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Cybrcrime Out!

To counter the rising rate of cybercrime in the Internet today, some simple measures can be adopted like anti-virus/spy software, VPN- services, password generators, 2-step authentication, restricting and blocking apps, correct privacy settings and most importantly, being aware of cybercrime and not trusting any suspicious links and contacts. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/technology-data/8-tips-help-secure-your-accounts-against-cybercrime


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Cyber-attack is just getting into mainstream and targets are lifeline services

Cybercrime appears as more antithetical these days. Major infrastructure and all necessary services are the main target of hacktivists. Cyber-attacks are a strong alarm for all sophisticated and well digitized essential services. Experts say that other hackers could leverage some of the same tools and tactics used in the attack to target control systems for other critical infrastructure targets. The most alarming part is this potential cyber threat increased by 20% in only one year. Basically the systems connected to the internet are old and not well protected by firewalls. Hence such attacks are obvious.

To read, follow: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-new-front-in-cybersecurity-how-to-prevent-hackers-from-taking-down-critical-infrastructure-2016-4?IR=T


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Cybercrime: A Global Threat to Industries

Cybercrime is a continuous global threat to many industries. The risk associated with it is forcing the firms to spend large amount of money in hiring new technologies, devices and experts to combat it. Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) is the leading source of information about the cybercrime and security breaches, according to which 100,000 incidents of cybercrime have been observed across many industries this year. When a business becomes a victim of cybercrime, its employees, shareholders and customers also get affected. The major attack patterns identified by the report are: insider and privilege misuse, denial of service (DoS) attacks and web application attacks.

To know more, please click on the following link: https://hbr.org/sponsored/2016/04/data-breaches-arent-just-an-it-issue


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Protecting your enterprise from the threat of cybercrimes

As cybercriminals are trying to penetrate into each and every system, leading to huge losses, some steps that can protect an enterprise from cyberattacks are: 1. It is important to enable full disk encryption technology, so that all data on the storage drives are scrambled, which makes it impossible to restore the original data, when in wrong hands.
2. However, a concern dealing with sensitive data can maintain a separate encrypted file volume for its most sensitive files, by installing it before the first usage.
3. It is preferable to use hardware-based encrypted USB flash drives for data transfer, which provides seamless encryption of data, as it gets copied onto the drive.
4. A private cloud hosted on a network-attached storage device can be maintained for data synchronization among privately-owned devices.
5. It is always preferable to use password managers in systems.
6. Multifactor authentication should be enabled, which requires an additional information for final authentication, like maybe a pin code sent via text message.
7. It is important to have some backup account (say email id) registered to get information of any password reset, which may happen in a cyber-hijack.
Read more at:http://www.cio.com/article/2933183/cybercrime/7-steps-to-protect-your-business-from-cybercrime.html

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