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Growth stalled? What to do next

For any budding company or an industry, the ultimate driving force that can help them survive the thorny path of competition is ‘growth’. A particular company may not last long without growth fuelling its fire of success. It not only ensures easy and faster cash transaction but also makes ways for new project, satisfied customers and talented new hires. However if growth halts once, a company’s future is fully dependent on its founder’s ability to restart the engine of success. In fact in many cases half of the new businesses close down in five years in absence of the driving force.  Question arises on how to take up a company from the path of despair and jumpstart growth again. Let’s look at the following tips:

·         Adding empathy screening to hiring process- A better understanding among the workers of the company can lead to better anticipation of needs and improving productivity thus inevitably leading to faster growth processes. In fact empathetic behaviour helps to evaluate others’ agendas and deliver something that meets the needs of all.

·         Investing in relationship not in sales- Where authenticity is craved by the modern customers, one should promote content in such a manner such that it leads people to have a deeper connection to the brand. Just a mere commercialisation with clever camera edited marketing skills won’t help accelerate growth of the products much if it doesn’t make any sense for the brand.

Hence putting together a strong team and leveraging the most attractive features of a company can put off the stagnating growth and initialise the processes of success again.

Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/316088

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