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What is ALDI ?

Aim-Lever-Data-Implement (ALDI) is an approach to integrate marketing analytics with Data Science, i.e making data the primary object of various decisions. So is it something very difficult or some kind of rocket science , no it’s a simple paradigm which follow the following approach :


  • Aim :

The aim of the analysis needs to be fixed by the strategy teams, before any data scientists gets involved, as they are are ones who know what exactly is needed.


  • Lever :

It is very important for an organization to know what actions it is going to take as a result of the analysis, not what the organization’s strengths are.


  • Data :

Once the objectives have been defined the next step is then to gather the appropriate data and then perform the analysis. This is where data scientists would really come in.


  • Implement :

This is the final step of the problem where results from analysis are used to make further decision on how the problem is going to be tackled and what all needs to be done by the various departments.


You can read the full article by Srividya Kannan Ramachandran at http://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/aldi-a-new-paradigm-for-integrating-marketing-analytics-with-data


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