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How Telcos should analyze customer behavior

Telecom companies these days should be very active in providing their services and shift their attention from customer acquisition to customer retention in order to survive the head-to-head competition in this extremely fickle market. The companies should use the right technology to study their customers and make the right business decisions. Understanding the consumers would help the companies in efficient targeting and positioning in the market. But, the sheer magnitude of the data in the telecom industry might be a problem while storing and analysing. So, to acquire a more practical information, the companies should ask the right questions and find the correct software to be used for data analysis, so as to reach their goals efficiently. Read more at



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India- The Vibrant Telecom Market

Telecommunication sector in India is one of the fastest growing entities,contributing significantly to the GDP. It is expected to provide huge employment opportunities in the next five years and the smartphone market will surpass the US to be the second largest in the world.There has been high FDI and companies like Bharti Airtel,Apple,Reliance have realised the benefits of investing in this area. The government too has been proactive to ensure that customers get access to a smooth and hassle free network. India is estimated to have 700 million internet users by 2025 and the introduction of 5G spectrum in the near future provides a bright future ahead for the Indian telecom market.Read more at: https://www.ibef.org/industry/telecommunications.aspx



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