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Start ups: Not that hard to open

In today’s fast life every single one, once in a lifetime, thought of a start up. But only few do that and some of them survive. So here are some points one should consider before starting up. 1.) Do proper research: Being impulsive can be a huge mistake so first create a list of advantages and disadvantages you will face when quitting your job. 2.) Create a business plan : After doing proper research about it, one need to put it on paper, so that is something you can show to potential investors, partners, and other company stakeholders. 3.) Funding: Of course, funding is important to the company but before it one need to have his/her own personal finances in check whether it for rent, insurance or pocket expenses. One need to be stable in that before funding a company. 4.)Structure: After that one have to decide between different entities of business 5.) Network: One can take help from his network. 6.) Positivity: Be positive about what are you doing. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/294251


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