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Cyber-attack may lead to potential air hijack

The aviation sector is continuously facing cyber-threat. Hackers are targeting crucial infrastructural units and necessity services. The most alarming issues are a flight is not safe from the hacker's hands even when it is in the air. A recent report says a hacktivist easily hacked the on air entertainment system of a flight when it was on air and also take a control of the flight, which causes deviation from the actual course of flight and compelled it to fly sideways. Therefore, many experts believe that to hijack an aircraft one may not need to board on it, he/she can remotely access the unsecured Wi-Fi of the aircraft and take control of the cockpit. This irregularity is happening because the aviation security and network access is weak and the firewall standards are age old & hack able. So the transport safety department should take care of these cyber-attacks in the aviation section.

To read, follow: http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2016/05/the_aviation_industry_is_starting_to_grapple_with_cybersecurity.html


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Predictive analytics to make better customer relationship

Predictive analytics is one of the most useful tools to analyze customer behavior on a particular product or services. This process helps identify customers’ needs and also chalk out a correlation matrix which helps to understand the additional demands. Companies monitor interactions of their clients to predict attrition. Negative consumer sentiment in social media, looking out for issues on the retailer's online knowledge base, and repeat calls to contact center may indicate attrition. It facilitates the next best interaction, monitor transaction details and analyze fraudulent activities. Neither business operations, nor business analytics have the complete information to make data-driven decisions, hence there exist a gap between customer needs and Delivery Company. To overcome this, customer centric ideas have to be taken in consideration. Businesses need a continuous and well-defined program to measure data quality. Establishing data quality standards and monitoring data quality quotient in real-time makes predictive analytics reliable.

To read, follow: http://www.cmswire.com/analytics/what-customer-centric-predictive-analytics-looks-like/



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Digital marketing: a new horizon on job market

Digital marketing is already skyrocketing worldwide. This up growing popularity in digital marketing is not only confided inside the business enterprise but also the job oriented learning process is also at a higher demand. Online certification training company Simplilearn has seen 7,000 people take its digital marketing course that was launched in 2014. Of that, 2,500 have come in just the past six months. Not only the online certification platforms but few business management courses including this digital marketing as one of their special papers. A Report says there will be 1.5 lakhs jobs opening between 2015 and 2016 and of this 55% of the demand comes just from the IT sector, while e-commerce and internet companies account for 10%. The ironical part is Indian market is only visualized a growth of 10%. Even large FMCG brands have joined e-commerce players in investing about 15-20% of their market budget towards the digital medium. Not only that these certification based learning process provides new entrepreneurs in this section and the figure is not very low, it’s around 25% of the total certified students on digital marketing.  


To read, follow: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/tech/tech-news/Digital-marketing-certifications-go-hot/articleshow/52069003.cms


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Business analytics: Challenges vs leveraging.

Business analytics: Challenges vs leveraging.

Business intelligence provides you a greater customer insight and predictability on a product life cycle. But such digitalization has also some disputes as well. Most people around the world are tech savvy and surfing for a new product with better features. Analytics is growing at a fast pace and is creating a backlog. Day to day new product launch is providing zero visibility on upcoming product life cycle. Removing backlogs to smart productivity as per customer's likability is the new trend of business analytics. So there are challenges like cost, security and infrastructure, availability of skilled professionals. So overcoming challenges in BI and complete leverage on it is the new mantra for business empowerment.

To read, follow: http://www.business-standard.com/article/management/the-challenges-of-business-intelligence-116041000615_1.html


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Android based cyber security mobile device: A Blackberry way

Android based cyber security mobile device: A Blackberry way

Last couple of years smartphone company Blackberry is facing serious financial degradation due to the presence of android device at cheaper price and with more features. After a huge loss in the smartphone market, Blackberry is trying to diversify their business into cyber security sections under the guidance of John Chen, Executive chairman and CEO of Blackberry. They acquired new companies for providing data security. These companies are providing data sharing security, Geo tagging and automated security alerts, tracking, auditing files inside or outside firewall.

To read, follow: http://www.forbes.com/sites/stevemorgan/2016/04/28/blackberrys-turnaround-ceo-dials-up-cybersecurity-and-it-answers/#515f874e6921


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Grow your analytics to grow business over online market

Grow your analytics to grow business over online market

Retailers and most of the brick and mortar shops store their customer's data to understand their buying and transaction behavior. Some obscure data point that may help them become more knowledgeable about their customers. However, hidden from these in-store shopper analytics are all of the transactions their customers make outside their stores with competitors. In recent past, there are many switching of preference to online one. But this up growing online marketing basically picking the flaws of customers' real time analysis in case of brick and mortar shops. So it's high time to either integrate or dig into flawless marketing analytics.

To read, follow: http://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesinsights/2016/04/27/the-hidden-danger-in-brick-and-mortar-customer-files-amazon-prime-members/#69beabd83681


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One click away to understand big data analytics

One click away to understand big data analytics

Big data analytics is becoming self-explanatory day by day to even a lame person who has lesser knowledge in statistics, analytics and data science. It is a positive sign with respect to current business purpose because we need real time analysis and that can be only possible if data interpretation and visualization becomes more feasible. There are different software like R, SAS and many other online service providers like google analytics, Piwik helps to create better data visualization and interpretation of customer and business data. Even our very own Microsoft excel has some in built data interpretation and visualization programs. But one program, called Quill, takes the trend a step further, producing text-based reports that explain the data clearly and concisely.  Think of it as an executive summary created by a computer to explain a set of data at the click of a button. So it’s time for personalize big data analytics.

to read, follow: http://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2016/04/27/will-we-soon-no-longer-need-data-scientists/#540a99bf55f3


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Google analytics providing us abundance of opportunity to grow a business

Google analytics providing us abundance of opportunity to grow a business

Analytics is gaining the highest popularity day by day in the business context. Reason is very simple. This provides a real time analysis of mind share and salience. Google is trying to venture in this section and finally it positioned themselves into this arena unlike other companies. Their model is mostly web specific because most companies are tracking their customers via web activities, no of hits, activity index and frequency. Not only that it helps to you understand social presence and real time web mining. For getting all these bunch of information you need to log in in google analytics. Such real time analysis not only provide you traffic notification but also provide user cookies which is closer to site relevance. Even they will provide detailed geographic, browsing info and language specific information which helps to u understand your customers need more specifically and accurately.  

To read, follow: http://www.business2community.com/business-intelligence/getting-started-setting-google-analytics-01519623#FEKZ3JA1kj8FBQ8H.97


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Mars mission and big data analytics.

Mars mission and big data analytics.

NASA is working on big data analytics to facilitate their mission mars more productive and informative. They are using big data analytics to understand the environment of the mars. That is they are using modern technology to collect and analyze environmental data and based on that it will give a predefined signal to the Curiosity rover currently operating in Mars. These data points help to generate a more specific road map for upcoming 2020 mars mission for NASA. One of The expert in NASA JPL laboratory says these huge analytic modelling defines an easier way to resolve the problem. 

To read, follow: http://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2016/04/14/amazing-big-data-at-nasa-real-time-analytics-150-million-miles-from-earth/#1cbda1b371dd



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Social media and induvial

Social media and induvial

Social media is providing endless opportunity to grow our popularity as individuals. But, for business enterprise the best thing is to divulge itself in social media networks. But social presence should have some purpose. We post a lot of daily stuffs in our social wall. In one way that is good because you are one step closer to your distant audiences. We often follow social platforms like twitter, Facebook to get more exposure to what is happening. Social platforms like YouTube, Pinterest provide extensive peripheral knowledge. So in one word these platforms, providing our enormous facility in the learning process, business expansion and lifestyle development, but there is a point when social media becomes an addiction. So, it is high time that we define our position in social media. 

to read, follow: http://www.irishexaminer.com/lifestyle/features/do-we-share-too-much-on-social-media-389859.html


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Cryptology: a new tool in cyber security

Cryptology: a new tool in cyber security

Cryptology plays a crucial role in cyber security. There could be use of sign language and different cypher code to encrypt the sensitive data. The decipher mechanism helps to decode the message. In ancient times, Julius Caesar used to send his secret messages to his army in cypher code. Later this process is followed by Germans during the Second World War. In modern organizational context, cyber security is the most important parameter. So, to protect organizational data they can adopt cryptology to encrypt their data and hide them from the normal visibility level. The reader can go through the article written by Mark Ward (Technology correspondent, BBC News) and understand more about cypher process and the levels of challenges at:



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It’s high time to make a cyber-security budget.

Cyber security is the biggest issue for the business enterprises who is in the field of networking and cyber space. But, problematic situation is arising where there is a mismatch of investment in cyber security than the growing threats in cyber space. This indicates that most of the organizations are either not aware about the upcoming threats or financially reluctant on investment. Security budget is not easy to predict and more skillful persons are required to predict the upcoming threats. 

To read, follow: http://www.computerweekly.com/news/4500279662/Cyber-security-budgets-not-rising-in-line-with-threats-say-security-pros

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Take a stand or get perished: cyber security mantra

Take a stand or get perished: cyber security mantra

Cyber-attack on Sony pictures in 2014 has clearly indicated that the hacktivists have enough technological supports to sabotage one of the most secured service section and business giants. The U.S government suspects that Chinese hackers are penetrating the government's Office of Personnel Management (OPM) last summer as it exposed almost 4 million Federal employee records, including social security numbers. These all instances which prove that these hacktivists are mostly concerned about the sensitive data. The Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Einstein system is used to find out who committed breaches. Deeper insight in cryptography is therefore required.

To read, follow: http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/225114-the-cybersecurity-threat-are-we-protected-yet



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Grass root inhibition policy to ensure greater cyber security

Grass root inhibition policy to ensure greater cyber security

Cyber-security is becoming the most trending topics in organizational context. So a proper understanding of cyber-security measures and preventive learning is necessary. Institutionalization of security methodology should be in the key priority. Some institutes provide a set of free hands-on, e-book lessons designed specifically for teens to learn cyber-security and critical Internet skills. This training enables the learners to challenge hacktivist with improvised measures and safe guard protocols. Some Cyber security company provides free five weeks training on how to secure online browsing. We need to list all possible threats and nullify by secure web browsing and cyber activity. In a research it was also found that there are one million cyber security jobs in 2016 which is growing at a rate of 36.5% through 2022. Read more at: 


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Artificial intelligence is the new trend in business.

Artificial intelligence is the new trend in business.

Artificial intelligence is the most powerful tool. It can be used in any industry.  A smartphone can act as a personal tutor i.e. artificial intelligence can not only be used to teach, but also get to understand learning style, strengths, and weaknesses. In the healthcare industry, AI helps a doctor or nurse to chat with the patients and recognize the symptoms at the tap of a button on your smartphone. In transportation system, AI is used to understand their customer's need and provide better service. As a whole AI is the next stage of human excellence.

To read, follow: http://www.businessinsider.in/The-cofounder-of-Uber-told-us-how-artificial-intelligence-could-revolutionize-the-world/articleshow/51434466.cms

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Artificial intelligence in the world of games

Artificial intelligence in the world of games

 Lee Sedol, The champion Go player, ranked 5th in the world, has beaten Google's AlphaGo artificial intelligence program in their fourth of five matches in Seoul, South Korea. AlphaGo is an ultra-complex abstract strategy game. This particular game requires a high level of human intuitions & higher perceptions and is slightly more difficult than chess. At the match when AlphaGo made a mistake, there was a question mark on its quick response ability.

Read more at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/parmyolson/2016/03/14/human-go-champion-beats-google-alphago-ai-fourth-match/#655b1699292e 


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Instagram: a new term of digital marketing.

Instagram: a new term of digital marketing.

Instagram is a social platform that offers a great opportunity for content marketers to increase their impact. Instagram has an engagement ratio that is eight times the average of the other four social platforms. Instagram continues to expand its ad platform. Recently, it was found that the growth in the number of brands posting video content on Instagram has outpaced growth in the number of brands posting photos (139% versus 91%). The average number of Instagram pictures posted per brand increased by 11%, while the average number of Instagram videos posted per brand grew 29%.

To read more, follow: http://www.business2community.com/instagram/4-instagram-tips-conquer-recent-shifts-digital-marketing-01459035#MFZ8abxaaPP5AZlf.97


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Digital marketing checklists

Digital marketing checklists

In today's world, digital marketing is important for any business. But there are some measure that can be taken to maximize your business. Some precautionary measures that can be taken are as follows. Identify target audience and segment your marketing techniques accordingly.

1.       Digital marketing relies on “tactics” and “techniques” rather than on strategies and goals.

2.       Mobile search optimization and web app development is the most important parameter.

3.       SEO is the key method of success but not everything

4.       Figure out what your audience wants, identify where they are, and adopt a strategy to reach them.

5.       Use all available social media platform to reach your customer.

6.       Keep a close look on your followers and pay attention to their demands and satisfaction.

7.       Content marketing should form the core of any digital marketing strategy and link building.

8.       Manage a proper funding for digital marketing and should evaluate the real time results.

To know more, read: http://www.forbes.com/sites/neilpatel/2016/03/10/12-things-not-to-do-when-using-digital-marketing-in-2016/#68f176633ac2

Cover image courtesy: www.brickwin.com

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Mobile marketing: some key points

Mobile marketing: some key points

Digital marketing needs continuous update. To sustain in this market, you need to channelize your business in complete digitalization. The main thing is to create an impression by launching an audio visual in the social networking site. Follow buzz marketing techniques to make it viral. Live streaming is the best way to gain market importance. With the rise of relationship marketing, there will be a rise in the cost of digital marketing. Marketing automation and virtual reality are the key process to enhance digital marketing. Moreover location search is gaining popularity than online presence.

To read, follow: http://www.forbes.com/sites/miketempleman/2016/03/08/your-guide-to-mobile-digital-marketing/#1de28212523c


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Statistics says it all: Booming Digital Era

Statistics says it all: Booming Digital Era

Statistics is everything now days. We believe in numbers not in assumption. How digital marketing is so relevant these days and why can be answered by all these seven key statistical figures.

1. According to “Brandlive”, 44% out of 200 executives use live video streaming activities to generate leads. 25% of them has evidenced a progress.

2. The social network said 3 million businesses have now advertised on its platform, up from 2.5 million just six months ago. A year ago, Facebook had 2 million advertisers.

3. Internet connectivity in the smart phone section has increased by 200% in one year

4. BuzzFeed chief Jonah Peretti said the viral site now has 6 billion monthly content views, up from 100 million in 2012.

5. E reader market is streamline with fast pace of growth and apple finally joined the social media arena to increase brand salience

6. Lead generation techniques via digital media increased by 61%.


This all figures shows we are venturing into digital era.

To read, follow: To read, follow: http://www.adweek.com/news/technology/9-interesting-digital-marketing-stats-past-week-169993



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