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Analytics- redefining telecom industry

The last five years, we have seen a massive upsurge of data; we have generated 90 percent of the entire world's data in the last two years!!! Why today analytics is so successful? Just because of availability of data? No! We have to admit the technological advancement we made through the last decade to analyze the available data, also the success can be attributed to the decreased cost of storage space. Twenty years ago, we had all the data analysis tools in place but data was scarce. Today there is a frightening abundance of data... But then what to do with this available data and how! Yeah we got the techniques, but we need the applicability mapping... Think about the applicability of analytics into the telecom sector, which represents an agile supply chain management ...These examples points to the tremendous possibilities that big data offer in telecom sector. But we must never forget the underlying secret: only blue-blooded telecom experts can usher in this exciting telecom future. Today's big buzzword is big data. Its companion, buzzword analytics, is also a big favorite. There are good reasons why this is so. 

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Analytics - caring for health
Robots- exhibiting feelings & emotions

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