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How can we Develop Insights from Data?

As more and more organizations are becoming data driven, the importance of analytic or data insights is increasing. Following are the capabilities that business can adopt to turn data into insights.

Firstly, it is significant to meet business alignment, which means understanding the value a new insight will provide to the business.

Secondly, “data understanding” that is creation of glossaries, dictionary, updating the data and address where the data have been stored.

Thirdly, checking for the required quality (relevance and accuracy) of the data and accordingly seeking new adjustments.

Fourthly, Data centric process takes data as an input and not as an output in the operational processes.

Lastly, in order to establish data-centric process effectively and efficiently. Employees require training to acquire skills to handle data like six sigma quality training.

To read more:http://www.cio.com/article/3041483/analytics/5-critical-success-factors-to-turn-data-into-insight.html


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