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Big data storage to implementation: monstrous work yet to be done

Big data storage is not a tough task to current organizational context. There could be n number of big data on different aspects of a company, but storing will not serve the purpose. Analysis and implementation are the most necessary part in any business. So that means it requires specialized personnel and a processing tools and techniques which can leverage these data into predictive modelling. But in the current context only 23% of total industrial scenario can have that resource to successfully implement. Most of the cases the organizational legacy system takes too long, time to process these data and becomes non contextual in the business sector.

To read, follow: http://www.cio.com/article/3075423/it-strategy/it-wants-but-struggles-to-operationalize-big-data.html


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Data insecurity and loop holes

Social presence and cyber security issues have a deeper correlation regarding security breaching. Even a normal post can harm any damage by sending a phishing mail. You can be at home, work, on your phone, with a tablet or on a public computer or borrowed device. Your phone, which doubles as a virtual office, is the easiest channel for data to leak out. Data leaks can happen in a harmless post about relocating for work when that news is still confidential to your company. It can happen if you hit "paste" with text from a work-related email in your clipboard and post it into the wrong window on your screen and it can also happen if your smartphone auto-corrects something you spelled wrong in a social media post to some project code name that you just used in an email. So an unimportant activity can create a huge impact.

To read, follow: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/272459


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Data mining demands more skilled personnel

Any organization is hugely dependent on data. Either these data are raw in nature or coders has full authority to cluster and filter them. But the process of critical analysis of such data is not simple. So highly skilled data scientists are required, but unfortunately these job demands high specialization and its platform is not yet developed.

Read more at: http://www.pcworld.com/article/3067957/how-the-skills-shortage-is-transforming-big-data.html




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Cyber security investment is gaining importance

The cyber security budget has increased in the last two quarters in a massive way due to new internet of things threat in the cyber space. A research says that in 2015, investments in cyber security, increased by 78% and valued $228 million. It is suspected that it might reach $400 million at the end of 2016. But why such huge investment? The answer remains in our day to day life schedule. From residential information to car insurance details, every part of our life and economy is data driven and highly networked in cyber space. Earlier the hackers have a mentality to breach the confidentiality in the social space or E wallet arena. But now they are targeting more mainstream and essential services. This breaching of firewall could harm us in the daily life situation. So to protect this condition, huge investments are mandatory which will lead generating more revenue for security startups.

To read, follow: http://readwrite.com/2016/05/19/cybersecurity-investment-iot-sl4/


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Tit bits of digital marketing

Tit bits of digital marketing

Digital marketing is the most essential parameters to grow your business. But the strategies have to be taken to optimize the revenue model by this marketing technique. Most customers used to buy products online and helps to grow the business. So your presence in social platform is highly important, but at the same time social campaigning is also playing a crucial role. To design a proper landing page, create it interesting by providing important data and specific search items. To maximize the brand reach to the customer keep up to date your website and make it more relevant on the timeline, start by searching related topics in your industry which you think people will find interesting. Use search tools like Google Trends and Google AutoComplete to make your job easier and in the final phase understand the progress of your marketing process.

To read, follow: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/5-digital-marketing-tips-_b_10049392.html?section=india


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Social media touch points to gain supernatural growth in business.

Social media touch points to gain supernatural growth in business.

Social media presence escalades the business scenario of the company. Before you publicize your business, you should know few touch points in social media marketing. You should take a close look on your regular followers and try to understand their perception regarding your business. Encourage your customers to join your social campaigning. Make a deep search of relevant and influential people who can boost your business via social platform. Sometimes post something new and fun without the use of social sync tools and auto-follow apps. Post interesting and unique things in the social wall to get popularity. Don't limit your business profiles to only the most popular social media sites-like Facebook and Twitter. With the exception of your time, small business social media marketing is free so take advantage of the many social networking sites out there.

To read, follow: http://www.smallbusinesscomputing.com/emarketing/9-easy-social-media-marketing-tips-and-tools.html


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Difference Between CRM and BI Platforms

Difference Between CRM and BI Platforms

Nowadays, organizations are gathering data by integrating Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools with business intelligence (BI) platforms. The difference between CRM and BI is that CRM is a customer database to store information on interactions and sales history while BI provides strategic solutions for overall business functioning, and not just customer sales. But, now the question is how to integrate CRM and BI platforms. Annie Bustos (a valued contributor to Business 2 Community) writes in this article link about some best practices to ensure a smooth integration between these two powerful tools. They are: Understand what you are looking for, populate CRM with good data, create a real-time transfer of data, refine customer segmentations, leverage the data for testing and always ask for help.  

Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/business-intelligence/6-tips-integrating-business-intelligence-solutions-crm-01541585#yZlXhSkAZwpT5ewK.97


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You need be “Agile” to enhance passenger safety in air

Agile is one of the most trending topic in organizational section. Agile project management mostly covers process development, value enhancement and to facilitate a process team engagement is in focus point. But do we ever imagine that one day Transportation Security Administration will follow agile waterfall process to identify the possible threats and nullify them through an automated process governed by agile methodology. With emerging and advancing threats to airport and aviation security, TSA identified the imperative to bring in an "application development team" to move Secure Flight toward a more agile development cycle. Not only that TSA is deploying identity-matching system it uses to crosscheck passengers with government watch lists for suspected terrorists or other possible threats to aviation prior to their boarding an aircraft. TSA is currently focusing on faster development cycles, enhanced name matching, improved reporting and data analytics, automated and consistent system builds and cloud infrastructure.

To read follow: http://fedscoop.com/tsa-eyes-agile-flight-screening-it



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Grow your business online

A decade ago Google is the only platform predominantly present in the digital media section. It was the only online business development platform. Later on Facebook developed their simpler interface and using their huge popularity and reach finally put a step on the market. Clara Shih, who founded an enterprise software company called Hearsay Social in 2009 and serves on the board of Starbucks, uses her book as a plea and a guide to help business executives and professionals become productively involved in their firm’s social business and digital strategy. She has eventually analysed all the red flags, opportunity and diversity in this digital media section and how online PR, social media and mobile messaging empowers every business enterprise. To know more about her entrepreneurial insight, follow: http://www.forbes.com/sites/kathleenchaykowski/2016/04/26/why-social-media-is-everyones-business-yours-included/#1bfc33753214


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Facebook is turning into open source company

Facebook is a company which is not exactly providing an open source software but delivering all those services in open source platform. According to the company they are believer in knowledge sharing and once they open their processes it will be good to design better model and more efficient perspective. Talented engineers will provide more and more inputs and it will make their recruitment process easier. Although the company is still not sharing any sensitive data, analytics processes and algorithms not because it will violate data security norms but it may create an integration problem as Facebook has a huge database. 12 years back Facebook started with an idea to use open source software to develop their own product and services and later they will make it available for open source development following the Google’s methodology.  

To read, follow: http://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthof/2016/04/15/inside-facebooks-open-source-machine/#269823766e99



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Let’s deploy hackers to secure our cyber space

Cyber security and hacking are two completely hostile terms. So if we can incorporate highly skilled hackers with the cyber security system, we can easily nullify future threats. Hackers are considered as taboos and most of the institutes are reluctant to give proper training on cyber security program. It is high time to deploy skilled people in this platform. IT professionals can’t just be re-branded as security professionals. Cyber security requires a trained mind-set, the ability to think about defense and offense. Not only that we need to develop our course dimensions and engage every resources to fight against up growing treats in cyber space.  


To read, follow: http://www.wsj.com/articles/hackers-can-be-our-cybersecurity-allies-1459115652


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NASA’s database is available for all

NASA is finally socializing themselves by providing an extensive access to their database. NASA dedicated a whole department to develop space technology for earth-borne purposes, and some of their projects were proven useful on Earth. Their 3D imaging and mapping system can be helpful to research on change in earth surface. From island forming due to volcanic eruption to finding the Zika virus carrier mosquitoes' tress, NASA's open source activity could play an important part. So one has to pay a little amount to access their database and get a handful of data from their server.

To read, follow: http://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/21765/20160508/nasa-technology-databases-now-available-to-public-domain.htm


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All About Cloud Security

Security is the biggest fear when it comes to storing data in any cloud based software. Security threats are always there in any online transactions. But, these threats always hold us back from new opportunities. It is found that implementing cloud-based software not only save time and money for businesses, but it also helps staff in order to develop new products and services and work towards business growth as cloud software is encrypted and password protected to ensure data security. It also provides a backup for important files and data that could become lost or corrupted should any damage to devices occur and cloud file storage can also be implemented in order to share and store documents within a business.

Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/cloud-computing/safe-sound-cloud-01547415#xwseISmoIe431UFw.97


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Cyber-attack is just getting into mainstream and targets are lifeline services

Cybercrime appears as more antithetical these days. Major infrastructure and all necessary services are the main target of hacktivists. Cyber-attacks are a strong alarm for all sophisticated and well digitized essential services. Experts say that other hackers could leverage some of the same tools and tactics used in the attack to target control systems for other critical infrastructure targets. The most alarming part is this potential cyber threat increased by 20% in only one year. Basically the systems connected to the internet are old and not well protected by firewalls. Hence such attacks are obvious.

To read, follow: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-new-front-in-cybersecurity-how-to-prevent-hackers-from-taking-down-critical-infrastructure-2016-4?IR=T


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Snapchat is the nascent hero in social marketing arena

Snapchat is a newly evolved relatively small social media platform with respect to Facebook and twitter. But it has almost 100 million users and growing at a fast pace. This social media app recently drawn mainstream consumer awareness, especially among people under the age of 35, by fusing its "disappearing" video with unique design, addictive content-delivery methods and a fresh twist on marketing. Snapchat provides a effective marketing process because its messages have some expiry date. So day to day update is the key priority and which will increase salience by launching new videos. Snapchat's community and user experience encourage in-the-moment content. Authenticity is key parameter here. 

To read, follow: http://www.cio.com/article/3043043/marketing/why-snapchat-is-the-next-big-thing-in-digital-marketing.html



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How email marketing is helping business

Email is the oldest form of communication and email marketing is the 2nd most effective ecommerce marketing channel. According to a research it is found that email marketing has the potential to produce really great results, with an average ROI of $44.25 for every $1 spent and companies using email to nurture leads generate 50% more sales-ready leads and at 33% lower cost. To know more about retail marketing emails,

follow: http://www.business2community.com/infographics/3-ways-optimize-retail-marketing-emails-infographic-01552288#YSHjrIqEHIYEM4q7.97


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From daily life to cyber security artificial intelligence is on the driving seat

Passwords are important, even though we give weak passwords in many cases. But, there are risks if we try to eliminate passwords by using biometrics or one-time passwords. According to author Tom Olzak (independent security researcher and an IT professional), it is better to use available tools to manage passwords and find a middle ground between passwords and other factors of authentication. In general, we rely on users to establish their own passwords and force them to create strong passwords. It is found that biometrics like finger, voice, and facial recognition tend to have their own challenges.

Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/adventuresinsecurity/practical-authentication-management-73187


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Digital marketing comes up with cutting edge technology

Digital marketing needs continuous update. To sustain in this market, you need to channelize your business in complete digitalization. The main thing is to create an impression by launching an audio visual in the social networking site. Follow buzz marketing techniques to make it viral. Live streaming is the best way to gain market importance. With the rise of relationship marketing, there will be a rise in the cost of digital marketing. Marketing automation and virtual reality are the key process to enhance digital marketing. Moreover location search is gaining popularity than online presence.

To read, follow: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/270259


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Six easy ways to master in Digital marketing

Digital marketing is becoming a popular trend nowadays. It not only provide us in depth knowledge of our customer needs, but also real time info graphics. So here are six easy way to understand how to capitalize digital marketing from blogger to marketers. 1. Identifying audience will allow you to target your marketing strategy directly to the people who are willing to commit to a purchase, sign up or contact you directly.

2. Understand the most important platform where can you find your customer in the social section. 

3. Convert a new customer to a loyal one by providing lots of offers and facilities for his/her first visit to your website

 4. Create a quality content and make it more relevant to your customer. It will eventually increase your SEO.

5. To facilitate a powerful presence in social sector or digital media you need a well-trained PR team 

6. The best thing about digital marketing is that you can take advantage of numerous online tools to get incredibly accurate data about the effects of your campaign. So always analyze.

To read, follow: https://tech.co/6-ways-improve-digital-marketing-strategy-2016-05



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Advancements in Robotics

Rapid development in robotics may lead automation in contact centers all over the world. Humans are still considered as the most critical part of good customer experience, but according to experts recent development in robotics will soon become enough smart to answer any type of analytical queries. But such automation process may not prove so effective in case of buying behavior of customers because that demands more grasp in communication skill and knowledge in language. A customer may prefer the ease, comfort and simplicity of technology which cannot be delivered by the robot, although they can be designed with millions of information and complicated critical reasoning skill. So there is a scope of continuous development by learning from mistakes and thus automated answering system can be efficient, fast and accurate to minimize customer complaints.

To read, follow: : http://www.forbes.com/sites/blakemorgan/2016/02/16/the-economist-predicts-robots-will-replace-contact-centers/#79b8d3f56834



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