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How Telcos should analyze customer behavior

Telecom companies these days should be very active in providing their services and shift their attention from customer acquisition to customer retention in order to survive the head-to-head competition in this extremely fickle market. The companies should use the right technology to study their customers and make the right business decisions. Understanding the consumers would help the companies in efficient targeting and positioning in the market. But, the sheer magnitude of the data in the telecom industry might be a problem while storing and analysing. So, to acquire a more practical information, the companies should ask the right questions and find the correct software to be used for data analysis, so as to reach their goals efficiently. Read more at



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New age of healthcare

As healthcare industry changed dramatically and became more consumer driven- prevention, personalization, prediction, pre-emption and personal responsibility have become important. Telecommunication companies are coming with advanced and customized products to meet unique requirements of the healthcare industry. Products range from providing connectivity for enterprise mobility, asset management and exchange of health data in various formats, platforms for healthcare IT tools; mobile apps for physicians and healthcare professionals to patient engagement solutions. As healthcare moves toward "On-demand, anytime, anywhere" concept, sensor technology will revolutionize the healthcare industry. For more details please visit: http://www.forbes.com/sites/reenitadas/2014/05/19/healthcare-beware-new-intruders-are-coming-introducing-the-new-gold-rush/

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Telecom companies need to analyze data in real time

Giving constant connectivity to customers and ensuring customer satisfaction are two most important things for telecom companies. As an owner of telecom company, you have to ensure that customers lose their call to as minimum as possible to prevent business loss and inconvenience to them. 

For this, you have to analyze every moment and take preventive actions whenever any faults occur. It is necessary that you must have analytics tools for it. But, unlike in most business cases, you will not able to use traditional machine data analytics. It is of no doubt that you will get patterns and trends, and will be able to evaluate program performance and pinpoint defects – but all these after the fact. By that time, you may lose your customers and revenues costing millions!

What you should do is do a real time monitoring and real time analysis as well. Using ‘streaming big data analytics’, you will be able to collect and correlate streaming data at a customer’s specific location, cell site performance, call failure rates and event prevent momentary glitch before they turn up into a large scale event. Not only this, based on profile of your customers, you can prioritize their issues. All these will increase one of your important parameters – customer satisfaction.

Read more at: http://smartdatacollective.com/dale-skeen/199716/why-telcos-can-no-longer-rely-traditional-machine-data-analytics-deliver-high-qual  to know how streaming data analytics help telecom companies to monitor calls in real time and increase customer satisfaction.

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Analytics: emphasizing on telecom big data

Big data is the buzzword and messenger, but not the whole story. Yes, tons of telecom use cases will fit the so-called 3 V’s of big data: volume, velocity of analysis and variety of technologies. But today, a rise of fourth V can be observed in the big data equation: Value, referring to optimizing performance, maximizing revenue & monetizing the telecom business in more sophisticated ways.

The Telecom Analytics & Big Data Market, a breakthrough analysis report by Dan Baker, editor of the Black Swan Telecom Journal & research director of Technology Research Institutegives us new insights about telecom big data analysis. In an interview with Craig Galbraith, Mr. Baker speaks about competition, barriers of market entry, customer experience, network analytics, integration with cloud, outsourcing & big data.

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good work bro
Monday, 24 March 2014 07:55
Nitin Sinha
Tuesday, 25 March 2014 15:43
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Analytics- redefining telecom industry

The last five years, we have seen a massive upsurge of data; we have generated 90 percent of the entire world's data in the last two years!!! Why today analytics is so successful? Just because of availability of data? No! We have to admit the technological advancement we made through the last decade to analyze the available data, also the success can be attributed to the decreased cost of storage space. Twenty years ago, we had all the data analysis tools in place but data was scarce. Today there is a frightening abundance of data... But then what to do with this available data and how! Yeah we got the techniques, but we need the applicability mapping... Think about the applicability of analytics into the telecom sector, which represents an agile supply chain management ...These examples points to the tremendous possibilities that big data offer in telecom sector. But we must never forget the underlying secret: only blue-blooded telecom experts can usher in this exciting telecom future. Today's big buzzword is big data. Its companion, buzzword analytics, is also a big favorite. There are good reasons why this is so. 

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