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Antitrust Battle

Antitrust, the underpinnings of which are based on industrial-age economic theories, needs new thinking in the digital age to ensure that antitrust policies continue to remain effective guardians of consumer welfare without inadvertently impeding economic progress. The coming battle in antitrust will not be about controlling markets in the traditional sense but about the battle for control over consumers’ information. The tech titans are currently in a race to see which of them can build a better digital replica of their consumers. Tomorrow’s monopolies won’t be able to be measured just by how much they sell us. They’ll be based on how much they know about us and how much better they can predict our behaviour than competitors. Read more at: https://hbr.org/2017/07/the-next-battle-in-antitrust-will-be-about-whether-one-company-knows-everything-about-you


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