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Protecting your enterprise from the threat of cybercrimes

As cybercriminals are trying to penetrate into each and every system, leading to huge losses, some steps that can protect an enterprise from cyberattacks are: 1. It is important to enable full disk encryption technology, so that all data on the storage drives are scrambled, which makes it impossible to restore the original data, when in wrong hands.
2. However, a concern dealing with sensitive data can maintain a separate encrypted file volume for its most sensitive files, by installing it before the first usage.
3. It is preferable to use hardware-based encrypted USB flash drives for data transfer, which provides seamless encryption of data, as it gets copied onto the drive.
4. A private cloud hosted on a network-attached storage device can be maintained for data synchronization among privately-owned devices.
5. It is always preferable to use password managers in systems.
6. Multifactor authentication should be enabled, which requires an additional information for final authentication, like maybe a pin code sent via text message.
7. It is important to have some backup account (say email id) registered to get information of any password reset, which may happen in a cyber-hijack.
Read more at:http://www.cio.com/article/2933183/cybercrime/7-steps-to-protect-your-business-from-cybercrime.html

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Security Developments in Banking

Banks are shifting their target from mobile banking to security scrutiny. What makes it more challenging is a far less prevalence of anti-malware software on mobile devices. Mobile banking allows customers to monitor fraud in real time together with their banking institutions. And many of our smartphones are more secure than our desktop or laptop computers with latest biometric and encryption technologies which provide two major benefits- Improved security and Improved self-help features so that customers don't have to call, email, or tweet their bank's customer care representatives. Read more at:


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