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Artificial intelligence and machine learning. Are they same?

Artificial intelligence and machine learning. Are they same?

Artificial intelligence is like machine learning. But they are completely different and some concepts related to it has to be cleared.

1. Artificial intelligence refers to a broad set of methods, algorithms and technologies that makes the software 'smart' that seem human-like to an outside observer.

2. Machine learning has some elementary engineering sensibility whereas artificial intelligence is more correlated to automation and sophisticated data handling.

3. Machine learning covers multiple technology, whereas AI is a process which only refers wide variety of algorithms and methodologies that enable software improvement.

4. Machine learning is more into deeper analysis, segmentation and networking in contrast to standalone operation of artificial intelligence


5. Cognitive understanding is more prominent in artificial intelligence because analytics and forecasting play a clinical role. So, accuracy in automation required cognitive learning.


To read, follow: www.cio.com/article/3040600/five-things-you-need-to-know-about-ai-cognitive-and-neural-and-deep-oh-my.html


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