
SigmaWay Blog

SigmaWay Blog tries to aggregate original and third party content for the site users. It caters to articles on Process Improvement, Lean Six Sigma, Analytics, Market Intelligence, Training ,IT Services and industries which SigmaWay caters to

Advantages and Disadvantages of Big Data

Is big data serving these businesses or is it just obscuring the decision-making procedure? Collective with analytics, Big data has numerous applications and is cast-off to find responses to glitches in a variation of businesses, it can benefit them comprehend customer behavior and get the most out of business procedures. But like so numerous things that complete good in concept, it’s not precisely working out for numerous organizations. 36% say that it has caused data overload and has made procedure of decision making poorer. Combination of the info with classy analytics tools can benefit organizations to turn rare and formless data into planned insight to get ahead of the struggle.  Since more business operators need to be able to take this data and produce intellect around it, demand is increasing for analytics tools. Read more at: http://www.hadoop360.datasciencecentral.com/blog/is-big-data-harm-or-good



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Google Pixel 2 or iPhone 8?

Google came with Android O and Apple came up with IOS 11. So, which one’s winning the race? The nutshell answer is Android O. A comparative study has been done to show this. Android O: multitasking, notification dot on the app icon, intelligent text selection, auto-fill, prolonged battery life. IOS 11: pay through iMessage, collaborating speakers, beautified AR effect, live photos, less memory clogging, DND while driving.  Both are equipped with voice assistant, but Google is a step ahead and can recognize objects and you can type queries relating to those objects if you don’t want to speak them. Apple is way backdated with AR and VR as compared with Google who uses AI. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295854


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Flipboard- As a platform for blogs

Flipboard can be used for client branding products but also used as a blogging tools these days. There can be different blogging approaches. 1)The Flipboard Traditional Blog: For an easier read, articles from existing blogs are added. It helps in subdividing categories and is a great method to share. It helps in gaining visibility. 2)The Flipboard Enhanced Blog: It is a higher version which includes the ones in traditional blog plus the Flipboard tools. It is easy to read and if you are not interested then you can ‘flip’ to the next section. 3)The Flipboard Supercharged Blog: The entire blogging happens in the app. It is an ideal format for personal branding and public speakers. The other two styles of blogging can also be followed with the last one to add more content. After you are done with it, what’s next? Now invite other bloggers to share their stories in your magazines. This method is of tremendous potential if one has a business. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/social-media/effective-use-flipboard-using-app-blog-01866368#5sc8IXrgOJLbeHfU.97


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Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Financial Services

As AI is moving forward the need for marketing in financial services is diminishing. Generative tools use computers and algorithms and are widely used within Financial Services. So why does that mean financial services marketers are doomed? AI does financial work by simply crunching thousands of data points, factoring in current constraints, predictive models for how things are going to change, and the individual’s goals. AI is making all decisions. Marketers are probably not going to start marketing to AI. More likely, marketers would shift focus to trying to influence the parameters humans input into the AI.  By providing an appropriate media mix to AI we can achieve goals within the budget. AIs are used by both consumers and the companies. Consumers will leverage AIs to optimize their lives and businesses will use AIs to create more personalized products and services. In this future, marketers will ultimately end up marketing to the AIs directly.Read more at : http://www.business2community.com/finance/will-ai-make-financial-services-marketing-obsolete-01855073#LExeE9rhBiBleQLc.97


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Block-chain: Future of banks in 10 years

Organizations which create maximum employment tend to be the most disrupting. Like the agricultural sector, which employed nearly 40% of the population in the 20th century now it employs less than 2%. As we know financial services form a big part of the workforce. Is it going to disrupt too? A new technology, Block-chain technology is threatening to disrupt it. So how does this technology work? The key point being encryption and storing them in an append only method. The basic concept is a user first encodes a message Using a private key and then shares a corresponding unique public key with anyone authorized to read the message. The public key not only allows the authorized person to read the message, but also verifies without a doubt as to who the source of the message is. The data should be updated at regular intervals, thus making the data immutable, tamper proof removing the need for any mediators. The biggest challenge of Block-chain is its integration with other systems and phased roll out. Read more at: http://cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com/dobig/news/detail/1472


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Digital Empowerment

Mobile and Cloud applications allow people to work from anywhere. Employee work styles are changing. 84% append at least 1 work day outside of the office. 82% value work-life integration. Employers have a lot of catching up to do. 55% agree that their organisation is committed at the leadership level to close the digital skills gaps within the workforce. 70% are empowered by their organisations to embrace flexi-work. 77% respondents feel that their organisation is equipped for the digital workplace. In terms of technology only 53% agreed that their organisation has invested in analytics and data tools to help make informed and immediate decisions. Only 56% agreed that their organisation has given them tools to simplify and standardize their workflow.  The top 3 attributes in creating collaborative teams: 43% access to collaborative technologies, 41% face-to-face meetings, 38% diverse team members. Read more at: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/jobs/digital-empowerment-of-employees-are-companies-helping/articleshow/59116512.cms


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Payment Gateway- What to look for in it?

 In choosing a payment gateway one must not only consider the logistic and technical hurdles, but also the security it provides. It is a merchant service used as third party to authorize credit transactions. First, you need to decide whether you need a classic; require you to apply for a direct merchant account or modern setup; allow you to use their services without one and are easier to set up, but have higher. Most gateways strive for compatibility though they are easier to integrate. In order to maximize the average user experience and make transactions fast, a processor that can secure credit card authorization in seconds matters. A gateway with thorough reporting features is required. If a business plans for handling huge data it has to look for fraud detection and other security features. One with built-in invoicing capabilities and better usability. Finally, you’ll need to consider the costs and fees associated with each payment gateway. There is no perfect payment gateway out there, so one need to find the best fit for your specific business. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/294964



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Impact of GST in Insurance Sector

Goods and Service Tax (GST) is implemented to eliminate the cascading effect of tax and also double taxation. Not only the insurance companies, but also its policy holders will be affected by GST implementation. The 18 % GST rate will apply for insurance sector as per the GST council rates. At present, service tax of 15 % is imposed on the premium cost of the term plans, health plan and motor insurance plan. As per rates declared GST rates will be 18% from July 2017. This means the premium will get costlier by 3 %. Currently, endowment plans attract a service tax of 3.75 % on the premium in the first year and 1.88% in the second , 3.5 % is levied on protection part of ULIPs in the first year and 1.75 % from second year onward and will rise to 4.5 % in the first year and 2.55% in the second under the new tax regime. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295143


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MOD or Mobile on Delivery System

Cash on Delivery or COD was introduced by Flipkart in 2010 and it contributed to 30% of their top-line. Initially it was offered for free but now the cost is borne by the customers. Card on Delivery comprised of only 1% of the orders. Card on Delivery could not be that popular because of setup requirements whose cost shifted to the eCommerce companies, high transaction fee. Post demonetization, card on delivery, mobile wallet payments picked up. NPCI is coming up with UPI, Adhaar Pay and Bharat QR. E commerce companies are expected to use UPI on Delivery as it will reduce their cost of carrying card machines. UPI payment is a great idea after demonetization as the number of smart phone users are expected to grow from 300 million to 467 million by 2021. Since mobile wallets were launched less than 5 years back, we stand at over 200 million mobile wallet users with 300 million smart phone users in India.  Hence, we can say mobile wallets will stay and COD system will soon transform into MOD system. Read more at:  https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/294888


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The Rules Of Salary Negotiation

Salary negotiation is a key to get to the top of the rat race as the World Bank data suggests that 69% of jobs in India are suspected to be taken away by automation. The World Economic Forum predicts 35% of top professional skills today would be replaced in the near future. At present, every person is required to re-assess their skills and re-skill themselves. If automation will disrupt several jobs, there will be technologies like IoT creating many more jobs necessitating critical problem solvers. It is predicted that advanced robotics, artificial intelligence, advanced materials, biotechnology and genomics would be the next frontier of employment. Only with requisite skills in these disruptive fields and a multi-disciplinary approach could empower future job seekers to become critical organizational assets. Read more at : http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/jobs/in-the-age-of-disruption-what-are-the-new-rules-of-negotiating-salary/articleshow/59047575.cms


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Cyber Insurance- Arm in Insurance Sector

The idea of getting your online data insured is still an alien concept in India. There are many insurance companies which offer packages with cyber security. In India, it is a relatively new concept. As the numbers of online transactions are increasing, incidents of cyber fraud are also increasing. KG Krishnamoorthy Rao, the MD and CEO of Future Generali India Insurance say, "Even if cyber insurance is not popular now, all it needs is awareness and then there will be a market for this." The banking sector and payment wallets urgently require cyber insurance. Cyber insurance covers economic loss, e-threat and expenses to restore data for an online business. There are not many challenges in dealing with cyber insurance. The only problem is that people don't know what they can claim through this. Read more at:  https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295471


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10 skills that will boost your career

10 skills you need to stay ahead to get a good career. They are:

1) AI/machine learning researcher: A PhD in machine learning algorithms will be a hot skill in future. 2) AI software development: Developing the systems and infrastructure that can apply in machine learning to an input data set which includes program management and test. 3) Human interaction designer: A process in which designers focus on creating engaging web interfaces with logical and well-thought-out behavior and actions. 4) Machine learning applications: Applying machine learning to a specific problem in a different domain. 5) Full stack developers: The developer can work with databases, PHP, HTML along with venturing as far as converting Photoshop designs to front-end code. 6) 3D design 7) Content engineering: Content strategist targets the ‘who, what, when, where and why’ of content experiences and assets. 8) Data fluency: Employers are already looking to build a workforce with solid skills in data analysis and presentation. 9) Thinking out-of-the-box: Creativity will become one of the key skills employees will need to develop. 10) People skills: People management, coordinating with others, collaboration, etc. will be of utmost importance. Read more at : http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/jobs/in-the-world-of-digitalisation-these-10-new-skills-will-help-you-to-stay-ahead/articleshow/59008347.cms


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The Crucial One Minute

Before making any decision, recruiters scan the resumes foe barely a minute. A study by TimesJobs talks about what recruiters look for into the resume. Being specific to a job and highlighting the right ones is most important while applying for a job. Skills that one includes needs to be substantiated. Nearly 40% recruiters say, focusing on skills relevant to the job offered is the best way to be shortlisted. Another 36% say that analytical skills, leadership, teamwork help stand out your resume. 35% recruiters advise to include skills that provide value-additions to the job profile you are applying for. Substantiating skills and experience with measurable results is a good way say 21% recruiters. 20% of them advise to add relevant keywords for skills help increasing visibility.  60% managers say that soft skills and non-technical skills like communication, leadership, teamwork and collaboration, analytical, adaptability, planning and strategic thinking skills are crucial while hiring candidates. The resume is the first point of contact between a candidate and an employer - and making this first impression a good one is critical in getting ahead in one's career. Read more at : http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/jobs/a-resume-gets-only-a-minute-of-a-recruiters-time-says-timesjobs-study/articleshow/59017222.cms


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Reasons for ending up with a surprise tax bill

There can be times when instead of receiving money may end up with a tax bill. Tax return can be affected by major life changes. Some of the reasons may be: 1) Starting a side business: 2) Getting married: Married couples who file their joint tax return may face a higher tax bill. 3) Filing for Divorce: For some people, becoming single could also mean landing in a higher tax bracket, especially if their spouse earned significantly less money -- and brought them into a lower tax bracket. 4) Tapping into your retirement account: People who will withdraw money before retirement will have to pay 10% penalty tax unless it is for medical emergency. 5) Selling your home: Any gains from selling a home will be reported as capital gain and is subject to 20% tax if owned for more than 1 year. 6) Losing job: Some people may not realize that income received from unemployment benefits is taxable. 7) Receiving an inheritance: If you inherit an asset that they would have owed taxes on, that asset is now taxable to you. 8) Winning a vacation: Winners typically owe income tax on cash prize. Read more at : http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20170409/business/170409110/


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TransferWise- Facebook Messenger bot

International money transfer service TransferWise has introduced a new Facebook Messenger bot which allows customers to send money and create rate alerts directly from within Facebook Messenger. An automated customer service bot guides users through money transfers, which can be made from the U.S., Europe, Australia, and Canada. You can also set up rate alerts through Messenger, meaning you'll receive a daily update on the rates between your preferred currencies. It will notify you when the foreign exchange rate you are interested in reaches a certain level. Read more at: http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20170225/business/170229808/


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Card less ATMs

The first major U.S. bank to offer card free ATM is Wells Fargo. In this the customers can simply use their mobile phones to access the bank's ATM's. The process is very simple. They need to download the app, login to their accounts and request for a unique verification code which they must type in and thereafter they should put their PIN number. This is a very secure process as the PIN expires in 30 minutes. The customer also requires to login to their account either using a thumb scanner or online banking password. Read more at: http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20170402/business/170409979/


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The Link-Blogging & Social Media

Blogging and social media must coexist, complementing each other. The first step is that content should be of high quality but what if it has no viewers? To run a successful blog, one has to engage with the audience via social media and always interact. So, instead of pleasing others to share your blog, the trick is to find a piece of article/news which is performing well and all you need to do is improve it. It should be rich in content. You must find your own way to improve one's digital strategy. Read more at: https://hellboundbloggers.com/articles/blogging-social-media-intertwines/65003/


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Bitcoin and its applications

Bitcoin is not something the average person will ever use to buy and sell stuff, but is useful mainly as digital gold-as an investment, also a useful way of moving money across international borders, and that will likely be its main application over the next several years. It is most valuable as something that enables financial phenomena that have never existed before, what is known as "programmatic finance." Read more at: http://www.economist.com/news/finance-and-economics/21722235-bitcoin-far-only-game-town-surge-value-crypto-currencies


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