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Currently student at SBPPSE, AUD .Have keen interest in Analytics and Finance

Hacking Marketing via Agile

Agile marketing as a management methodology mainly works on short term projects of weeks in order to meet the rapidly changing market. These short term projects are aligned with all marketing objectives. At the end of each project, the cross functional teams reviews the last project and prioritizes. Agile management basically adapts to the changing market more quickly and efficiently. Today marketers have the biggest challenge of handling the fast upgrading technologies and customer touch points. One of the solutions to overcome this challenge is to invest in pruning marketing contents. Secondly, cleaning the useless data, activities and tasks.

If you wish to know more, please read this Forbes article by Partrick Spenner, Strategic Initiatives Leader in CEB’s Marketing Practice, where he discusses this concept with chiefmartec.com founder Scott Brinker.



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Maximize the SEO with the Collaboration of Web Design Analytics

Search engine optimization (SEO) is process through which web data is collected .Web design directly affects the efforts of SEO. Analytics evaluates whether these efforts are working or not. Some of the efforts by web design analytics that can robust the search engine performance is:

1. Site analytics tools give the insights about most popular content on the web site. Therefore, one can tailor the content according to the theme.

2. One of the crucial analytics related to the web design is how fast (speed) the page loads, Google will take in consideration the speed factor in ranking the page.

3. Accessibility of the site is also important.

4. The content of the site should be relevant, specific location key words must be used in order to attract more customers.

To know more read article by Vinod Jethwanihttp://www.business2community.com/seo/streamlining-seo-efforts-using-web-design-analytics-01534695#kjhQ7oxU11kCZeWv.97



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The Complicated Task of Big Data Handling!

Today companies are gathering more and more data but are not certain of what to do with this data. For the last five years, companies are getting in to the big data practices in order to get competitive advantage. Big data is basically using analytical software to visualize unstructured data (data available to the public) and structured data (companies propriety information) .This visualization does wonders, it gives predictive sales figures, future prospective of the company and sales target .Gathering information is getting simpler with the emerging software & IoT; but sorting and filtering the huge pile of data is a complicated process.

According to a new report, an analyst spends about 50-90% of their time in just cleaning and filtering the raw data. Companies can solve this problem by improving the data software where data can have lower level of risk for data scientist and algorithms can help in data cleaning.

To know more: http://www.zdnet.com/article/big-datas-biggest-problem-its-too-hard-to-get-the-data-in/

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Enhance the Supply Chain Management by Big Data Analysis

Big data Analytic can give real time analysis of huge, complex and continuously increasing dataset. It can be applied to many Business operations .But companies do not use this potential of big data analytics to supply chain management. Company can control the inventory and other supply chain operations more efficiently with help of analytic .for instance, companies can use unstructured data set in the inventory, forecasting and transportation for analysis and new insights can be delivered, like forecasting next date for restocking in supply chain planning. For the last 2 years big data had been used in the supply chain management but there is still a long way to go.

To know more read article by Bernard Marr : http://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2016/04/22/how-big-data-and-analytics-are-transforming-supply-chain-management

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Data Scientists: A Bright Future Ahead

Companies are looking for talented personnel especially in the analytics and big data sector. According to a new report, start-ups are offering phenomenal packages to data scientists as they give them a competitive advantage. Indian start-ups are willing to pay around 10.8 lacks to a talented analyst. Although the global market has been very fluctuating for the past five years but the need for a specialist is growing with the emerging work in this sector. Demand has grown but the supply has failed to meet .An Experienced Analyst (minimum 5 years) demands 12.3 lac to companies. Kolkata in India holds maximum number of analysts or data scientists. The average package salary of an analyst professional is 9.36 lacks.

To know more: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/jobs/analytics-big-data-to-see-robust-hiring-high-pay-packets-report/articleshow/51105814.cms

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Does Analytics Play a Big Role in the Supply Chain?

The dilemma of supply chain exists in every sector; even in the pharmaceutical industry. Availability of medicine is an issue because of uncertainty and at the same time one can’t stock the shelves unnecessarily. Analytics tool plays a big role here in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. Analytics had been used for a very long time in this sector but today's analytical tools are quicker, collaborative (to suppliers and customers), advance and give visual effects to the users. FusionOps is a new analytical tool which lets pharmaceuticals analyze the data at one place which was difficult earlier. It also gives users an opportunity to see different scenarios and then take final decision. This tool lets the user anticipate demands, sectors the data and meet the targets on time.

To read more, please visit the following link: http://www.cio.com/article/3063513/heres-why-analytics-is-eating-the-supply-chain.html


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Role of Predictive Analytics in Retail Industry

All new on-line communication that both consumers and retailers access on a regular basis is creating even more data for retailers to store. It is time to extract valuable information from all the existing data in order to meet customer demands, increase sales and improve business performance.

In the simple terms, predictive analytic is a technique that is used for forecasting. It uses past data like how many products were sold and at what rate? Predictive Analysis is a big help in the retail industry. It doesn't mean that the whole process has to work on automation. Human decision making (sometimes gut feeling or intuition) and software like Predictive Analytic would give even better results. Some constraints in adapting this type of analytics is that decision power is transferred to a machine. This is always a difficulty because downsizing or resistance can also be a result. Analytics work on big data; which is difficult, expensive and can fluctuate.

To read more:http://www.in.techradar.com/news/world-of-tech/What-is-predictive-analytics-ndash-and-should-we-fear-it/articleshow/51945739.cms


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Do Individual Credit Ratings Matter?

Indian banks do not differentiate between a person with low credential rating and people with good financial records .There are no difference because both pay the same interest. In case, corporate customers are judged on the basis of credit rating given by organizations like CIBIL. Even though those corporates who have higher chance of creating NPA for the banks pay the same rate as individuals (with good record). This is because, in retail lending, Indian banks don’t follow developed countries' practices, where customers are charged differently on the basis of their credit ratings. On the contrary, they don’t give loan below a certain limit. Therefore, any one below that limit is refused of loan so there are no chances of different interest rates.

To read more:



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How can we Develop Insights from Data?

As more and more organizations are becoming data driven, the importance of analytic or data insights is increasing. Following are the capabilities that business can adopt to turn data into insights.

Firstly, it is significant to meet business alignment, which means understanding the value a new insight will provide to the business.

Secondly, “data understanding” that is creation of glossaries, dictionary, updating the data and address where the data have been stored.

Thirdly, checking for the required quality (relevance and accuracy) of the data and accordingly seeking new adjustments.

Fourthly, Data centric process takes data as an input and not as an output in the operational processes.

Lastly, in order to establish data-centric process effectively and efficiently. Employees require training to acquire skills to handle data like six sigma quality training.

To read more:http://www.cio.com/article/3041483/analytics/5-critical-success-factors-to-turn-data-into-insight.html


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Agile Marketing Vs. Waterfall Marketing

Agile and Waterfall, both are digital marketing processes. Agile marketing is more flexible, requires close interaction between teams (use open-ended approach) and encourages creativity. Its methods rely on real-time data in order to respond quickly. Digital marketing under it requires an updated on-line platform and also works on SCRUMS (short-term update meetings). In contrast, waterfall marketing is less flexible, favors sequential and clear work division. It requires huge data gathering. Unlike agile, waterfall works on long term approach in marketing. Waterfall logistics are slow but are very effective and finished with in stipulated time frame mainly because work is always in planned and organized way. To read more, click here:  



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Cloud App Security Makes Cloud Computing less Complicated

Organizations are now shifting their data on cloud. This creates a problem for IT in terms of security and handling, because security teams needs strong visibility, control and threat protection for cloud applications.    

Microsoft Azure is an open, flexible, enterprise-grade cloud computing platform. Microsoft Azure’s part Cloud App Security makes it possible for IT to set up application discovery and check with the existing security. Since there are numerous applications it is not always possible for IT to know the risk of running an App. But cloud app security gives a risk score(based on prior examination, certificates and information) to most of the App .It gives IT department the same control as their internal software as they can also track how the App is being used through Connecting.


To know more: http://www.infoworld.com/article/3055849/saas/dont-overlook-saas-the-original-cloud-option.html

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Agile marketing Approach: More Efficient Way

Today marketers prefer one-to-one market with customers. This requires full agility and efficiency. The Agile marketing is more interactive, efficient and effective than waterfall approach (old sequential marketing). Big marketing campaigns are cumbersome and time consuming and there are always possibilities that campaigns may fail with high cost. Companies can reduce the stagnation in few steps:

 1. Increase the productivity by providing training to employees for multiple tasks.

2. Hire talent for both data science & analytic and creativity.

3. Use CRM (Customer Relation Marketing) and data driven marketing solutions.

4. Take expert help or consultancy services.

5. Outsource services if possible to decease the work.

To know more click on the Link: http://www.cmswire.com/digital-marketing/why-your-business-should-embrace-agile-marketing/


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SaaS: Still the Best Option for Cloud Computing!

Companies, today, are migrating to cloud in order to minimize the cost and efforts. This means shifting from on-premises system to cloud. More companies are adopting Iaas or PaaS model. Companies have to refactor or re-write the pieces of application for cloud platform. In this process companies may fail to assess, whether do they even need these models? Or will it offer any value to the company? One more model “SaaS’’which was the original cloud (introduced 15 years back) is overlooked by IT. SaaS is better, more efficient and less costly. There more than 2000 SaaS offerings with a large range, those are easier to deal with. Companies can use the mixture of Iaas and SaaS in the cloud. To read more, please click on the following link: http://www.infoworld.com/article/3055849/saas/dont-overlook-saas-the-original-cloud-option.html

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Reliance on Cyber Security Tools but Still Face Protection Risk


According to a new study by Cisco “Security in India: Enabling a New Connected Era”, 72% of the Indian companies rely strongly on web Security whereas this figure is 52% for non-Indian companies. This means Indian organizations rely more on tools rather than strategies for protection. Therefore, reliance on tools may also put them at risk. Around 65% of the Indian organizations use mobile security against 49% of the non-Indian organizations. Indian organizations are also rapidly using cloud base security. Use of cloud security system in the coming times will lead them to threat problems just like other countries - China, Russia and U.S. These countries use advance persistent threat (APT) to steal data from consumers and competitors. To know more read article of TOI 



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Understanding the Market Conditions for Bond ETF

Exchange traded fund (ETF) is a fund that trades on an exchange like a stock. Some of the features of bond ETFs in the market place are:-

  • The market price of these shares will fluctuate as the collective price underlying securities.
  • Due to uncertainty of conditions investors sometimes sell shares at the same time which results in crashing the market price. Market of these shares is very volatile.
  • There is a complete transparency in pricing, centralized trading, and visibility to all as a result there is more connectivity between buyers and seller. Therefore, trading ETF bonds is less complicated and more efficient as compare to individual bonds.

If you wish to read more on ETFs, click on the link below for full article by Matthew Tucker: http://www.investopedia.com/partner/blackrock/articles/investing/041516/what-happens-bond-etfs-stressed-markets.asp


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Big Data is Changing the Industry Scenario

In order to make management decisions, all companies in various industries work on large transactional data. For example: healthcare, retail, pharmaceuticals and so on. Some of the benefits big date provides:-

1. Big data analytic makes operations more efficient and frequent.

2. It appreciates the quality of services by analyzing the whole data and not just sample subset. As a result, the companies make more precise decisions.

3. Marketers target the right customers using big data. Through focusing on data based strategies

4. It gives an opportunity to new companies because they can analyze the existing industry data.

5. It also gives a competitive edge to those companies who use it decision making.

To read more: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/tech/it-services/How-Big-Data-is-changing-the-way-we-do-business/articleshow/50417589.cms


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Exploring the basics of Exchange Traded Funds

Exchange traded fund (ETF) is a fund that trades on an exchange like a stock. It is traded in bundles basically because it becomes difficult to sell 10, 20 or 50 shares. An ETF holds assets such as stocks, commodities, or bonds, and trades close to its net asset value over the course of the trading day. Large financial institutes are known as AP’s (Authorized Participants).They partner with an ETF provider and create an initial fund share which is then made available for investors. AP also helps in stabilizing the price. When demand increases, ETF price increases and thus the AP buy security to meet the demand and vice- versa. To know more, you can read the following article by Matthew Tucker  


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The Indian IT industry: Leverage through Mobility of Resources

Movement of resources across the border or migration is very significant for the growth of global market. And, the best resources that India has today are its "Talented People". Therefore, global portability of its best resources i.e. people will increase forex for the country. The Indian IT industry, in last three decades, has achieved a lot. It has made its mark in many successful global projects which includes innovative and cutting edge products, software, programs and apps . Today, most of these Indian IT companies, work on "Outcome- Based Model", which reinforces the fact that number of employees and their location is not a matter of concern now. To conclude, it can be said that, India will continue to generate globally greater revenue and impact through its IT industry. You can read more about the global impact of Indian I.T services in the following article by the former CEO of HCL Technologies, Mr. Vineet Nayar.

Click here  http://blogs.economictimes.indiatimes.com/et-commentary/does-the-it-industry-need-to-mobilise-its-best-resources/

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Pros for doing Data Driven Marketing Accurately

Some of the pros for executing data driven marketing efficiently are:-

1. Joint collaboration with IT department and marketing team is the key to achieve efficiency.

2. Hiring an industry analyst, professor or data scientist to review the data before publishing is necessary to check accuracy.

3. Planning the data collect and analysis before starting the project will help immensely.

4. It is important to focus on what the data means and what are its implications.

5. In order to increase exposures create strong relations with media and analyst (to find out what kind of data suits best for them) before publishing the data.

6. Company should decide whether they want to invest in product growth or data marketing.

7. If the company doesn't have data they don’t need to invest in costly data gathering procedures. Inexpensive tools are easily available.

To know more, read article by James A. Martin on the link : http://www.cio.com/article/3052442/marketing/how-to-do-data-driven-marketing-right.html?page=2


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