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retail analytics and GST

As from the past record, Indian retail industry transformed a lot. It can cross over USS $1.3 trillion by 2020. It accounts over 10 per cent of the Indian GDP. And now as GST implementation brings over greater transparency, reduced trade barriers and improved credit. 1.) pricing and promotions: Due to GST product pricing will be affected and also companies in B2C segment will be significantly affected. GST will impact prices of goods at every stage in the supply chain and retailers will need to review their prices studies by vendors. 2.) EOSS(end of season sale): there will be difficulty in clearing the stock of last year.3.) reduced rates of apparel and  changing purchase pattern. Read more at:  http://analyticsindiamag.com/can-retail-analytics-step-game-big-box-stores-rush-embrace-gst/


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Success of a Business

So you have heard of these 2 brothers (Chetan and Rishi), but you didn’t know how they re-built the success of their family business. So Chetan did Bachelors in petrochemical engineering, & MBA . Rishi did Bachelors in Science and Business Administration. But they came to re-built their family business of manufacturing ceramic tiles, Kajaria Ceramics Limited. It was an year of 2000, IT revolution in India had just started, and Rishi started an online platform Floortoroof.com to combine the agents all over country. After their visit to China, they found out, they can easily import and sell the tiles into India, of course they have to cut off certain costs. Also to expand Chetan added partners to increase their reach to the local market. Also with introduction of SAP and IT integration, Rishi transformed day to day business. And it turns out all in favor with the highest profitability margin of over 18 percent and now it is all set to open a new plant in Rajasthan. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/296656


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Can Watson bring changes in fashion industry?

We all know Watson(IBM computer) ‘s prowess already been tested in cancer research. Watson has proven its worth in editing a thriller film trailer, composing music, providing excellent customer service. But has Watson proven its worth in the field of fashion? The fact that IBM is betting big on Watson is abundantly clear and it is now being leveraged by big fashion houses to utilize social data to better interact with customers, improve sales with highly targeted marketing campaigns and predict customer orders.  The AI-based collection, aptly titled Future of Bollywood Fashion was created by analyzing around 600,000 publicly available historical fashion runway images from the last decade. Read more at: http://analyticsindiamag.com/future-indian-fashion-ai-watson-makes-splashy-debut-indian-runway/


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Analytics in HR

There are lot of challenges faced by HR, from slowed hiring to restructuring, after the layoff  from IT industry. HR has considerably lagged behind in the use of big data and analytics in India. And according to a study, only 5% of big-data investments were in made in human resources. HR analytics is critical not just from talent acquisition and management perspective, but also cost optimisation. According to Arjun Pratap Singh, “AI and analytics are the driving force behind HR technology and this will drive the new employment economy. From talent acquisition and workforce optimisation to workforce transformation, AI be the strategic enabler to HR”. Data-backed decisions lend transparency to processes such as annual reviews. In case of retrenchment, data-driven decisions lend validity to the process. It is the absence of the data that HR analytics is lagging behind. Read more at: http://analyticsindiamag.com/can-hr-analytics-solve-major-talent-challenges-times-mass-layoffs/


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ways to become a millionaire!

They are many ways of becoming a millionaire but working for someone might not be one of them. For someone with a family to support, leaving the safety of a salaried position is risky, even if it might be more lucrative down the road. If you’re set on becoming a millionaire, but you also want the security of working for someone else, here are a few options to consider.1.) Earn partner status: just look for the company that is going to turn into a partnership firm, there can be a way for you to enter. 2.) Take stock options: many companies offer stock in addition to a small salary, one can accept, as there are more chances of growth. 3.) Savings: savings is more essential than earning more money. 4.) Invest wisely: Many entrepreneurial-minded people are skilled at spotting a solid business concept and putting their money into it. 5.) Taking over business: Eventually, the business owner will retire or move on to other ventures. That could be your chance to shine. 6.) Start a side business: Once your day job ends, your side hustle should begin. With today’s technology, you don’t have to invest in a physical office and a team of employees to start a new business. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/296361



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Start ups: Not that hard to open

In today’s fast life every single one, once in a lifetime, thought of a start up. But only few do that and some of them survive. So here are some points one should consider before starting up. 1.) Do proper research: Being impulsive can be a huge mistake so first create a list of advantages and disadvantages you will face when quitting your job. 2.) Create a business plan : After doing proper research about it, one need to put it on paper, so that is something you can show to potential investors, partners, and other company stakeholders. 3.) Funding: Of course, funding is important to the company but before it one need to have his/her own personal finances in check whether it for rent, insurance or pocket expenses. One need to be stable in that before funding a company. 4.)Structure: After that one have to decide between different entities of business 5.) Network: One can take help from his network. 6.) Positivity: Be positive about what are you doing. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/294251


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Can Tata turn around the condition of Air India?

According to a report by ET , Tata Group buys a controlling stake in beleaguered national carrier Air India. Irony is, it’ll go back to same group which had built and nurtured it into one of the world’s finest airlines. Tata Sons set up Tata airlines in 1932. JRD Tata, the legendary entrepreneur, himself flew the first flight between Karachi and Mumbai.Then it became a public company and was renamed Air India. In 1953, prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru, a Fabian socialist, decided to nationalize Air India “through the back door”. Living upto Nehru’s sentiment, Air India today reels under a debt of about Rs 50,000 crore and has never made a profit in a decade, despite eating up Rs 24,000 crore of a government bailout package. Even Tatas are concerned now over its huge debt. While there is no certainty if Tatas can turn Air India around if they decide to buy a controlling stake. Read more at : http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/transportation/airlines-/-aviation/how-history-will-come-full-circle-if-tatas-buy-air-india/articleshow/59253577.cms


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Solutions to increase revenue opportunities

According to Chet homes only 3% of your target market is ready to buy. 7% of your target market is open to buying but not looking, 30%  of your market is comfortable with the status quo and 30% of your market believes they aren’t interested. They are focused on “trying” to hit that 3% of the market. If those leads that may or may not be part of the 3% of the market do not move forward, then you have a high cost for business growth. So, to capture the remaining 67% more opportunities one can 1.) Focus on relevance across all levels using an account based sales and marketing approach. 2.) Engage in marketing for sales alignment. 3.) Focus on breaking down the potential customer’s status quo. 4.) Don’t optimize content for social media engagement. 5.) Focus on lead validation and qualification.  Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/social-selling/get-67-revenue-opportunities-using-linkedin-not-just-leads-go-nowhere-01860895#YcRxV4RbbdiwtFWQ.97


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What can benefit the business most?

When combined with direct mail, social media marketing can open the portal to a powerful promotional strategy?  The three C’s of social media marketing make it clear that you really have nothing to lose – and everything to gain – by establishing an active, and lucrative, online/offline presence. 1.) C is for content: Being seen and listened to is everything when it comes to making an impact on your customers, and attracting new business. 2.) C is for Connecting: Research indicates that there’s every reason to believe that connecting with your customers through various social media channels will lead to greater brand loyalty. 3.) C is for conversions: Every conversion starts with a conversation, and there’s no better place to communicate regularly with your ideal market than at hangouts like Google, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/social-media/3-cs-social-media-marketing-01864077#Oq3u08OGbAqj4KQR.97



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Can Indian market overcome the layoff in IT industry?

In the present scenario, as the layoffs are going on in IT industry, economists predicted that Indian market can absorb it in the next 2 quarters. But the recruitment will rise more for senior-level and CXO compared to entry and middle-level hiring because of disruption by automation. Companies should effectively and continuously measure the quality of their hires with productivity evaluation, feedback from hiring managers, employee retention. Also, to retain the employees, employer branding is necessary. This cannot be achieved overnight, and takes a sustained effort from all existing employees to create. For this, of course, the right sort of environment needs to be created at the workplace. It will make it easier to attract the best people. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295600


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Analytics is the future

Data driven analytics is must for all business functions because of increasing complexity and market volatility. According to the survey of more than 300 executives in North America, U.K. and Ireland conducted by Dun & Bradstreet and Forbes Insights, 1.) Senior executives finally understand the value of analytics and are making investments in technology, people and processes. 2.)Data analytics skills gaps persist across the enterprise, as 27% of analytics professionals surveyed cite this skills gap as a major impediment in their data initiatives.  3.)Analytical methods and tools trail both the appetite and ambition of most business leaders. Analytics now drives today’s enterprise, from formation of business strategy to powering operational excellence. It has clearly moved from being an optional operational element to serving as the core of corporate activities. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295522


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The easiest way to get desired job

Nowadays, finding a desired job is not easy, but with personal branding, one can find it easily. Personal branding is a term coined by Tom Peters, in his breakthrough article “ A Brand Called You”. Every person is unique in its own skills. There are a lot of reasons why understanding and building your own personal brand will help you achieve success in the future. Some of which are: 1.) Question yourself: Ask yourself  Who are you ? What are you? Once you start identifying the blocks that build your personality, you can find yourself standing out from the crowd. 2.)  Social media: In the  present era you need  not go out to search for a job. What you can do is maintain your social media. A lot of  business partners who are currently running their successful businesses had their first encounter with social media. Does anything get better than this? Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295522


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The top most leaders

In describing the key traits that a successful business man possesses, one cannot say who is the best. Just to get the idea while using IBM's supercomputer Watson, online career management website "paysa" analyzed the speeches, essays, books and interview transcripts of today's most powerful leaders. So to do this, it surveyed 8 industries. And in majority of these , Watson discovered "intellect" was the top personality trait for leaders. It also identified other traits, i.e. imagination, cautiousness, assertiveness, adventurous and more. Elon musk scored the highest score for the "most cautious leader". Above all, Bezos, Cook and Meg Whitman each tied for "most altruistic leader" at 98 percent. Whitman also topped the list for the most "achievement-seeking leader." Mark Zuckerberg seemed to exhibit the least amount of top common success traits identified by Watson. Although that doesn't mean much -- the Facebook co-founder and CEO just has his own set of unique traits that make him stand out. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295452 and  




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Revolution in autonomous vehicles


In the race of becoming a leader in autonomous car, Google and Tesla, compete each other in the near future. Tesla gains a hand over Google as it has already launched semi-autonomous vehicles in the Indian market named model S and model X. And during the time, Google's self-driving car (SDC) has been in the development. Although the target remains the same, i.e. 2020. Both companies use different techniques. Google uses reflected laser, whereas Tesla uses 3D cameras. Google is developing an autonomous vehicle in which there is no control of the driver, but Tesla uses an autopilot feature just like in airplanes so to allow some movement to the pilot.Despite different standpoint, result is much awaited till 2020. Read more at: http://analyticsindiamag.com/tesla-google-autonomous-car-technologies-different/


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