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Mobile Analytics: The Changing Scenario

People are increasingly using mobile devices to interact through mobile browsers and apps. As a result mobile analytics is occupying an important position in the analytics world. Jeremy Levy, CEO of Indicative and previously co-founder of Xtify and Meetmoi, in a special guest feature in Inside Big data talks about how mobile analytics is changing and how to navigate in the changed scenario. He believes that the changes in the field of mobile analytics are driven primarily by three factors- access to attribution data, deeplinking and new platforms for some of the largest players in mobile. Again there are 3 factors that will define the success in the changed scenario- 

• Clean attribution

• Tracking deeplinks properly 

• Finally, flexible analytics tools

For more on this hit the link http://insidebigdata.com/2015/07/17/thriving-in-the-new-mobile-analytics-ecosystem/

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