different tools like AngelList which helps you to spot best investment opportunities, Asana which help people to stay upgraded with their tasks, Dropbox which helps a company to keep all its folders and data safe and private, helps the start-ups and new businesses to operate more efficiently. Startups and small businesses can always use one of the most famous social media for professionals "LinkedIn", to highlight their accomplishments. Skype is a leader in VOIP calling which can always be used for holding video conferences with colleagues and clients. Bright journey, Evernote , Flipboard, Github, Grasshopper,  Meetup , Square, Triplt, all with different purposes and use  are some of the other such tools which, if used efficiently help start-ups, new entrepreneurs and marketers to taste success very early. Read more at: http://www.marketingprofs.com/articles/2016/30176/17-handy-tools-for-entrepreneurs-startups-and-marketers

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Bad Data – A Bane For Predictive Analysis!

In the task of predictive analysis, predicting the unknown itself is a challenging problem. Moreover, the entry of an unknown variable in the equation makes the task all the more troublesome. Summary-level data are generally inaccurate and lack deep insights, because of which sometimes such unknown variables manage to creep in. Buyer life cycles generally vary in length in spite of which analysts generally tend to work with smaller cycles, which is dangerous because sometimes important marketing decisions are taken based on flawed information. B2Bs are also depending on real-time insights and are scrapping linear prediction models. It is noticed that, combining Big Data with traditional CRM information is also not sufficient because data science involves lot of research and experimentation. Hence we can conclude that predictive analysis derives its success from data governance and collection. Read more at: http://www.marketingprofs.com/opinions/2016/30118/predictive-analytics-has-a-scaling-problem-and-bad-data-is-to-blame

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Facebook- Paying While Socializing!

Now in order to split bills with your friends, you no longer need to carry cash. All that you need is a Facebook application on your smart phone. Facebook has made the transfer of cash an easy process for its users. Though cyber-crimes are growing nowadays, Facebook assures its customers of safe transfer of money through Messenger payments. These payments require customers to create a pin or use the fingerprints ID to authorize a transaction. Both paying to and receiving money from a fellow friend, just requires you to open your chat with that friend and select relevant option from 'more'. People are interested in such a concept, but the only thing they are afraid of, is a fraud. Hence, with most reliable security systems such a concept can always be welcomed. Read more at: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/consumer-affairs/facebook-the-latest-way-to-transfer-cash/

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Why Provocateurs??

Thomas C. Redman (Ph.D),  in one of his article, 'Data quality should be everyone's job', published by Harvard Business Publishing, mentioned that correction of errors in the data is an expensive and time consuming process. Moreover, at times even after correction of the data, some flaws remain which leads to bad credibility of the firm and angry customers. However, if companies welcome provocateurs - individuals concerned with addressing data proactively with the help of their teams, departments, and companies, then errors can be prevented at their source itself. Most of the data revolutionists while exploring with their work found out that to eliminate the root cause of the error and prevent future error, was the best way to ensure high quality data. No matter how innovative an idea is, a Provocateur is a must for the first step in a company dealing with data. So people concerned with data should take up this role actively, which will lead not only in the creation of innovative ideas but will also ensure high quality data output. Read more at: https://hbr.org/2016/05/data-quality-should-be-everyones-job#





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Steps To An Attractive Email Marketing

To grow a business online is not an easy task. In such an environment, it becomes very crucial to write an effective, influential mail that can attract customers. In order to target customers with email marketing, you must be at first stage selective about people whom you chose to mail. Moreover, one should start with his or her personal experience with such mail, to leave an influential impact on a customer's mind. Being specific and not creating unnecessary work load for your recipients can also be a good approach to get your email marketing a hit. Lastly, adding a link or two about the credibility of your company is always a good idea, as it can help your customer take better decisions. To know more read article by David Mercer (a tech entrepreneur, author, and founder of SME Pals, a free online resource to help entrepreneurs and small business owners thrive online) at: http://www.marketingprofs.com/articles/2016/30157/how-to-craft-outreach-emails-that-convert

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Factors Influencing SEO

A successful SEO campaign must take care of branding, user experience, and other such factors. The two key characteristics that outstands one's content is length and topical authority. Sometimes,   writing long-form content covering a single topic in depth becomes important. A backlink is an integral part that helps Google to view a page's authority. One of the most important factors is the number of different links that point a page from unique domains. We also need to replace key words with Schema, to Google about our page. Google expects Schema to become a ranking signal in future. It's no longer needed to mention keywords in your title tag. It's seems obvious that site speed is one of the contributing factors to get you a higher rank. One should also aim at reducing the bounce rate of their page. Read more at: http://www.marketingprofs.com/articles/2016/29906/six-top-seo-factors-in-2016



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