
SigmaWay Blog

SigmaWay Blog tries to aggregate original and third party content for the site users. It caters to articles on Process Improvement, Lean Six Sigma, Analytics, Market Intelligence, Training ,IT Services and industries which SigmaWay caters to

Is Viv to beat Siri?

Creators of Siri (the most popular A.I tool that serves as a personal assistant which can answer your questions, write your mails and plan your schedule), presented its sibling Viv. The creators claim that Viv will be a complete game changer in the field of artificial intelligence. But it has a long journey to cover. It must be integrated with smart phones and other smart devices. Read the complete article here: http://www.computerworld.in/news/new-siri-sibling-viv-may-be-next-step-ai-evolution

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Reasons to become data scientist

Data Scientist has been coined as the hottest job for the year 2016 by many leading platforms. But should it be the only reason to choose data science as a profession. Not at all. So here are some more reasons that can help you. The starting salaries are on the rise, you will earn more, PhDs are no more essential. There are enormous opportunities in various industries including finance, healthcare, and transportation. You get a chance to make a difference. Read the complete article here: :http://www.itworld.com/article/3063499/5-more-reasons-to-be-a-data-scientist.html

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Reasons to invest in CRM

CRM has been there for years but still people wonder what is it or whether to invest in CRM or not. Well CRM is solution based software which aims to provide best service to customer while building a successful enterprise. Still wondering about CRM? Check out these reasons for investing in Customer Relationship Management Software:

·         Better Customer Relationships

·         Improve Marketing Stratesgies

·         Streamline Operations

·         Save Time and Money

·         Flexible Solutions

·         Grow Your Business

·         Increase Sales


Read the complete article here: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/7-reasons-why-you-should-invest-in-crm-software-73050

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CRM and Success

Every business wants to flourish and stay ahead of the competition. This why they are so keen to develop ways to increase their efficiency. Well CRM or Customer Relationship Management tool does is one way to achieve the same. CRM is solution based software that enhances the relationship between customers and employees. Its power comes from its knowledge base about the customers of the company.  It constantly gathers and interprets customer data and give insights into how serve them best. Read the complete article here: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/crm-for-success-73151

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Using CRM to maximize local marketing

Customers are the key to any business success. The more customers you have, the more revenue you generate. But the customers don't come on their own. They get attracted by an advertisement. The company targets them with marketing strategies. All the local marketing techniques like flyers and direct mail are still used. But since marketing is an enormous activity and has funds associated with it, we must track and analyze to its optimum level. Hence CRM comes to the rescue. They are - Use CRM to bring Analytics to Paper Marketing; to Automate Communications and Improve Response Time; to bring Social to a Local Business; to motivate the sales team. Read the complete article here: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/how-crm-software-can-maximize-your-local-marketing-73152

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CRM blunders to avoid

CRM or Customer Relationship Management industry is growing day by day which expected evaluation of $36.5 billion by 2017. More and more companies are using CRMs to harvest their data and increase their profits. Despite the growth, still some people make mistakes which cost them a fortune. So here are three blunders to avoid –

·         Ignoring Social Media Integration

·         Forgetting Mobile

·         Annoying Customers with Too Much Marketing Material


Read the complete article here: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/3-crm-blunders-you-need-to-avoid-73160

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Factors to consider while choosing CRM for your business

CRM or Customer Relationship Management System helps companies in building a healthy relationship with their clients. It increases company's productivity and profitability. Having the right set of technology not only benefits your business, but also smooth your relationship with your client. So these are few factors which must be kept in mind while looking for a customer Relationship Management system for your company- Focus, Host Infrastructure, Functionality, Your budget and Deployment. Read the complete article here: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/5-factors-to-consider-when-selecting-the-right-crm-solution-for-your-business-73169

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CRM can lead to happy employees

A successful business is no more only based on hard work but various other factors. One of them is the happy and satisfied employees. And the customer relationship management tool (CRM) can also improve employee's happiness. Well, happy employees are the productive employees. Employee with high job satisfaction and happy with his working environment will be more productive than the unhappy one. Reasons why CRM improves employee happiness: Reduced Stress through Up-to-Date Info; Collaborative Work Increases Happiness; Removal of Tedious Tasks; Out-of-Office CRM Access. Read the complete article here: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/how-crm-technology-makes-for-happier-employees-73170

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New Social Marketing Tactics for Content Distribution

Nowadays, content distribution is important for any business. Ashley Taylor Anderson (Director of Content), writes about some social marketing tactics for content distribution. These tactics are - 1. Post multiple times on your own social channels, 2. Include a click-to-tweet in your content, 3. Share content with mentioned or quoted people in your piece, 4. Repost on social syndicates like Medium and Pulse, and 5. Post to social forums and communities. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-networks/5-social-marketing-tactics-content-distribution

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Tips to optimize conversation rate

Isabella Andersen (Content Writer), writes about some tips to optimize your website for conversions. But, before that we must know the definition of conversion rate. Conversion rate is the percentage of website visitors who take a specific action, usually responding to your call to action (form fill, phone call, driving directions, purchase, etc.). The tips on how to improve your conversion rate are - 1. Have a strategy and a goal before you start building a page, 2. A/B test everything, 3. Optimize for mobile. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/technology-data/5-tips-optimizing-your-website-conversions

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When scrum goes old

When scrum is new, everybody seems to enjoy it but after repeated routine of sprints, planning, and daily reviews it becomes in interesting and old. There are some early signs or indicators which can prevent this kind of situation:

1.       Repeated

2.       Unresolved issues in retrospectives

3.       Stories are not demonstrable;

4.       Unfinished stories are split and carried over the next sprint

5.       During sprint planning, tasks are assigned to team members

6.       Team members are not 100% on the project or are withdrawn from the project.

Read the complete article here: https://www.scrumalliance.org/community/articles/2016/may/when-scrum-becomes-stale-the-team-under-performs

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Top 3 takeaways from scrum

Scum experts who have been working on scrum for a long time have found out where the true power of scrum lies. It lies in these 3 main things: Transparency: Scum enables the every team member to be involved in the project from starting, unlike other design models like a waterfall. This helps to keep the development of process and product transparent; Self- organization: Self organizing teams fives freedom and power to innovate; Trust: It is the most important and crucial factor. Trust between teammates that they are loyal to the product. Read the complete article here: https://www.scrumalliance.org/community/articles/2016/may/the-power-of-scrum

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Contracts in a scrum team

Many developers think that contracts are the concerns of only sales people and executives. But this is not the case.  Even a scrum team works under contracts. Contracts like DoR( Definition of Ready) and DoD (Definition of done) are the two contracts which every scrum team must have. DoR is an agreement between product owner and scrum team. DoD is a contract where the team must meet their requirements. It is also signed between PO and scrum team.  There can be many other contracts like Interteam contracts and organizational contracts. Read the complete article here: https://www.scrumalliance.org/community/articles/2016/may/contract-negotiations-in-a-scrum-team

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Effective social media marketing

Social media marketing is becoming important for modern business houses and it is about more than just setting up a profile page and posting the occasional update. The goal of the social media marketing is to build a bond with the audience, and to spread message through shares and reposts. Content is important but, the timing and frequency of posting matters a lot. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/social-media/update-social-media-infographic-01544177#xexbEW2s1LgAGWXm.97

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Ball runner: learning Agile through game

This game ball runner originated in London in September 2016. So what is it? It is a game where an individual is bombarded with balls and he/ she has to figure out what to do with them simultaneously. Some key takeaways from the game are: continuous improvement; self-organizing teams; challenge processes; theory of constraints; limiting WIP; Push vs. pull; Kanban. The game has a maximum of 20 players and minimum of 4. Read complete details here: https://www.scrumalliance.org/community/articles/2016/may/ball-runner-an-agile-game

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Signs to check whether your company’s security culture leaks consistency or not

Consistency plays a vital role in the company's culture. But lack of consistency can lead to harm in secured position. Some ways to improve culture lacking consistency are - talks not supported with supporting actions; people don't practice what they preach; change the quote from "we have to do something" to "we have to do the right thing"; have a consistently good team and train them well; prioritize the security of your customers. Read the complete article here: http://www.darkreading.com/operations/8-signs-your-security-culture-lacks-consistency-/a/d-id/1325286

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Startups must consider network monitoring

One thing that startups must take into consideration is network monitoring. Even IT startups have failed to implement it. It's understandable that startups are on a tight budget, but there is free network monitoring solutions available as well. Network monitoring plays a vital role in company's online presence. It can do lots more than just providing security solution. It can help with project management, tracking customer insights, and system maintenance and also plays a vital role in network security that helps in preventing unauthorized access. Read the complete article here: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/byod-cloud/why-startups-cant-afford-to-take-a-pass-on-network-monitoring-71598

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Big data’s role in marketing

Marketing dances the fine line between pure numbers and human touch. No business of a subdivision of business can run without data. Similarly, marketing have been embracing big data to meet their needs as well. Now marketers can successfully judge who is a loyal customer and who is not. Using big data marketers has successfully identified potential customers, their demographics and ways to retain them. They can identify what the customers want and need which the competing company fails to deliver. Analysis of results has also become easier. Read the full article here: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/hosting-facts/how-big-data-is-transforming-marketing-for-good-71635

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Importance of Web Design for Business

Who doesn't love a fancy website with nice animations and images? But one thing which must be kept in mind is that no matter how great landing page you create, until it has a small loading time, it will not help in the growth of your business. A fast and responsive website is the key to success. Avoid having a lot of images and animations on your website as it just slows down your website and will make it impossible for customers to access your complete website.  Choose your platform wisely according to the domain of your website. There are many platforms easily available over the web. One more thing to increase your business is to keep in mind that website should be accessible seamlessly between cross platforms. Read the complete article here: : http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/hosting-facts/web-design-will-be-an-important-step-for-your-business-to-bloom-72900

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Disaster management in IT

IT managers are concerned about the heat hazards inside a data center, but what about outside hazards? Climate trends are increasingly affecting the IT operations. Weather related disturbances lead to grid outages which affect its efficiency. The need for disaster recovery tools are raising. But it's not budget friendly to maintain two data centers. So people have shifted their focus to DRaaS i.e. Disaster Recovery as a Service. It leads to less infrastructure management. Read the complete article here:  http://www.computerworld.com/article/3048467/disaster-recovery/for-it-climate-change-means-preparing-for-disaster.html

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