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Know your customer more with Business intelligence

Customer service is the most effective part of any company. It not only helps to improve customer retention rate, but also helps to understand new market trends. Big data analytics and business intelligence play a crucial role here. Simple web crawling into a social site helps to understand the on-going sentiment and current market trend. Different social responses, video hits, ads and newsletters help to optimize the search results. In other word this process facilitates smother recommendation system and customer centred predictive modelling. To make a better prediction we can use –

1. Connectors help to integrate diverse data sets in different formats

2. Lightweight search facilitates even non-technical data analysis

3. Queries optimizes the search dynamics

4. Enterprise search also scores with its semantic search, which means that the context is recognized and included in the analysis and structuring of the data.

Using all these parameters business enterprises can design a better profitability model.

To read, follow: http://www.computerweekly.com/blogs/Data-Matters/2016/02/search-driven-business-intelligence-intelligence-for-a-customer-centric-business-world.html

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People's viewpoint about customer service

According to Brian Cantor (Managing Editor and community Director of IQPC's Customer Management IQ), businesses develop and put into operation strategies without truly trying to understand who their customers are and what they want, thus producing suboptimal customer experiences. The question is does a customer actually want to engage in long, personalized calls to identify and resolve a business issue?  A customer may not be supportive in all cases.  But a business that ignores the desires of their customers cannot be called customer-centric. Being alert of this problem, the author discussed this situation and was exposed to some of the factors that "normal people" value when it comes to customer service.  They are as follows: availability of full service 24/7 and quick resolution-because time is money and effort is money.  Read more at: http://www.callcenter-iq.com/customer-experience/articles/what-normal-people-think-about-customer-service/

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Growth in Social Media usage in India

Growth in social media networking with increased logging into Facebook and twitter accounts has been accounted to be about 37 % in 2013 according to trends in digital marketing, media and commerce. Though the global rate might be less the growth rate in India of social networking has been high especially in urban areas. India has recorded the second highest number of Facebook users and is likely to become the largest number of Facebook users in 2016. A survey by Internet and Mobile Association of India found that there has been a 50% increase after 2012 in Facebook use, 33 million in Twitter and 20 million on LinkedIn. Social media being the next being frontier is definitely unavoidable and has become an imperative part of a holistic marketing strategy benefiting businesses reducing costs and improving customer services. Corporate and B-schools give latest promoting strategies and marketing strategies through social media. Read more at: http://www.hindustantimes.com/technology/socialmedia-updates/india-records-highest-social-networking-growth-study/article1-1244761.aspx 

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Basics of customer service

Customer service is the key element which decides the fate of a business. If the customers find the employees rude or they don't know what they are talking about the organisation will start losing customers. Irrespective of the business type, customers make phone calls and may want to know the hours of operation or they may have a query about a recent purchase. The customer service department should always follow up with customers in order to show that they care about their customers and they make sure that the product features matches the demand of the customer.Helping them to the car when they have an arm load of products is a good way to show them you care. Helping them decide on which products to purchase and helping them to understand which products will complement each other is another way. To know more go to:http://www.coursepark.com/blog/2012/07/4-reasons-why-customer-service-is-important-for-your-business/

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