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SaaS: Still the Best Option for Cloud Computing!

Companies, today, are migrating to cloud in order to minimize the cost and efforts. This means shifting from on-premises system to cloud. More companies are adopting Iaas or PaaS model. Companies have to refactor or re-write the pieces of application for cloud platform. In this process companies may fail to assess, whether do they even need these models? Or will it offer any value to the company? One more model “SaaS’’which was the original cloud (introduced 15 years back) is overlooked by IT. SaaS is better, more efficient and less costly. There more than 2000 SaaS offerings with a large range, those are easier to deal with. Companies can use the mixture of Iaas and SaaS in the cloud. To read more, please click on the following link: http://www.infoworld.com/article/3055849/saas/dont-overlook-saas-the-original-cloud-option.html

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