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Decoding the Mystery of Perfect Ads!

Advertisement is one of the major ways through which businesses can attract customers. A lot of money and time is invested in order to create ads. However, these days a helping hand has come for rescue and is successfully able to attract customers by presenting customized ads. Machine Learning Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning have come into play. With the help of these technologies, customized ads can be created based on the current searches done by customer. For example, you recently searched for “affordable mobile phones”. These learning algorithms tracks it down and soon starts displaying mobile phones ads presented by various companies. Other than that, Data Mining also plays an important role in this. Among various data that is available on world wide web, data mining algorithms browser and stores valuable data. 

Read more about this at https://www.techworm.net/2018/06/how-machine-learning-algorithms-help-businesses-target-their-ads.html


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