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Importance of Cloud in today's scenario

In present situation having a suite of products called 'marketing cloud' is necessary for any enterprise. While renowned and young companies have their own roles, marketing analytics point out that the problem is that "marketing cloud branding obfuscation" across dissimilar products makes the jobs of marketers, merchandise and IT guys harder. Gigaom Research found the priorities and hot buttons of several digital marketers and got to know about the effective marketing tactics they used. They also researched about areas where they required help. The study showed that salesforce was not wrong in its eagerness to tap into social media. The majority of big spenders use almost every digital tactic on every phases of marketing, namely awareness, acquisition, conversion and retention. Smaller companies still use SEO and email. Bigger companies are the biggest users of social media marketing as well as mobile and digital video. 50 percent of them are likely to increase their social media spending. In spite of this most marketers head to social media based on faith. They find it difficult to prove ROI for social media. Read more at: http://gigaom.com/2014/07/13/whats-needed-from-marketing-clouds/ 

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An insight to Social Media

Social media defines an array of internet sites that enable people from all over the world to interact. Social media affects our mental health and well-being. Facebook might cause anxiety and make life miserable. Facebook followed by My Space, Twitter, LinkedIn are leading social networking sites. Majorly below 30 aged men women use internet and 42 percent of them use multiple sites. The ability to connect to the people around the world attracts people to these sites. Social media has become a way of self-distraction and boredom relief. This leads to addiction. Scoring four of six criteria indicates addiction. People who are more anxious and socially insecure tend to use Facebook more. They tend to gain attention and boost self-esteem through Facebook. 

Again these sites can feel less confident comparing their popularity with their friends which leads to negative emotion. It also creates worry and discomfort for people hampering face to face interactions. Moreover there are cases of cyber bullying by adolescents.

In spite of these facts social media could be helpful to identify mental health issues. For example people with less pictures and friends might have the inability to enjoy from activities which normal people enjoy. Moreover a happy status may sometimes inspire others to post happy updates too. They might cause their friends’ emotional expression to change. Positive expressions spread more than negative expressions. In a magnified version this might cause an ‘epidemic of well-being’. But in conclusion whatever might be the affects, positive or negative, the usage of internet and social media is unlikely to fade any time soon. read more at : http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/275361.php

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Social CRM vs Traditional CRM

Social relationship management focuses more on social media than structured data. Social CRM is people driven and creates a personalized relationship between the customer and the company. When properly used it can improve the reputation of one's brand beyond Facebook and twitter. It is mutually beneficial for both the customer and the company. Unlike traditional CRM the benefits are not only focused on the company’s side. Out of 1802 internet users 62 percent men and 71 percent females uses social networking sites. Social CRM is more popular between the age group of 18 and 29. For young consumers web is an integral part of their life. Companies need to capitalize on this popularity for social media. Customers interacting via social media spend 40 percent more and 56 percent feel a stronger bond with companies through social media. Integrating social media reduces expenses by 58 percent, increases sales by 40 percent, and improves reputation by 64 percent. Whether a company requires social CRM or not depends on the company’s size, number of competitors and whether the critical systems and operations capable of accommodating social CRM. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/using-social-crm-to-bolster-your-business-62011

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Behavioural psychology to better customer relationship management

One must think like a customer to make them happy. Happy customers recommend you to others and increase sales. Speedy service is a solution for perfect CRM. However recent studies show that opposite happens. Customers value their time above anything else. Your effort at listening and understanding the customer's problems is what is necessary. They appreciate the personal interest that you take. Having a personal connection is the very best way to get customers on your side. To bring the personal touch one should get rid of the automated recordings and get people to talk to customers. Adding an online video conferencing element too your online service department is helpful. Employees should be trained to take time and personal interest for dealing with customers. Customer's loyalty should be rewarded by offering them coupons and special offers. It is important to take such lessons from psychology into CRM strategies as they help improve customer experience as a whole. A positive experience makes customers feel hear and appreciated. Read more at: 


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Open source v/s home grown source as CRM

A clear marketing plan and prior knowledge about your customer and the sales process is necessary before using any Customer Relationship Management(CRM). CRM is affordable and simple for organizing your primary market structure. Without having proper details about the customer's past and present status it is quite difficult to serve and approach them. A customer relationship management allows accessing such information about one's customers and enhances sales for future business. Advancement in technology keeps access to customers always high whether we have open source package or home grown CRM.  Defining  your business customers through information is rampant in the internet and then organizing and referencing it lets us achieve our sales goal irrespective of which particular CRM plan we use. Read more at: http://journalstar.com/business/local/small-talk-establish-marketing-plan-before-choosing-crm-service/article_e330e485-9637-5758-9ee5-d9657514867e.html

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Successful methods of a product launch

There are few things and tricks one should apply at a product launch to make it successful.  Firstly, one should sell a product which buyers want to buy and would be really interested in. One should keep in mind about customer's preferences while creating a product. Secondly, we need to include the right group of people on our consumer's list. Just adding people and increasing the list won't help. Not the quantity but the quality of the people matters. Thirdly, we should give them an offer they cannot refuse. There need to be more in one's offer package than just the product.  For example adding "special content" to movie DVDs or adding worksheets and bonus audios in e-books. Fourthly, writing a sales page that makes them comfortable buying. One should neither make an overrated hype or heavy handed sales tactics nor should they create soft-sell presentation of their offers. Fifthly, they should hire a team of affiliates to promote the offer. One should be aware not to associate with affiliates who don't resonate with their audience or have incompatible promotion styles or never actually do the promoting. Sixth, one should draw a pre-launch content that builds trust and goodwill. Videos that come before a launch to create excitement about the product that is coming up do not work on people that have seen it before. Lastly, we should be careful about the e-mails that get readers off the fence and follow simple, effective and non-pushy ways to make the clicks happen and get the goods sold. For more follow: http://www.thelaunchcoach.com/product-launch-tips-2

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Developing a prototype on your own

From a napkin to a 3D model every product development starts with an idea. Time, money and expertise is required to bring that idea to a marketable product. With the fantastic renaissance of innovation creating professional looking design with a little help is now easier and cheaper. Knowing your product inside out is very necessary. Putting initial pieces together gives you an idea about manufacturing details and also about speaking with professionals’ investors. It takes a little time to build and master the software but costs are less than that of a development firm. 

A number of companies have spawned and acquired hacker collectives as well. Thingiverse.com  even feature their homemade designs on their site which includes toy cars to salt and pepper shakers to robotic arms, with more ease and collaboration DIY modelling today acts almost as a natural prelude to prototyping. To know more about this aspect, follow this link:  http://www.inc.com/guides/2010/12/how-to-develop-a-prototype.html

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Consumer dissatisfaction with contact centres

According to a survey, which polled more than 13000 customers across 33 countries and 10 industries, showed that contact centers undermine the importance of customer service and hence dissatisfy them. 91 percent of customers complain that they have to contact the company several times for the same problem. 90 percent do not like to be put on hold. 89 percent report being frustrated about having to repeat their problems several times. Companies should start providing best class customer service so that they do not have to face same pitfalls with customer retention every time. To avoid call waiting, a cloud router should be used for automatically transferring  call to the next agent. Companies should invest in real time reporting software so that they have full interaction history of a customer when they call. Read more at: at:http://www.callcentertimes.com/Articles/tabid/59/ctl/NewsArticle/mid/407/CategoryID/1/NewsID/783/Default.aspx 

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Is live chat a better option over other customer service mediums?

Online chat is a better option compared to other customer service strategies like an email exchange or a personalized phone call. For live chat, some essential criteria have to be considered. First, it is important to ensure that the client or the user is registered on the company's website as all chat sessions would originate from the website of the company. Second, it is also important to know that whether inquiries being received are quick to answer or are detailed inquiries in order to continue with at least three chat sessions at a time. Third, the basic requirement is to have an operator during live chat sessions. Due to live chat sessions, a knowledge base of prepared responses gets build up which benefits in responding to customers faster and re-type the same answer, and thus there is a consistent communication between the company and customer. Read more at: http://managementhelp.org/blogs/customer-service/2010/06/04/customer-service-strategies-live-chat/ 

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No more obsolete methods for consumer service

According to Tali Yahalom, consumers want to be treated indivually and not like any other consumer you deal with every day. Companies should realize that changing rules once in a while is less costly than losing a customer. Moreover, social mediums like Facebook, Twitter, and Yelp have become extremely useful in tracking one's reputation online. One should be considerate towards a customer's emotional state of frustration and listen calmly to him/her instead of becoming defensive. Nowadays, companies have tools for collecting consumer feedbacks and suggestions which are extremely important. A company should be optimistic towards feedbacks and try and learn from it. To know more, follow this link: http://www.inc.com/guides/2010/12/the-new-rules-of-handling-customer-complaints.html

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Better customer service leads to better crisis management opportunities

Unless one puts in the effort of being beside their customers they can never receive helpful word of mouth. In times of crisis if employees want to protect the company's reputation, they should instil a customer service culture, then empower staffs for making decisions, and perform properly in case of a problem. In times of crisis a briefing should be done to the frontline staffs about the crisis, which is a part of the crisis communication plan. This approach helps protecting one's reputation. Words of support from the directly affected people provides opportunity to enhance one's reputation further. There is no formula for gaining goodwill and loads of satisfied tweets and Facebook posts from customers. Frontline staffs as brand ambassadors and crisis communicators and hard work only pleases customers and satisfies them. Read more at:http://managementhelp.org/blogs/crisis-management/2010/12/13/crisis-management-customer-service/ 

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Harassment in medical customer-service

Why we people do not get proper consumer service is the biggest question now. Apart from fast food joints the worst consumer treatment is acquired from the people who work for doctors, when ironically we should have got the best treatment there. In cases of emergencies where e require immediate attention we are told to fill forms moreover calls irritate you on confirming whether you would be able to clear the bills even if the insurance doesn’t. Apart from banks, medical customer service frustrates people with long calls and often hang them up. The only difference is that you speak with a live person instead. Then there are these unfriendly tools on the websites which assures you about the non occurrence of the problem again but if we had spend time searching every inch of the website this wouldn’t have happened in the first place. read more at:http://managementhelp.org/blogs/training-and-development/2012/03/07/poorest-customer-service-in-the-land-where-it-really-counts/ 

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Best consumer metrics

Different ways to know whether the consumer is satisfied include post-purchase and post-support surveys, enclosures in the monthly invoice, follow-up phone calls, and quarterly or annual surveys. Unless one measures a part of their service delivery they miss out an opportunity to grow. Different metrics used in different metrics include service level metric, where call centers, support and service desks are used for Holy Grail, and product delivery and project implement, on time preference is used for shipping operations. Then there is customer retention where utilization indicates customer’s dedication in Saas business and monitoring does that in non Saas business. Then there is response time which is the only way where companies can communicate their sense of urgency and concern for their customers and get feedback on their products. Next metric is time with consumers where instead of short and quick calls companies choose benchmarks for call duration and general time with the customer in relation to the goal of first call resolution. Next is churn, which is the best method to understand why a company loses business through follow up mails and calls. Read more at: http://managementhelp.org/customers/service.htm#feedback

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e-mail v/s telephonic support for consumer service

There are three modes of services available for customers, namely e-mail, live chat, and phone. Each of them has their own positives and negatives. E-mails are cheapest,\ and extremely useful for connecting globally. If solutions are not required immediately this can be the best platform with clear and written solutions, which are transferable. Customers do not have to deal with foreign accents or “on hold” waiting. Customers feel their importance and in this way a number of customers can be handled simultaneously. On the other side phone calls are better for people who want immediate support and are less technological forward. They get the solutions immediately and feel that their business is being appreciated. A helpful voice can calm and assure customers. Internet connection is not required. The type of medium selected depends on the type of client one faces. Usually sue to the fact that there can be multiple types of customers providing different forms of consumer support mediums is usually the best solution. Read more at:http://ezinearticles.com/?Email,-Phone-Or-Live-Chat-Support---How-to-Best-Serve-Your-Customers&id=3518663

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Primary rules of customer service

Customer satisfaction is an important necessity for any organization to retain customers. Few basic rules of customer service includes firstly, integrity, the service provider should be honest and commit to the mistakes and also communicate ideas to correct such follies and such mistakes in future. Secondly, there is response time. It is essential that the customer service provider is able to explain the mistakes of the company through one to one communication or through e-mails in case of large customer circle in an effective way. Thirdly, there is realistic expectation. It is necessary that the consumers are satisfied with company's promises and delivery to retain customers in the long run. Thus, under promise and over deliver is the best policy. Fourthly we have respect. For customer satisfaction it is very important to respect and appreciate them and uphold their point of view. Hence these basic rules should be followed by any business house. Read more at :http://managementhelp.org/blogs/customer-service/2010/04/12/customer-service-basics/  

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