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Mobile applications and its importance in workplace

Nowadays, work environment needs flexible, effective, and dependable technology that allows employees to do their jobs, particularly in distribution and retail industries. But, with access to mobile apps that connect employees to a real-time look into inventory and orders, distributors and retailers are able to fulfill the need of every customer. Mobile apps can now connect employees to real-time business data, operations, and analytics and hence organizations can better forecast inventory need and deliver on increasing customer demand. Read more at: 



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Steps to Keep in Mind While Building App for Business Boost-up

Apps are expected to produce $77 billion in revenue for business this year. Out of available 2.8 million apps, only a fraction is ever used. It means that the only cool idea is not enough for an app to be wanted by people, the app should add worth to users and be regular with the usefulness that the brand provides. Three steps can be taken to ensure that the subscription adds value and align with your business goals. First is to link up with values by defining the core values one provides as a company. Second is to exploit the tools like tap into features and functionality that mobile delivers to help push core value out into the world. And lastly by using mobile to supplement the brand's value, i.e. design the app around addressing a specific customer pain point that the speed and ease of mobile can help remove. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295511

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Sales and marketing: in relation to big data

Advanced data resources like big data analytics is required by every business. Major areas of sales and marketing getting help from big analytics are customer analytics, operational analytics, product innovation, etc. Relation between big data and mobility allows mutual growth. Mobile apps promotes growth of big data. Apps have all the materials to steer marketing initiatives. Reserve of mobile user data is used to optimize a variety of things. Data driven insights play a major role in mobile marketing. Specific user data along with location data allows more personalization in marketing. High volumes of data is giving more control to analytics and real-time analytics can provide more advantages. Most businesses use data driven marketing approach. Big data pushes the benefits of mobility with advanced approaches. Read more at: http://analyticsindiamag.com/mobile-apps-leverage-big-data-drive-sales-marketing/


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Importance of Mobile Apps

Apps are important for any marketers. So, it’s important to optimize their mobile apps. Marketers must create an app such that customers want to come back to that app again and again. So, it requires continuous testing and optimization. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/mobile-apps/app-prepared-holiday-season-01714411#licV3563IasBkJzv.97



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Promoting your apps online have never been this easy

The social mastery for promoting new mobile apps online have hit rock-bottom. To ensure our apps are promoted online successfully, we should optimize our chosen app store, expand beyond Facebook, get respected third-party influencers to promote, pay for some increase in promotional power, and become an active member of fan-driven communities. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-business/4-tips-effectively-promoting-your-latest-app-using-social-media


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Customer Satisfaction In The World Of Mobile Apps

Customer satisfaction is important for any business. In a competitive market, companies must listen to customers. From app ratings to net promoter scores (NPS), the customers are the real hero. So, it is important to know what customers are thinking about your app and your service as a whole. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/customer-experience/measuring-customer-satisfaction-mobile-world-01546487#4EQRbxq4ojlpH9YF.97

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Agile Apps Development

Mobile app developers are changing the app building and maintenance approach to new technologies and architecture that supports modular apps with collaborative development process and is flexible, speedy. Whether you're making an enterprise or external customer apps, it is an iterative process. Waterfall development practices are unable to support the demands of developers, to create and update apps for modern mobile users. Adopting a modular approach create a number of opportunities for efficiency. So, where do you begin? Here are three emerging technology trends that will get your mobile app development teams headed in the right direction. 1) Micro services. 2) Cards, and Deep Links. 3) Native JavaScript Frameworks. To read more about it follow the article by Peter Crocker (Founder and Principle Analyst at Smith's Point Analytics) at: http://www.informationweek.com/devops/mobile-app-dev-3-trends-that-will-shake-up-your-strategy/a/d-id/1324290


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Coordination between Big Data and CRM

Nowadays, companies can generate more leads, retain existing customers and improve their customer service processes by incorporating data from sources like social media and server logs. Big data also improve the functionalities and features of CRM systems by providing accurate, and valuable information. Companies source big data from social media platforms, web clickstreams, sensor networks, mobile apps and computer logs. These information, gives insights about the thoughts and feelings of consumers, but, sometimes, they struggle with the large volume of data. So, if the companies have a good coordination between CRM solutions and big data, it will help the companies in the future. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/4-reasons-why-big-data-technology-and-crm-are-the-perfect-match-70625


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New Trends in Mobile Marketing

According to a research, it was found that the number of mobile-only internet users surpassed that of desktop-only and people spending at least 54% of their digital media time interacting with mobile apps. Emma Sarran Webster (contributor to Business 2 Community), writes in her article about the developments in the mobile marketing space which will help to make the process of discovery and outreach far more relevant and personalized, and provide customers with branded experiences. She also writes about some trends of mobile marketing for the year 2016 at - http://www.business2community.com/mobile-apps/6-mobile-marketing-trends-to-expect-in-2016-01376750#jJGsIEdEV8KmD7eF.97



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Predictive Analytics Can Optimize App Experience

Customers nowadays, use apps and for a product owner it is important to know what value his app is generating to the customers. Product owners should connect with their customers and to connect with customers at a deeper level, you must take advantage of predictive analytics. Predictive analytics helps to discover core product value, and product managers can chalk out an efficient roadmap for delivering core product value to users as quickly as possible. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/mobile-apps/how-product-owners-can-use-predictive-insights-to-optimize-the-app-experience-01345327#EhVGic3TUeHPzH71.97



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Components of Mobile Apps RFP

Mobile apps are becoming very crucial for any business. Big brands are making a huge investment in mobile apps as a part of business strategy. Once you have launched your mobile app, you should track ad acquisition channels, you should know how users are behaving in-app and what features they’re interacting with, engage and re-engage customers at every step of the user lifecycle, and grow app user loyalty. But, the starting point of making any app should go back to RFP i.e. request for proposal. The RFP is important in choosing a mobile analytics and marketing solution.  Bryn Adler (Content Marketing Manager) in her article writes about the key points which should be included in RFP. Your RFP should include: Acquisition tracking, Analytics & reporting capabilities, marketing & messaging features, Data organization, and Predictive Analysis. To know more, follow: http://www.business2community.com/marketing/5-key-components-of-a-solid-mobile-marketing-rfp-01328182



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Mobile Customer Relationship Management: An Insight

Customer relationship management software is a highly profitable investment for organizations of all sizes. Today's workforce is increasingly relying on mobile. Forrester reports that 29% of employees use three or more devices, and may work from multiple locations worldwide. Technology-savvy workers use mobile apps and are critical productivity tools. While early CRM mobile applications were difficult to use, and offered limited functionality, today's mobile CRM tools can be every as useful as their desktop equivalents. To know about the reasons why a mobile component matters more than you think, follow: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/why-smbs-cant-afford-to-ignore-mobile-customer-relationship-management-69841



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Importance of mobile apps in the world of marketing

According to a research by Gartner, it was found that marketing executives are three times more likely to lead strategic growth initiatives in 2016 than they were in 2012. Corporate managers are now focusing on customer experience and they think mobile is best to know about this. But, mobile should not be looked as a channel and it requires a different approach. “Mobile eliminates the notion of channels by blurring the distinction between the physical and digital worlds. E-business professionals who treat mobile as just a channel will fail,” Forrester analyst Julie Ask says in a report. Mobile apps deliver utility and valuable experiences that bind people to brands. Columnist Brent Hieggelke in his article link writes how to bridge mobile engagement gap between high and medium performing apps. Read more at:  http://marketingland.com/getting-grip-mobile-engagement-gap-133357



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Understanding the needs of IT

Using the right technology is immensely important, not only it adds value to the business but also it increases efficiency of the work force of the company. Most of the employees feel that mobile technology is important to get their job done. A recent study shows that employees are more comfortable using applications downloaded from public stores, despite having IT departments in their company. It seems that the IT department in most of the business houses are not being able to deliver high quality business applications which can increase the efficiency or unleash the true potential of the existing apps. The demand for fast and customized business applications are increasing and it is high time for them to deliver. Read more at: http://www.cio.com/article/2939933/mobile-apps/when-it-comes-to-mobile-apps-it-is-slow-poor-and-weak.html


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Mobile-first strategy in businesses

With the rising popularity of mobile apps, it has become a necessity for businesses to have a mobile-first approach. Before adopting a mobile-first strategy, the following factors should be kept in mind:

(i) Businesses should be familiar with the platform they use. Familiarity with advertising budget and the ability to hire professional web designers and developers is also required.

(ii) Apps should be built with a goal in mind. Apps can be made to boost sales, retain old customers or some other purpose.

(iii) To stand out in the crowded app market, marketing the app needs to be useful and purposeful.

(iv)  Apps should be unique in experience and significantly different from the company's website. Apps should be able to provide a simplified customer experience.

(v) Apps should be tested before being launched as a bad experience will have a negative impact on the targeted customers. Read more at:https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/7987-is-mobile-first-right-for-your-business

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Mobile Advertising: Latest Trends

It is the age of mobile devices and users spend most of their time in apps than they do mobile web. So, nowadays, brands are capitalizing this trend, and aggressively going for larger in-app budgets. According to a forecast by eMarketer, projects in-app ad which spends $29.66 billion now will be triple i.e. mobile web spend will be $10.84 billion by 2016. Mobile video is another fastest growing segments in digital advertising and it is expects it expects revenue of $4.4 billion in ad revenue in the US alone. Southeast Asia is another growing smartphone regions in the world, and specifically in India, where broadband internet is scarce and mobile penetration is high, it is expected to reach over 250 mm mobile devices this year. To know more about latest mobile advertising trends, follow:  http://venturebeat.com/2015/04/21/10-mobile-advertising-trends-for-2015-and-beyond/



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Trends in Mobile Advertising:2015

Nowadays, people use their mobiles to buy goods, interact on social media and browse internet. So, the volume and quality of data is growing at a fast pace. The advantage mobile has over data collected on other channels, is location-based data. Location-based advertising is one of the most effective ways to reach consumers and maximize the value of a marketing campaign on mobile. Currently, online marketers are using the mobile web or mobile apps and it is predicted that mobile advertising will be the most important channel for most brands and location-based advertising will be a game-changer for many marketing campaigns and ad tech companies.  Read more at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/mobile-digital-marketing/keeping-up-with-the-rapid-changes-in-mobile-advertising/1625




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Recent Trends in Mobile CRM

Nowadays, mobile CRM is in much demand. Another emerging trend is the convergence of mobile devices, CRM, and big data. In the retail sector, convergence of mobile devices, CRM, and big data enable mobile marketing and mobile apps to gain more insights of customer to drive more sales. To know more about mobile CRM, follow: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/5-mobile-crm-trends-to-watch-65634




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Mobile Apps: An Insight

Billions of people can access the web anywhere because of the increased use of smartphones. Businesses are offering mobile apps to engage with customers. Earlier, enterprise mobile apps failed to take advantage of technologies that personalized the experience of consumers. So, next-generation mobility efforts require apps that personalize consumer experience based on identity and location. Read more at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/mobile-digital-marketing/five-signs-that-mobile-engagement-is-evolving/1493



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Customer Centricity: An Insight

2014 was the year of mobile apps, mobile payments, and mobile-friendly websites. But 2015 will be a year of customer centricity. Customer centric is all about the customer- understanding of a customer’s value and what their significance to the business profitability. Benoit Gruber (VP Corporate Communications, Sage ERP X3), writes in his article link about the strategies that will ensure your customer centricity: http://www.callcentertimes.com/Home/tabid/37/ctl/NewsArticle/mid/395/CategoryID/1/NewsID/918/Default.aspx




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