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Effective uses of Chatbots in marketing and business development

A recent report by EMarketer states that 1.4billion people interacted with chatbot in 2015.So, chatbots have huge opportunities for future marketing and some effective uses of chatbots are: 1. Sell a product or service, 2. Make payments easier, 3. Gain customer insight, 4. Personalize marketing, 5. Increase Engagement, 6. Qualify your Leads. Read more at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/sujanpatel/2017/01/21/6-effective-uses-for-chatbots-in-marketing/#7afe2f0f3f48

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Know what your customer feels

In business, one not only has to keep a track on competitors and a close watch on the market but also keep a tab on what the customers are feeling, and how they are responding about their products in social media. Luckily with the advancement of data analytics many such tools are available and are becoming popular. One such marketing tool is a search engine which searches any social mention of the topic in social media. These platforms enable a business leader to evaluate customer sentiments and use it for business development. Read more at:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jayson-demers/7-marketing-tools-to-find_b_7605262.html?ir=India&adsSiteOverride=in



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Know What Your Customers Feel

In business, one not only has to keep a track on competitors and a close watch on the market but also keep a tab on what the customers are feeling, and how they are responding about their products in social media. Luckily with the advancement of data analytics many such tools are available and are becoming popular. One such marketing tool is social mention, which is a search engine which searches any social mention of the topic in social media there are other tools such as quora, tweetreach, etc. These platforms enable a business leader to evaluate customer sentiments and use it for business development. Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jayson-demers/7-marketing-tools-to-find_b_7605262.html?ir=India&adsSiteOverride=in

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People's viewpoint about customer service

According to Brian Cantor (Managing Editor and community Director of IQPC's Customer Management IQ), businesses develop and put into operation strategies without truly trying to understand who their customers are and what they want, thus producing suboptimal customer experiences. The question is does a customer actually want to engage in long, personalized calls to identify and resolve a business issue?  A customer may not be supportive in all cases.  But a business that ignores the desires of their customers cannot be called customer-centric. Being alert of this problem, the author discussed this situation and was exposed to some of the factors that "normal people" value when it comes to customer service.  They are as follows: availability of full service 24/7 and quick resolution-because time is money and effort is money.  Read more at: http://www.callcenter-iq.com/customer-experience/articles/what-normal-people-think-about-customer-service/

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