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Tips for making slow-innovation projects a success

Slow innovation projects can be just as impact in the long-term. However, they are difficult for organizations to propose, prioritize, and fund. Their scope and pace often run counter to the rhythms of company goals. But there are tremendous benefits. If you’re patient and committed, slow-innovation projects could alert you to an idea, trend, or gap in the market that would have otherwise appeared to “happen overnight.” Some of the tips are:1) Claim your wins 2) Invest in relationship building internally 3) know that the best “slow innovation” work will happen outside your walls 4) Keep budgets lean 5) Don’t forget that seeing isn’t observing, and hearing isn’t listening 6) Be rigorous about fostering serendipity. Read more at: https://hbr.org/2017/06/the-benefits-of-taking-a-slower-approach-to-innovation


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Product Platform

Five of the 10 most valuable companies in the world today derive much of their worth from their multi-sided platforms. Many MSPs are more valuable than companies in the same industries that provide only products or services. However, companies that weren’t born as platform businesses rarely realize that they can turn their offerings into one. And even if they do realize it, they often wander in the dark searching for a strategy to achieve this transformation. In this article, four specific ways in which products and services can be turned into platforms and examine the strategic advantages and pitfalls of each are laid out: (1) opening the door to third parties; (2) connecting customers; (3) connecting products to connect customers; and (4) becoming a supplier to a multi-sided platform. Read more at: https://hbr.org/2017/07/finding-the-platform-in-your-product


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Infusion: AI and Raspberry Pi

Microsoft is all set to infuse AI onto Raspberry Pi, a tiny device. They are working on systems that can run machine learning algorithms on microcontrollers as small as a speck of red pepper flake. If not totally tiny, there are devices such as sensors in the current scenario that can collect data and send it to machine learning models running in the cloud. However, the disadvantage of this is that the processing requires a lot of power in data crunching along with occupying a lot of storage space. This is where the team at Microsoft is playing a big role. The only hitch is to get neural network in as small as a breadcrumb sized micro controller. The entire research process is in line with Microsoft’s growing indulgence in the area of AI and machine learning. Read more at:  http://analyticsindiamag.com/making-tiny-bits-smart-infusing-ai-onto-raspberry-pi/


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Antitrust Battle

Antitrust, the underpinnings of which are based on industrial-age economic theories, needs new thinking in the digital age to ensure that antitrust policies continue to remain effective guardians of consumer welfare without inadvertently impeding economic progress. The coming battle in antitrust will not be about controlling markets in the traditional sense but about the battle for control over consumers’ information. The tech titans are currently in a race to see which of them can build a better digital replica of their consumers. Tomorrow’s monopolies won’t be able to be measured just by how much they sell us. They’ll be based on how much they know about us and how much better they can predict our behaviour than competitors. Read more at: https://hbr.org/2017/07/the-next-battle-in-antitrust-will-be-about-whether-one-company-knows-everything-about-you


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Budget Tablet

A budget tablet is not completely useless. It can be put into various uses. 1) Car Navigation: Great way of viewing maps and directions. You can also check out Map: Directions & Local Search app by MapMyIndia. 2) Music player: At least 8 GB space can hold up to 100 songs and with live streaming unlimited songs. 3) Security camera: Tablet camera is as good as basic security camera in quality. 4) Book reader: You can turn your large screen tablet into an e-book reader. 5) Digital photo frame: Can be used as photo frame using a desk stand. 6) Personal Planner: Can be used as a digital planner for your day to day work. 7) WiFi router: If your tablet supports 4G, then the tablet can be used a s WiFi hotspot. Read more at: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/wealth/spend/7-things-you-can-do-with-a-budget-tablet-for-optimal-usage/articleshow/59502473.cms


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GST myths cleared

A reality check by ET Wealth for both GST supporters and its detractors. 1) Now it is one nation one tax: Goods like petroleum, diesel are still outside GST’s ambit 2) Small businesses will suffer: Shops can go for manual billing and only for filing internet connectivity is required  3) Prices will shoot up: It seems high because entire system is visible  4) Corporate may try to profiteer but government won’t: Some State govt also act greedy 5) No tax other that GST is a reality: It only considers local and state taxes not the other charges 6) Economic growth will rise: Recorded economic growth will rise not the real growth 7) Pay GST twice for card payments: No additional GST for credit card payments. Read more at: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/wealth/spend/gst-myths-busted-a-reality-check/articleshow/59501148.cms


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Skype Lite Aadhaar Integration

Skype Lite is a lighter, more data friendly version of the video calling app, and is available only in India. Skype Lite with Aadhaar integration can be downloaded by Android users from the Play Store. In the latest Skype Lite version, Microsoft has enabled support for Aadhaar integration. This can be used for verification of users and their identity online and is more secure. However, Skype will not store any Aadhaar information and details will be securely encrypted. Users of Skype Lite app can request for Aadhaar verification of contacts they chat with, over a video call. Users can also choose to share their Aadhaar information with the other contact in order to confirm their identity. Read more at: http://www.financialexpress.com/industry/technology/microsoft-aadhaar-card-linking-skype-lite-needs-to-be-integrated-now-heres-how-to-do-it/750625/


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Big Data: The Paradox

Though there has been a lot of excitement around Big Data and the potential it holds for making businesses efficient, the significant risks surrounding it in the longer run shouldn’t be overlooked. Some of the most critical issues relating to Big Data are determining what kind of information can be shared and with whom, verifying transmission of cyber information without the threat of leakage and accurately analyzing the available data through the right algorithms and models. The two serious limitations to analysis of huge data sets are overestimation of the predictive capabilities of analytics and misrepresentation and manipulation of data to produce favorable results. Over-dependence on data as a base for decision making can be a risky proposition, especially for consumer-driven business and research organisations. Read more at: http://www.financialexpress.com/industry/technology/big-data-paradox-how-a-business-can-become-a-target-for-cyber-criminals/751246/


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Insolvency Professionals (IPs)

After India enacted tougher laws to deal with sticky loans and the central bank stepped in accelerate the pace of recoveries, finance executives have stumbled upon a career-growth opportunity based, ironically, on insolvency. The Insolvency and Banking Board of India (IBBI), set up last autumn and tasked with providing the framework for recovery proceedings, conducts exams that allow chartered accountants, company secretaries, cost accountants, and advocates to qualify as Independent insolvency professionals (IPs). It is not the cushiest jobs. This role has challenges and is equally promising. Read more at: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/stocks/news/the-rising-league-of-insolvency-professionals/articleshow/59450739.cms


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Effectiveness of the Digital India dream

The effectiveness of a strategy lies in its implementation. Before demonetization, India’s was 13% to the GD but the target is to cannibalize cash usage to 5 to 6% of GDP in coming years.  No single action leads to a transformation. The first to come was the Jan Dhan scheme, then comes the linking of Aadhaar number and the mother of all may be GST. With the GST, caps on cash transactions, opportunities to evade tax has shrunk. One may even see the 2,000 notes in circulation shrink as the RBI accelerates supply of lower denomination currencies which are on the rise. Read more at: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/banking/finance/banking/is-the-digital-india-dream-fading-think-again/articleshow/59276009.cms


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Choosing the right mutual fund scheme

Investors ask these questions before investing like: “Have I picked up the right schemes?” or “Should I change my portfolio?” Here are a few major mistakes noticed during interactions with some investors. 1) Starting without any clue, 2) Focus on returns, 3) Portfolio full of top performers, 4) Novices looking for jackpot 5) A dozen schemes for diversification. Finally, always focus on your goals, investment horizon and risk profile while choosing a scheme. Read more at:  http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/mf/analysis/how-to-pick-the-right-equity-mutual-fund-schemes/articleshow/59381480.cms


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ATMs may get multi functional but never extinct

Debates have started in some countries to make cash as well as ATMs extinct in 5-10 years. According to an estimate by the ATM Industry Association (ATMAI), there are more than 3 million ATMs worldwide and the number of financial transactions— in a month is close of 9 billion. The banking system in many countries is modernizing, and installation of ATMs is part of the process. Value-added services like balance enquiry, funds transfer and bill payment are offered. In India, interoperability of ATMs is one of the unique features. Read more at: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/banking/finance/banking/50-years-after-invention-atms-are-still-here-to-stay/articleshow/59403164.cms



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Crisis Insurance

Natural disasters bring loss of life and property and some insurance covers protect yourself and family during any natural calamity. Life insurance provides cover in case of death by special perils like fire, storm, cyclone, earthquake, and flood. A term policy supports the family in case of any unforeseen circumstances and the premium rate for the same is normally low. Home insurance also provides protection against burglary, damage and electrical breakdowns. Personal accident insurance is useful in case of permanent disability and death; you get 100% lump sum amount of the sum insured and in case of partial disability, you get some percentage of the sum insured, depending upon the insurance company. Read more at: http://www.financialexpress.com/money/insurance/crisis-insurance-how-to-protect-yourself-against-natural-disasters/624700/




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Concepts of Warranty and Indemnity Insurance

Warranty &Indemnity (W&I) Insurance is a tool to protect both the buyer and the seller against financial loss resulting from a misrepresentation in, or breach of the warranties. These clauses remain the most heavily negotiated clauses. While the usage of W&I Insurance is gradually increasing it still remains untapped largely due to parties’ unawareness about its benefits and perception of the premium costs being high. The main reasons for taking this are speedy recovery of money, sense of security, financial comfort and flexibility. W&I bridges the gap between parties’ perception of the amount of risk and liability that each party should bear. Read more at:  http://www.financialexpress.com/money/insurance/warranty-and-indeminity-insurance-still-not-adequately-tapped-in-india/539763/




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Billing and Returns made easier

Only filing ITR is not enough. It is also necessary to keep abreast of the latest changes in ITR rules so as to make your return filing complete in all respects. Ten facts to keep in mind before filing ITR this year for last financial year are: 1) Due date for filing returns 2) Mandatory return filing 3) Change in law with respect to revised return 4) Linking of Aadhaar card with PAN 5) Dividend Tax 6) Return filing mandatory even if TDS is deducted 7) TDS and Form 26AS 8) Savings Bank Interest Income 9) Schedule AL 10) E-Verification of Income Tax Returns. These are the important steps that are required to complete the process of online income tax return filing. Read more at: http://www.financialexpress.com/money/ten-facts-to-know-about-filing-income-tax-return-this-year/730293/





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WhatsApp money transfer via UPI

Messaging application WhatsApp has initiated discussions with Indian banks and other institutions to allow its users to make payments via United Payments Interface (UPI), which facilitates instant fund transfer between two bank accounts on the mobile platform. With UPI allowing instant settlement of funds between peers, all banks need to do is to integrate their systems with WhatsApp, which can identify the correct recipient. Read more at: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/banking/finance/banking/you-may-transfer-money-via-whatsapp-soon/good-news-for-you/slideshow/59281092.cms





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Banks or India Inc.?

Infrastructure players are happy when they can complete a project in a short period of time. Regulatory changes may now undo all the good work the government has put in and may be the cause for project delays across India. The GST regime is estimated an 8-9% “tax impact”. Under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), the lenders appoint their own person to run the show and virtually take over the assets, leading to liquidation within 180-270 days which has worried the banks about their own survival.  Read more at: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/banking/finance/banking/banks-or-india-inc-who-will-come-back-from-the-brink-first/articleshow/59404105.cms


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The Drone Economy

Drone economics are classically disruptive. Already drones can accomplish tasks in some hours that take people days. They can provide deeply detailed visual data for a tiny fraction of the cost of acquiring the same data by other means. They’re becoming crucial in workplace safety, removing people from precarious processes such as cell-tower inspection. And they offer, literally, a new view into business: Their low-overhead perspective is bringing new insights and capabilities to fields and factories alike. The drone economy is real, and you need a strategy for exploiting it. Here’s how to think about what’s happening — and what’s going to happen. 1) Capturing reality for the cost of a nice lunch 2) Rising from the ground to fill the missing middle 3) Autonomous, small and countless 4) The rise of cloud robotics 5) Cool is not enough. Drones as ubiquitous as sprinklers: We’ve come a long way from weapons, sci-fi movies, and headlines. But in the prosaic applications of advanced technologies lie their real impact. Read more at: https://hbr.org/cover-story/2017/05/drones-go-to-work


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Strategy to survive in the new era of Human Capital

For much of the past five decades, financial capital was considered a scarce resource. Today, however, capital is abundant and cheap, and the authors expect the same in another 20 years. Global financial assets have been growing faster than global GDP, and they explain why that trend is likely to continue. It is found that as the supply of capital has increased, the cost has plunged, making it possible for many large firms to borrow funds for next to nothing. Companies can no longer sustain competitive advantage simply by allocating capital skillfully. Now, business leaders need to lower hurdle rates and change their investment strategy, moving away from a few big bets and instead pursuing numerous small, varied growth opportunities. Organizations need to manage their work forces as carefully and rigorously as they manage their financial assets, unleashing and supporting the talent within their organizations. Read more at: https://hbr.org/2017/03/strategy-in-the-age-of-superabundant-capital


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Ways to improve Finance Skills

Finance is a daunting subject for someone who is not a numbers person. But understanding concepts like EBITDA and net present value are important no matter where you sit on the org chart. Here are some strategies for boosting your financial acumen. Get acquainted with your company’s income statement. Reproduce the numbers in a spreadsheet then group them into categories of profit and loss. Your goal is to understand how much your company spends and where it makes money. Play with the numbers. Experiment with the figures on the balance sheet by going through a series of “what if” scenarios. What if prices were lower? What if revenue was higher? This exercise helps you internalize how financial models work. Find a financial mentor. Foster a relationship with a senior financial or operations manager who can teach you and answer your questions. This person can also serve as a sounding board for financial decisions you need to make. Read more at: https://hbr.org/2017/03/how-to-improve-your-finance-skills-even-if-you-hate-numbers


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