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How ERP is helping human resource

The HR department is using big data in order to deal with massive data. These data can provide plenty of business intelligence if it is analyzed properly. An enterprise resource planning or ERP solution can handle the needs of the HR department, but one should know the critical problems HR faces on a day-to-day basis. Analytics tools also provide HR with important information on everything from employee performance to payment. Process automation also helps the HR department to make efficient use of their time by handling easily automated tasks. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/key-human-resource-management-features-for-your-erp-solution-70069



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Mobile Analytics: The Changing Scenario

People are increasingly using mobile devices to interact through mobile browsers and apps. As a result mobile analytics is occupying an important position in the analytics world. Jeremy Levy, CEO of Indicative and previously co-founder of Xtify and Meetmoi, in a special guest feature in Inside Big data talks about how mobile analytics is changing and how to navigate in the changed scenario. He believes that the changes in the field of mobile analytics are driven primarily by three factors- access to attribution data, deeplinking and new platforms for some of the largest players in mobile. Again there are 3 factors that will define the success in the changed scenario- 

• Clean attribution

• Tracking deeplinks properly 

• Finally, flexible analytics tools

For more on this hit the link http://insidebigdata.com/2015/07/17/thriving-in-the-new-mobile-analytics-ecosystem/

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The Impact Of Decision Latency

Inspite of the fact that Big Data analytics is found everywhere, the willingness of the firms to invest and to act on analytics insight is extremely slow. This is decision latency, where the companies have all the required data and knowledge but lacks the speed to make decisions on major issues. In today's world, data becomes less relevant with each passing minute. Traditional analytics tools face challenges in handling this data because they are designed to store and process the data but not to analyze this data from moment to moment. Three capabilities crucial for event processing systems to deliver ROI, are as follows :

  1. High availability
  2. User empowerment
  3.  Empowerment of developers in order to built better distributed system with custom UIs (User Interface).

Read more at http://www.tibco.com/blog/2015/06/09/decision-latency-solving-the-big-data-analytics-oversight/

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Effective Marketing via Analytics

Marketers don't like analysis -- they prefer an epiphany."

- Elaine Murphy

Contrary to this view, analytics isn’t that bad for marketers. Rather, if used effectively, it can bring them some realization. So, the question that now arises is that how can marketers use analytics effectively to their advantage? To answer this question, Jonha Revesencio, Brand Marketer, Storyteller and Global Speaker, has listed down various useful analytics tools in her article at huffingtonpost.com. They are:

  • Clicktale
  • CrazyEgg
  • Jotform
  • Simply Measured
  • Compete
  • Google Analytics

To understand how these tools will help you market better, please visit the following link:


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