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Is Data Science a Mystery?

Data Science has become an inevitable charter in our everyday lives where every action of ours is measured, plotted, classified and logged. Businesses have also realized that they should adopt and embrace these changes now or risk being left behind in this fast moving digital world. Data Monetization is the new paradigm for organizations and slowly but steadily data is becoming their currency of trade.
Data Science is more like an art of turning data into actionable insights. Though we consume data regularly, we never cared to look behind the scenes on the rigorous processes, data preparation and machine learning algorithms that give us accurate data to devour. And this looks like some deep mystery but in reality it’s not a mystery, it’s just an intelligent use of data and various resources available to so called wizards: Data Scientists. To know more read the complete article by Prakash Pasupathy at: http://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/solving-the-data-science-mystery


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