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Why Advanced Analytics ?


In a short span of five years the world of analytics has changed immeasurably. Now we see fast analytics, interactive experimentation with data and exploratory analysis of data.

But why ? The answer to this question can be summed in three simple points. First, with fast analytics, it’s easier to keep up in an ever-changing world and keep pace with customers and market forces and businesses can see a measurable value from running advanced analytics on their data. Second, due to low prices of analytics businesses must meet customers’ expectations or risk losing them to a competitor. Third, it has the ability to elevate a company to the next level and provide it with a competitive edge over its rivals through the real-time insights it can achieve.

And , hence every one in this competitive market is shifting to advance analytics. To know more you can read the article by Aaron Auld (CEO of EXASOL) at: http://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/the-rise-of-advanced-analytics .


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