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Pioneering in the Field of Healthcare

India after having taken steady and fast steps in the field of healthcare has reached a point where it tends to supply over 20% of the world’s generics and about half the vaccines globally. This upsurge is because of the advancements and detailed research made in the field of biology which has enabled the pharmaceutical companies to understand specific health ailments and target them accordingly. Even after all the innovations and developments that have been taking place India’s position in the health related sustainable development seems to be grim. To address this, the government has to come up and take the necessary steps. It is necessary that we embrace innovation. Care should be taken that there is no disruption arising in the health systems and also that there is no financial crunch faced by the pharmaceutical companies.                                                                      TO READ MORE: 



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GST is NOT a Whammy!

With the rolling out of the GST, there has been a whole set of expectations and  beliefs as to how this entire system is going to have an impact on the economy and bring changes in the existing structure. The main reason behind the fight to pass the GST was to subsume the various existing taxes into just one tax (one nation, one tax) and to mitigate the cascading effect of the taxes. The expectation is that the GST is going to increase the GDP by 100-150 basis point in the coming few years. But there are analysts who believe that this new system is going to have a short term negative impact and this shall last till the time the economy gets into the line of  this new system. But this disruption will mostly be reflected in the manufacturing activities. But at the end, the story is that the GST is being seen as a blessing in disguise, from which the economy is definitely going to be benefited! TO READ MORE GO TO 



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Making Data and Analytics the Backbone

Usage of technology, right tools and knowing the significance of people and organizational components is necessary for the successful functioning of data and analytics(D&A). The malfunctioning in any of these may cause the D&A initiatives to falter. A successful D&A function encompasses more than a stock of technologies and D&A should be incorporated into all key decisions across sales, marketing, supply chain and other core functions. For the effective building of D&A capabilities a clear understanding across all sectors is required. The American sports leagues being the best example where the D&A function is used the most. They used D&A to predict the various statistics during the game. Usage of D&A was a success that the league had not achieved in the past. Keys to success included a clear strategy , a commitment across the organization to seeing it through with an unwavering eye on improving the experiences for everyone involved and also to avoid allowing strategy setting and decision making to occur in organizations, which can shadow technologies, competing versions of the truth and data analysis paralysis. It should be taken into consideration that D&A function should be a key contributor to the development & execution of business strategy, the importance of leadership should be recognized and checks should be put on cultural factors. With all these factors incorporated D&A can not just achieve growth but also let business leaders to anticipate what customers will want/need before they even know they want/need.TO READ MORE GO TO: 



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AI Making Wonders

AI and machine learning is making progress and covering every sector possible, and this aspect has lead it to make advancements in the field of medical science as well. AI is now being used to detect which fertilized egg will lead to healthy babies in the process of in-vitro- fertilization. IVF in its initial days was highly dependent on the experience of the doctors and the embryologists for the detection and choosing of the correct eggs, but with time, this scenario has changed. Usage of AI in this field has lead to the elimination of the potential, human errors, accuracy in detection and speedy results. Scientists believe that instead of human looking at thousands of images, a piece of software looking at them could lead to an eventual learning and hence better predictions. TO READ MORE GO TO: 



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