
SigmaWay Blog

SigmaWay Blog tries to aggregate original and third party content for the site users. It caters to articles on Process Improvement, Lean Six Sigma, Analytics, Market Intelligence, Training ,IT Services and industries which SigmaWay caters to

Hi. This is Ritobrata Sarkar, a student of M.Sc Actuarial Economics at Madras School of Economics. Sports and writing are my fields of interest.

Optimizing Sites for Social Media Sharing

To optimize our sites for social media sharing, we have to ensure that the content is worth sharing. Showing off high number of social shares can impress the reader. We need to pick a service that fits our website's needs. Allowing integration of Facebook comments is much more user-friendly than creating an account and logging in just to comment. Enriching the content with a picture, title, and description becomes much more appealing to share. We also need to keep in mind the need for optimizing our social images for different social channels. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-networks/6-ways-optimize-your-site-social-media-sharin


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Tools to nail marketing through Instagram

Instagram is the online social hub for marketing strategies now and using some tools to enhance our content can go a long way in promoting a product better and attracting new customers. VSCO, Enlight, Font Candy, Boomerang, Layout, Crowdfire, Iconosquare, Later, Repost, Have2Have.They are some simple but must-have tools on Instagram to ensure the content and promotion of our business is top-class. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/instagram/10-terrific-instagram-tools-business-01588891#sG6ef97W2LxZGPvg.97


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How presentations can enhance brand reputation

Presentations through social media enhance brand reputation through meaningful narratives and personal interaction with customers and emotional bonds through stories can increase audience retention rates. An inspirational message, as well as open interaction with customers, can motivate the audiences. A detailed and informative presentation empowers audiences with the knowledge and the ability to adopt a new skill set, while prompting responsiveness can only reflect positively on the brand. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/branding/5-tips-enhance-companys-brand-reputation-presentations-01583005#c6Wy0WEydb01fwoI.97


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Finding new jobs is now much easier online

Social media is a crucial tool to promote personal brands in today's marketplace to reflect a strong skillset online to be considered a top candidate. Creating and sharing insightful, industry-specific content on social media is much more useful now than having a resume as writing is still considered to be a valuable skill while reading articles on the industry can vastly expand knowledge. Clearly defining one's position in the marketplace is crucial. Focusing on only 2-3 social channels, befriending other professionals and repurposing content strategically are cornerstones of promoting personal brands online today. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-business/how-elevate-your-personal-brand-using-social-media


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Keep Creating Content!

Generating new content after a point of time can be a difficult task for content creators as ranking, readers and profits all start declining eventually. Some easy methods to find awesome topics and titles for content strategy are using a keyword tool such as SEMrush that allows us to see the most popular keywords for our country, tools like Buzzsumo that shows how popular certain keywords are, taking a look at a direct/indirect competitor's content, brainstorming with other team members for new topic ideas and searching forums to find out the needs of potential customers. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/marketing/5-ways-find-great-content-topics-and-titles


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Social Media Made Easy

Currently, LinkedIn is the most professional business-to-business themed marketplace on the planet. There are some tools which can help in attracting more clients and generating more business on LinkedIn like Rapportive which finds and invites LinkedIn contacts through Gmail, LinkedIn Connection Revealer which shows exactly many total connections everyone in your network has and Headlinr which is a headline writing tool to generate creative, proven headlines for each topic. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-networks/3-must-have-tools-attract-more-clients-linkedin


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Cybrcrime Out!

To counter the rising rate of cybercrime in the Internet today, some simple measures can be adopted like anti-virus/spy software, VPN- services, password generators, 2-step authentication, restricting and blocking apps, correct privacy settings and most importantly, being aware of cybercrime and not trusting any suspicious links and contacts. Read more at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/technology-data/8-tips-help-secure-your-accounts-against-cybercrime


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How nonprofits can use social media to reach their full potential

Social media is an important tool for nonprofits to tell their story, interact with supporters, reach their audience, and ultimately, to get results. Nonprofits can enhance their goals through social media by some simple steps such as choosing the correct audience based on a combination of demographic data and information about individual members, choosing the right networks where their target audience is more active and developing a balanced strategy of the content that is most appealing to their audience and encourage them to participate in their cause. Read more at:  http://www.socialmediatoday.com/marketing/3-ways-nonprofits-can-use-social-media-best-advantage


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Technology Revamped at Euro 2016

UEFA officials have adopted five new technologies for the on-going Euro 2016 namely: 1) The Adidas Beau Jeu Official Match Ball 2) Anti-Drone Technology 3) Goal-Line Technology 4) Live Streaming In Virtual Reality 5) Wearable Tech on the Players. These new technologies promise to improve the in-game and viewership experience for the globally-viewed football tournament. Read more at: http://www.gizmodo.in/indiamodo/5-New-Technologies-To-Watch-Out-For-In-The-Euro-2016/articleshow/52692213.cms


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360-degree photos set to revolutionize Facebook

Users can now view and upload 360-degree pictures on Facebook and view 360 photos in the news feed from public figures, publishers, and other organizations, apart from those of friends and family. 360 pictures can be directly uploaded on Facebook and users will be able to identify them via the compass icon on the upper right hand corner of the image.Read more at: http://www.business-standard.com/article/news-ians/facebook-introduces-360-degree-photos-116061000291_1.html


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Changing Landscape of Data Analytics

While developing data strategies in the future, organizations must consider these new emerging trends: 1) Data's center of gravity is moving more to the cloud day by day, which means one should be looking to keep all their data tools for processing to analytics in the cloud. 2) Hybrid data technologies are critical to the cloud system and hybrid data systems like SQL Server, MySQL, etc. is predicted to become the norm by 2018. 3) With new tools for data analysis being innovated, businesses need to connect to many data sources that span across databases, Hadoop ecosystems, and web applications. Read more at: http://data-informed.com/how-to-capitalize-on-the-data-landscape-of-tomorrow/


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How online marketing is changing

The landscape of online marketing is changing. It is found that that there are 3 billion people use their computers to access information, videos, movies, books, and other data files and there are ample reasons why online entrepreneurs should support themselves for the future online changes. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/infographics/10-digital-marketing-experts-shed-light-top-industry-trends-2016-infographic-01563498#uv5K8IIZqbOjPMKp.97


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Why customer experience is important

Customer experience is important as it influences the buyer's choice. In a research, it was found that for 80% of B2B buyers surveyed, customer experience counted as the most important reason why they chose to work with a specific provider over another. In other words, approximately 80% of marketing and sales investments are going towards 20% of the buying decision. Read more about the right approach of buying decision at: http://www.business2community.com/customer-experience/use-buyer-persona-research-improve-b2b-customer-experience-01564449#PfeXePgSvKqMbuh0.97


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Marea- The fastest undersea cable announced

Microsoft and Facebook are teaming up to build the undersea cable “Marea” that will link Viriginia Beach to Bilbao, a stretch of 6600 km, with an estimated data capacity of 20TB/s. “Marea” will be cloud-driven to ensure reliable connections for Microsoft cloud services and high speed. Its completion is expected to be by October 2017. Read more at: http://www.extremetech.com/internet/229287-microsoft-facebook-team-up-to-construct-worlds-fastest-transatlantic-cable


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Ready for "Android N"?

The unnamed “Android N”, which is expected to be available this summer, is still in the development process, but we have got a clearer idea about its features, such as multi-window mode, fast app switching, an improved overview, better notifications, improved quick settings, improved system settings, a customizable share menu, data-saving support. Besides these modifications, better performance, battery-life, etc. are also being worked upon. Read more at: http://www.computerworld.com/article/3075367/android/hands-on-whats-new-and-noteworthy-with-android-n.html


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It's Merging Time!

The financial year 2016-17 is predicted to be the year of acquisitions in the startup industries, with the number of acquisitions and mergers by bigger companies forecasted to surpass previous years' figures. Large companies such as Flipkart and Snapdeal are looking to make strategic purchases to consolidate cap tables and minimize competition. Read more at: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/tech/tech-news/FY-2016-17-to-be-the-year-of-acquisitions-in-startup-industry-Analysts/articleshow/52444353.cms


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Popularity of android technology is growing

According to Gartner's latest report on global smartphone sales of Q1 2016, the sales of the major North American companies have taken quite a hit. Apple and Samsung held on to the top two spots with 14.8% and 23.2% of the market respectively. While Huawei and Oppo were the big winners this past year, Lenovo fell off the map entirely. The ambitious projects of Microsoft and BlackBerry, though, have simply not worked, with them holding 0.7% and 0.2% of the market, and it looks extremely unlikely for them to compete with the Android market and neither company seem particularly keen to try developing their own brands with the collapsing market shares. Read more at: http://www.extremetech.com/electronics/229092-latest-smartphone-sales-data-is-grim-news-for-windows-phone


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