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Real Time Analytics..!!!

In today’s digital age the world has become smaller.Gone are the days, when organizations used to load data in their data warehouse overnight and take decision based on BI, next day. Today organizations need actionable insights faster than ever before to stay competitive.With real-time analytics, the main goal is to solve problems quickly as they happen, or even better, before they happen. The lead role in revolutionizing real-time analytics is played by Internet of Things(IoT) . Now, with sensor devices and the data streams they generate, companies have more insight into their assets than ever before.
But it is so great as it looks , indeed it is as it helps getting the right products in front of the people looking for them, or offering the right promotions to the people most likely to buy using the real time recommender system.
are the days of waiting long hours to know the analytics of your data , now is the time to move beyond just collecting, storing & managing the data to take rapid actions on the continuous streaming data – Real-Time!! You can read the full article at


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Is Data Science a Mystery?
Real Time Analytics on Streaming Data

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