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Artificial intelligence in education system


The World is now more digital and with a better computational strength that ties up all humans. Can teachers will be replaced by the AI. We have crossed the technology sights of getting things more easy by robots and machines. There are situations where students under the shelter of teachers getting emotionally attached can be further given such place to AI. Our new step will turn up everything in the omnipresent form of technology. AI for future generations on education will be unpredictable. AI on another hand will need to be taken as pros or cons for developing new techniques for students. The digital future is still questionable in many fields Read more at: https://datafloq.com/read/artificial-intelligence-replace-human-education/3273

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Big data miners catching uniting cars


Increasing technology brings up more data and allow big data to act and perform more efficiently. Self-driving cars with more advanced technology are generating more data, new advancement of the license used in cars for smartphones and tablets that gathering Wide scale data. It affects insurance industry, by the introduction of new technology self-driving cars largely affects them with automatic car drivers. The data are also magnetic from different fields like in places such where sensors are attached to track down illegal cars. The business marketers are also developed for knowing the consumer behaviour zones outside their stores by tracking the road system. The big players are working for big data on connected cars. Read more at: https://datafloq.com/read/connected-cars-big-datas-next-mining-ground/3007

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Post-modern Markets: A change in today's world

The pact of era divides itself in three stages-pre-modern, modern, post-modern. The era with an ideology of marketing that walks with these three stages can be explained, now marketing is turning up to post-modern where it pushes down emotional and the left brain. The trend which is playing the most exogenous aspect to the buyers by recollecting them together and pushing all ideas of innovation tech to experience made to buyers. The greater impact that can change and will continue to change many marketing businesses are AI and machine learning, which provides accuracy based on sales. Marketers should focus on its strategies to use machine learning with much more creativity, use more analytical tools, should be emotional and more suitable. Read more at: www.thedrum.com/news/2017/06/06/get-ready-the-era-post-modern-marketing   

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Is Robotics a curative measure for “cube farms”?

Despite Robots, RPA- Robotic process automation is a part of AI umbrella. Many institutions, like the bankers, are looking for RPA for accessing more efficiency in their system, for cost minimisation, efficient work with operation smooth working, and for customer satisfaction. Bankers use RPA for making things easy and building a smooth working environment that will automatically improve the customer experience. By increasing efficiency and waving out from cube farms, environment RPA application is providing a new software tool that will automate the efficiency in the workplace. Read more at: http://www.bankingexchange.com/news-feed/item/6872-what-you-need-to-know-about-robotics?Itemid=653  

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Banks with ML are engaging more Engineers

Canada biggest bank entering towards an era of machine learning, and they are using machine learning techniques for their system. So, RBC (Royal Bank of Canada) is hiring more engineers than business people, where the programmers developed for uses technique that is machine learning. Moreover, the bank is developing a technique which would help them to work and load data efficiently. The important factor is the customers who deal their prices with more information to look at their risk. It is a vogue that the machine learning and artificial intelligence will boost the financial sector with big reforms. Read more at: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/03/29/rbc-capital-markets-machine-learning-trading.html 

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AI in Mammograms

With advancement, AI technique helps on unnecessary biopsies for analyzing mammograms for breast cancer, this technique is used by the method of scanning medical charts with results on mammograms by cross checking. Researchers predict that the algorithm used for reading mammograms are more complete results and analysis are done with more accuracy and reducing unnecessary biopsies. The standardization of these algorithm provides positive results with 99 percent accuracy to analyzes mammograms for breast cancer. Read more at: https://futurism.com/artificial-intelligence-reads-mammograms-with-99-accuracy/

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Big Data on Sustainability

How Big data help today's world on sustainability by developing a platform for scientists and researchers to make the world in the path of development. Data estimated in the year 2020 will be pooled up by huge information than current scenario. It has been known by every individual the change in climate is because of human's activity and can be improved by the action taken by each one. This issue can be seen on the rear image with different insights in the world by using big data application. Big data will help by collecting more and more data on the business activities and their impact on the environment. Big data is actively acted to make a change by mitigating cost and aiming towards the friendly environment, by understanding more on demand on energy. Read more at: https://datafloq.com/read/what-does-big-data-mean-for-sustainability/2412   

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Machine Learning: a pool of data

Machine learning and AI are flooded with data and are most of the sectors in the world are using such technique. Machine learning is a technique without any human intervention and is very fast and efficient. It enables humans with new and extraordinary idea to understand things more prominently and helps in support marketing to understand market and customer more deeply and pull out the data more efficiently by all the means of the use of Machine Learning. To keep efficiency and make the decision more accurate in the field of customer oriented place, there is pool of data available with Machine learning solutions. Read more at: https://www.ama.org/publications/eNewsletters/MarketingInsightsNewsletter/Pages/machine-learning-artificial-intelligence.aspx?utm_content=bufferba2a8&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer 

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IoT data analysis for business intelligence

To analyze and harness the data properly, businesses are now using a technique called IoT that will that will leverage the data internally as well externally. Organizations are using IoT data technology for profit maximization, for efficiency and also for decision making. Cloud computing help business by IoT method. Therefore, business intelligence must be brought up with continues method. Read more at:

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One step ahead Machine to Humans

The intellectual strength that is overpassing humans and releasing more like a virus. The power of Machine is getting stronger than can human possesses or possess to think. Several areas where prediction is just a matter of seconds for machines are creating more influence than humans esp. in the field of Medicine. Many universities are allowing their work to adapt with AI learning by different nodes. On the other side, the search engine Google also making plans enrolling AI developments. Read more at: "target_blank>https://www.engadget.com/2017/05/31/ai-is-already-beating-us-at-our-own-game/

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New Insight on banks database through Bitcoin technology

A decentralized network help banking database connecting unique chain to store transaction records. The technology allows the database to bypass the disruption of the payment network that are often slow, cumbersome and expensive also help in making strong fraud to die out from the system. The financial banks taking up the bonds and shares to get replaced in a decentralized structure. Furthermore, the middlemen are cut through the technology, moreover, it also cuts the cost of transaction records. Looking towards the new area of transformation the bitcoin technology is far approachable to adjust the use of database in decentralized form. Read more at: http://analyticsindiamag.com/blockchain-technology-the-immutable-database-revolution/

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Records were exposed globally, killing security running for support. A wannaCry attack leaves hints to the user on a network system. Moreover, how the security is protected or responsible by the fact of undercovering its data and information more strongly not be damaged to expose, also how the data miners are fighting against these cybercrimes. AI refining the threat of cybercrime and developing more ideas and innovation to counter such attacks. Not only that AI and quantum computing are challengers, but also a way with uncertainties. Read more at: https://www.ft.com/content/1b9bdc4c-2422-11e7-a34a-538b4cb30025

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