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Big data, Analytics offers the hottest job

According to a report, analytics and big data are going to see most vigorous hiring. Established firms and startups are offering handsome income to talented data scientists. Analytics and big data sector have been on consistent growth over last five years and are expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate of (CAGR) of 33.2% and 26.4 % respectively. The demand for data professionals has increased. It has been predicted that in coming times data science is going to have most exciting jobs. Read the full article here: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/jobs/analytics-big-data-to-see-robust-hiring-high-pay-packets-report/articleshow/51105814.cms



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Where to look for a data center- a farm or a city?

Google, Amazon, and Apple all are tech giants. But apart from being this, they also have one more thing common and that is they all have their data center in rural areas. But this is more of an exception than a rule. Most data centers are located in or close to a city. These giants have done this due to the cheaper rate of lands available in rural areas. But these places lack good telecommunications and power infrastructure. Moreover, there are enough facilities to attract right human capital to such places. It’s better to have a data center in a city than a village. Read the complete article here:  http://www.cio.com/article/3036080/data-center/cities-not-cornfields-draw-data-centers.html

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Big Data helps in saving Health Care cost

In healthcare, information comes from multiple sources and it does exist in multiple forms like images, video, text, numerical data, multimedia, paper, electronic records or what not. These all are very important in the healthcare industry. Data mean the world to them.  So it is really necessary to have the right analytical tools to analyze such huge volumes of data. Moreover, jargons used in healthcare are often alien to patients or a layman. Inconsistent definitions, unstructured data is very hard to aggregate and maintain. Hence, if big data analytics used wisely can help save hundreds of billions every year. Read the complete article here: http://www.forbes.com/sites/sap/2016/02/22/can-big-data-analytics-save-billions-in-healthcare-costs/#4fdcfd7f6253

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Some habits for effective data analysis

Effective data analysis is learned overtime. It takes time, patience and effort. Here are few tips which can help to make the journey of learning smoother.


·         Use simple analysis terms and methods rather than complex algorithms. If your customer and engineers are not able to understand your analysis then all the effort goes in vain.

·         Look for multiple data sources. 

·         Use familiar tools rather than new tools. We should stay updated with the newest technology in market but avoid abundant use of fancy new tools which are difficult to understand. Stick to classics.

·          Provide your insights with the indicators.

·         Clean your data.  Structure it properly. Look for the center, unusual features, spread, and shape of the data. 

·         It is important to move in the right direction rather than spending too much time on definitive answer.

·          Value how actually software works rather than how you understand or think software works.



Read the full article here:  http://dataconomy.com/7-habits-of-highly-effective-data-analysis/

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How to make your employees more efficient

Employee's degrading productivity is an issue which is faced by many companies. You can't just fire your employees and hire another as it will cost you extra. Here are few interesting ways that can help you achieve the same: 

·         Reduce the level of strictness in office: Stop hovering over employees and monitoring them so closely that it becomes uncomfortable for them. Give them some space

·         Gamification: Design the tasks in the form of games where you present rewards on milestones. Humans being competitive in nature will work more efficiently with this framework

·         Monitor progress: They are many tools present in the market which can effectively track down the progress of your employees. Show them the results. Encourage them if they are lacking somewhere

·         Communicate with your employees: An effective communication can help tremendously in increasing the productivity of your employees. It can make them feel safe and it helps in creating a family-like environment.


Read the complete article here at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/marketing-strategies/4-interesting-ways-of-increasing-your-employees-productivity-71428

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Process manufacturing and ERP

Companies which have process manufacturing as an activity to do on their list, face potential challenges with ERP. Process manufacturers need highly customized ERP packages as every process has its own special features. If the ERP package that you choose doesn't have all the functionalities to handle your needs and wants, then it can result in an expensive customization which will result in a significant hike in your costs. Traceability is a very important aspect as well. Manufacturing ERP systems need to be robust for effective tracking. Documentation is another important factor which should be kept in mind. In addition to this, process manufacturing ERP must have features for quality assurance and quality management. Read the complete article at - http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/inside-erp/process-manufacturing-erp-71400

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Using new technologies to improve business

Staying up to date with technology is essential. It can determine the success and failure of the business. Technology plays an important role in following ways –

·         Online Presence: Starting or running a business is simply not possible today without an online presence. An effective digital marketing strategy can help immensely in increasing brand awareness.

·         Marketing Strategies: To land more people on your website, you will need content marketing techniques and email outreach campaigns. Moreover a good PPC campaign can help in targeting the right customers without spending too much on marketing.

·         Stay up to date with available technology: Always be equipped with the latest hardware and software in the market to increase your speed and productivity.

·         Stay up to date with software solutions: Solution like cloud computing will save your data online which can be accessed from anywhere at any time.


Read the complete article here: : http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/marketing-strategies/improve-your-business-by-adapting-to-modern-technologies-71423

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What speed is required for agile sprint to run smoothly?

There is a significant shift that has happened in companies from waterfall methodology to agile methodology. Story cards are developed and bundled in milestones. Milestones are great in measuring the progress and determining the scope of the project. Milestones need not to be always set in a fixed time manner like monthly or quarterly. Often gaps are created in milestones to do other projects. A rhythm that can be set up for every Monday is a good option because it will help in getting small incremental changes that will help implementation team. But some point of time weekly cycle appears to be very fast. It is very necessary to determine that what is really feasible to achieve for the team. Read the full article here: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/original-thinking/how-fast-does-your-agile-sprint-71351

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Does marketing tech fulfill their promise?

The goal of marketing technology is to deliver "the right message to the right customer or audience at the right time," says Jake Sorofman, research vice president at Gartner. Marketing technology has evolved into a combination of complex software and data. Tools which are used today with marketing technology also create new complexities and difficulties. It can't solve the ad- waste dilemma. This means that the marketing team wastes billions of dollars on digital ads that no one sees. Marketing tech can't tell about the impact an advertisement had about the brand to the viewer. Read the complete article here: http://www.cio.com/article/3024934/marketing/how-and-why-marketing-tech-fails-to-deliver-on-its-promise.html

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How ad tech and marketing tech are different from each other?

There is a lot of confusion building around marketing tech and ad tech. Are they same or different? There are minute differences between the two. Let's see what they are. Marketing technology comprises of tools that manage marketing processes, customer analytics, digital content and workflows. It covers all aspects of marketing, SEO, and even ad tech. It is basically the understanding the customer and optimizing data science around them. Programmatic buying and selling of advertisements are referred as ad tech. Both of these technologies also share many similarities. Read the complete article here:  http://www.itworld.com/article/3030325/marketing/what-the-hell-is-the-difference-between-ad-tech-and-marketing-tech.html

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Politics and data analytics

Some volunteers of a nonprofit volunteer outfit are going door to door in Odisha. They are collecting data about schools, health facilities, Panchayat, roads, etc. These data points are being analyzed by a not-for-profit development organization which will use this data and will draft a development plan for Member of Parliament. The idea is to filter the data into meaningful information which will help in reducing the gap between real needs and actions. Some big consultancies are also working together with politicians for the same purpose. Data analytics tools are used to determine demographic profiles and socioeconomic aims. Read the full article here: http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2016-02-02/news/70283182_1_data-analytics-tools-prime-minister-narendra-modi

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LiFi will revolutionize IoT and Big Data

Enormous demand of Wi-Fi has led to transmission of billions of bytes of data every day. Researchers have predicted that by 2019 mobile devices will exchange 35 quintillion bytes of information every month. This is just for mobile devices, just consider computers, IOT devices and you can get an idea how much data will be transferred. But our traditional Wi-Fi can't handle this entire load. So scientists have discovered a new technology known as LiFi. It uses light as a means of data transmission. Using LiFi we can send 224 gigabits per second. They can be also used in healthcare facilities. The idea that light can pass through walls can increase security because one has to be physically present in the room to access the data. Read the full article here: http://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2016/01/12/will-lifi-take-big-data-and-the-internet-of-things-to-a-new-level/#2bceb09c346f

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Management’s Top Issue: Big Data

Big data is in its adolescence. Companies have started to treat it as a corporate asset. The focus has been shifted to find those data initiatives that will have biggest and immediate effect. Companies are not looking for more data, but the right data. This helps in making better informed decisions. A correlation between good data policies and financial success is also observed. Big data is becoming less about volume and velocity, but more about value. As technology continues to improve, the "bigness" of big data is becoming a less important factor. Read the full article here: http://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2015/11/30/big-data-now-a-top-management-issue/#29598044794d


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Human Capital: the most underrated asset class

Investment consultants have been working for hours researching and investing in asset classes like stocks, real estate, commodities and bonds. But all these asset classes pale in comparison to human capital. Human capital is the present value of your future salary. It is the most valuable asset in young age. With a professional and desirable skill set, you will always get a fair salary no matter how much inflation, your country is suffering. Everything you do to increase your earning ability like getting a higher degree, taking certification courses, all comes under investing in human capital. Like any other capital, human capital has also risked associated with it like - death or disability risk; professional competency risk. Read the full article here: http://www.investopedia.com/articles/younginvestors/09/human-capital.asp




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Five tools that will make you secure online

People are actively looking for ways to increase their online privacy and security. So here are five tools to increase that will help you achieve the same.

1. Privacy Badger: It blocks all the tricky ads. It can be used as an extra level of security over common ad block sites.

 2. HTTPS Everywhere: This makes browsing more secure by encrypting communications provided that the sites you are opening have these additional capabilities.

3. Ublock Origin: It's a free and open source extension.

4. Purify Blocker: this application is made for iOS helps in browsing websites without ads and tracking. It will also lower the data usage and will improve speed.

5. Tor: It's a service that can encrypt web traffic and sends it across a series of relays to help maintain anonymity. It can be downloaded on laptop for Windows, Mac or Linux.


Read the full article here: http://www.forbes.com/sites/ygrauer/2015/10/13/five-tools-privacy-security/#5804444e537c



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Big data is good for database

Mention database and what all things will come to your mind? Data management, storage, tables, RDBMS… But this trend is changing. The reason for the change is big data. Data has become so big that conventional methods and tools are not enough to manage this data. So what to do? We need some database technologies which can deal with big data. Hadoop is the most popular technology which can tackle big data. It is a data-centric platform which is highly scalable and used to run applications in parallel. Another alternative to RDBMS is the use of NoSQL platforms like MongoDB. Read the full article here: http://www.infoworld.com/article/3003647/database/how-big-data-is-changing-the-database-landscape-for-good.html

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Moving to Windows Server 2012

The support for Windows server 2003 has been ceased so a shift to windows server 2012 is required. It is not only necessity, but good investment of time and finance as well. There are three main steps which are required to keep in mind to avoid any pitfalls in journey -

1.       Review and evaluate equipment: Servers running 2003 should be able to run 2012 but only if the hardware was already legacy equipped at the time of server 2003 installation. Details need to be considered in depth.

2.       Check current server and hosting environment: Apart from calculating financial benefits of the shift, one must also reassess hosting environment to determine how much server population should remain in house.

3.       Plan for migrations of workloads: The major advantage of upgrading is ability to access the enhanced features present on windows server 2012 which will help one on enabling migration, consolidation and improvement of overall server operation


Read more at: http://www.itworld.com/native?prx_t=6gACAyjwFAPUsMA

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Necessity of offline modes along with online to increase sales

This is the era of e-commerce. Everything you desire is just a click away. People can shop, read reviews, compare prices of the products and take better-informed decisions sitting in their homes. Sounds like online shopping is a blessing. But then why retailers like Disney, Under Armour and Nike have said that they don’t focus on online sales anymore? Today, retailers are focused on creating a friendly customer experience that crosses channel borders. Leading brands understand that they need to be leaders in both online and offline means. The changes in marketing trend are due to things like artificial intelligence, 3D printing and advance analytics. Merging the two modes is the solution. So to attract more and more customers, we need their engagement in both online and offline modes which will eventually result in better sales. Read more here: http://www.computerworld.com/article/3024262/retail-it/for-retailers-e-commerce-alone-wont-make-the-sale.html

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What is Real Intelligence Threat Analysis?

There is a big gap between what attackers do and what preventions defenders do to prevent it. The general idea is to build bigger and better blacklists for all the threats known or calculated using better threat intelligence.  We always hunt for easy ways, trying to seek out automation of security infrastructure. But these won't' suffice. The reason is because all the defenses are static and accessible to all. All it takes a hacker is to write a script to bypass these security measures. So a possible solution might be RITA, which stands for Real Intelligence Threat Analysis. Its SANS's free new framework that will help in hunting attackers by extending the traditional signature analysis. Read more at: http://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities---threats/introducing-rita-for-real-intelligence-threat-analysis/a/d-id/1323244

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Big Data and Healthcare

In the Healthcare industry, what we really need? Better healthcare results to improve our lives. Healthcare industry generally takes decision using data- like case histories. Well the good news is, now we have lots and lots of data. This is the era of big data, where millions of bytes of data are generated every second. And the bad news is we can't keep up with this fast rate of generation of data. Big data is unstructured which makes it difficult to hunt down relevant helpful information. Using data science with health care we can predict epidemics, advance cures and can provide better, safer and more pleasant experience for patients. Read full article here - http://www.cio.com/article/3001216/analytics/4-big-reasons-why-healthcare-needs-data-science.html



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